Use "pyrite" in a sentence

1. Ovamboite Briartite Germanite & Pyrite

2. Two types of alteration are developed in vicinity of quartz veins; i.e., sericite-quartz-pyrite and chlorite-epidote-pyrite-sericite alteration.

3. Skinnable alchemical ingredients are Pyrite and Ectoplasm.

4. Uents include Bastite, pyrite, mica (probably biotite), chlorite, and perhaps cliachite

5. Wall rock adjacent to the veins contains pyrrhotite, pyrite, and gold.

6. Favorite Add to Cubical pyrite in hand-hammered copper TheSpiritStoneSource

7. Most lapis lazuli also contains calcite (white), sodalite (blue), and pyrite (metallic yellow).

8. ‘Pseudomorphs of marcasite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, Arsenopyrite, pyrargyrite, magnetite, and quartz after pyrrhotite have been reported.’ More example sentences ‘Iron and copper sulfides of this region are predominately pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, Arsenopyrite, bornite, and marcasite.’

9. Fe-Cu sulfides in the veins were precipitated in two stages, early pyrite (PI) and chalcopyrite were altered to secondary chalcocite, bornite and digenite and a second generation of pyrite (PII and PIII).

10. The ore - hunting indicator is of calcite - potassium feldspar veins containing pyritohedron pyrite.

11. Fossil Brachiopod with Glittery Pyrite Devonian Sylvania Ohio OH COA 3681 Free Shipping PioneerFossils

12. Mineralization is comprised of strong quartz flooding accompanied by disseminated pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and visible gold.

13. Desiccation cracks and contracted pores of the primary coagulum are also remarkable in metacrysts of pyrite.

14. The influence of the addition of pyrite and mechanical activation on an oxidative decomposition of chalcopyrite was studied.

15. 10 Gold was also reported from minor quartz veins, with pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena, at Stronchullin in Strathclyde.

16. Favorite Add to Lot of Three Sharp Bright Brassy Pyrite Cube Crystal from Spain TheRussianStone

17. In the Carlin–type gold deposits, arsenian pyrite contains up to 0.37% gold by weight.

18. The composition of Ohio Concretions typically includes other miner-als like calcite, dolomite, silica and pyrite

19. The isotopic compositions of barite and pyrite reflect a deposit-wide thermal equilibration at 504 °C.

20. Mountain), Autunite (Mount Spokane), grossular garnet (Vesper Peak}, and pyrite (Spruce Peak) are by far the best in the nation

21. In hydrothermal deposits, Bornite usually is found in association with chalcopy-rite, pyrite, sphalerite, and fahlerz (gray copper ore)

22. On the 1500 level, significant widths of altered volcanic rocks containing sections of quartz veins and pyrite-arsenopyrite mineralization were encountered.

23. At the same time in the adjacent basin the stratiform pyrite-sphalerite-barite ore of Meggen is deposited.

24. Rockcloud 1 lb Natural Crystals Raw Rough Stones for Cabbing,Tumbling,Cutting,Lapidary,Polishing,Reiki Crytsal Healing,Iron Pyrite

25. Cryptocrystalline silica (opal) can precipitate in close proximity to pyrite, and is thought to be derived from weathering of layer aluminosilicate minerals

26. This basalt-driven geothermal system circulates evaporite-derived low total S brines that precipitate hematite–chalcopyrite–cobaltian pyrite–Allanitic epidote veins

27. Fractures filled with quartz, calcite, ankerite, white mica, chlorite, pyrite, and native gold cross-cut the stock and its aureole.

28. 5 out of 5 stars (2,732) $ 6.95 FREE shipping Favorite Add to Peacock Ore with Pyrite Specimen, Bornite, Healing Stone,Mexico KensKorner

29. These elements especially include arsenic, which is highly hazardous and is often contained in arsenic pyrite, a very frequent accompanying mineral.

30. Auriferous Arsenopyrite is the dominant ore mineral in the Ashanti mine and is accompanied by pyrite, pyrrhotite, and marcasite (Oberthür et al., 1997)

31. Tourmalinites composed of tourmaline, quartz, plagioclase, ± almandine-rich garnet, ± muscovite, ± biotite, and minor ilmenite, rutile, graphite,- ± pyrite and, rarely, scheelite are of pre- to synmetamorphic origin.

32. The most valuable ore deposits discovered contained Argentiferous galena carrying some gold, the associated vein minerals were quartz, calcite, zinc blende, pyrite, chalcopyrite, barite, pyrrhotite, and arsenopyrite

33. As many Au-bearing veins in eastern Shandong are very simple in mineralogy (mainly quartz and pyrite), it is difficult to reveal their zonation.

34. The Copperas solution was used in the leather tanning industry. Copperas works were where Copperas, Iron (II) sulphate, was produced from pyrite in coal and iron.

35. The medicine consists of old cucumber seed, hickory nut kernel, pyrite, infant urine and yellow wine and is prepared through heating, dipping in vinegar(, soaking and crushing.

36. Stage 1 minerals include iron-rich barroisite, epidote, chlorite, paragonite, phengite, albite, quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, pyrite and occur only as inclusions in the core of eclogite garnets.

37. Arsenopyrite (är'sĭnōpī`rīt, ärsĕn`ō–) or mispickel (mĭs`pĭkəl), silver-white to steel-gray mineral with the metallic luster characteristic of a pyrite pyrite or iron pyrites, pale brass-yellow mineral, the bisulfide of iron, FeS 2.It occurs most commonly in crystals (belonging to the isometric system and usually in the form of cubes and pyritohedrons) but is also found in massive

38. Acid mine waters (pH 3–5) at the closed Wangaloa coal mine have resulted from surface runoff and groundwater seepage in contact with pyrite-bearing waste rock piles.

39. Naartok’s mineralization is hosted by a west-trending, steeply north-dipping alteration zone (dolomite-sericite-silica-albite) of disseminated, stockwork, and breccia-style gold-pyrite mineralization within mafic volcanic rocks.

40. The most common crystal used is a small piece of galena; pyrite was also often used, as it was a more easily adjusted and stable mineral, and quite sufficient for urban signal strengths.

41. They contain combinations of magnetite, clinopyroxene, blue–green hornblende, titanite, apatite, fluorite, quartz, biotite, andradite, epidote, albite, hematite, sulfides (chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, sphalerite), ilmenite, allanite, and other REE-bearing minerals.

42. In addition, a slag might be identified as the residue of a smelting process that failed in which in the preparation of the ore pyrite might have been mistaken for chalcopyrite.

43. The copper sulphides (chalcocite, bornite with accessory chalcopyrite and pyrite) and associated minerals (chlorites, sericite, albite, epidote, quartz) crystallized during the cooling of the ignimbrite and were included in pyromeride textures.

44. Bioleaching, given access to a ready supply of iron, either internally generated or through the addition of pyrite from external tailings, can handle much higher levels of arsenic for neutralization

45. 18 In this paper, the arsenopyrite and pyrite which enclave gold in arsenical refractory gold concentrate are leached by sodium dichromate in acidic medium. The dearsenication of this method is over 95%.

46. The ore also contains minor amounts of galena (PbS), pyrite (FeS 2), the renierite (Cu 3 (Zn,Fe,Ge)S,As) 4), Briartite (Cu 5,(Zn,Fe)GeS 4), and gallite (CuGaS 2)

47. This early advanced argillic alteration is followed by Brecciation and a second stage of advanced argillic alteration and mineralization comprised of alunite-pyrite-enargite (APE) that forms a zone nearly coincident with the earlier zone.

48. Arsenopyrite is separated from a mixture with pyrite by contacting the mixture with a sulfitic agent providing HSO3- ions at elevated temperature and pH below about 8 for a period sufficient to impart a selective depression property to the Arsenopyrite

49. Description: The Chokier Formation is composed of calcareous shales, pyrite-rich Aluniferous shales (‘ampelites’) and silicites (‘cherts’ or ‘phtanites’), with a rich marine fauna, devoid of coal seams or rootlet beds with the exception of the Bois-et-Borsu Member

50. Arsenopyrite is separated from a mixture with pyrite by contacting the mixture with a sulfitic agent providing HSO 3 - ions at elevated temperature and pH below about 8 for a period sufficient to impart a selective depression property to the Arsenopyrite

51. The principal copper deposits associated with Upper Creataceous — Laramian calc-alkaline volcano-plutonic complexes in the Bor district are classified as follows: Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits are situated in andesitic volcanics, and are composed of pyrite and copper sulphides.

52. Essential minerals - these are minerals that are required within the classification of this rock: Ankerite: Ca(Fe 2+,Mg)(CO 3) 2: Pyrite: FeS 2: Sericite: KAl 2 (AlSi 3 O 10)(OH) 2: Silica > Quartz: SiO 2: References for BeresiteHide

53. Description: The Chokier Formation is composed of calcareous shales, pyrite-rich Aluniferous shales (‘ampelites’) and silicites (‘cherts’ or ‘phtanites’), with a rich marine fauna, devoid of coal seams or rootlet beds with the exception of the Bois-et-Borsu Member (‘Shales with …

54. Agaphite Vitreous variety of Persian turquoise Agstein Jet Alabaster, Oriental Calcite onyx Alalite Diopside Alaska black diamond Hematite Alaska jade Pectolite Alexandnte Sapphire Corundum Almandine spine! Natural violet spine! Almandite Synthetic spine! Almaschite Romanian amber Alomite Sodalite Alpine diamond Pyrite Alshedite Sphene or Titanite

55. The mineral assemblages are dominated by muscovite (25–45%), chlorite (15–25%), quartz (18–30%) and albite (2–6%) while hematite, dolomite, pyrite, apatite, ore, zircon, rutile and amorphous carbon are accessory, but in some rocks hematite (11%), dolomite (42%) and talc (40%) are also dominant.

56. Sulfur isotope abundance data for minerals of the historically important alunite deposits of the Tolfa district indicate (1) compositional similarity between sulfates and sulfides (mean δS34 values of +5.54 and +6.34 permil respectively), (2) negligible fractionation factors (0.995 to 1.004) for sulfate-sulfide mineral pairs, (3) two distinct sulfide isotopic populations characterized by pyrite (+8.34 permil) and marcasite (−1.05 permil) and with associated alunite displaying a covariant isotopic shift, and (4) possible contamination of the hydrothermal system by evaporite sulfate (+25.1 permil) because hypogene pyrite, galena, and cinnabar are enriched in S34 (+6.1 to +10.3 permil).

57. ‘The hydrocarbon migration history of the basin has important implications for understanding the textural relationship between gold, Bituminized oil and uraninite in the giant gold-uranium-pyrite ore deposits.’ ‘With the road to Cape Tribulation now bituminised, settlement of the privately owned allotments within the Daintree is

58. Two significant alteration assemblages are amphibole (actinolite) + epidote + chlorite + quartz ± albite ± K-feldspar ± calcite adjacent to Cu-rich veins in the Deep Copper Zone of Strathcona mine and the nearby Barnet property, and amphibole (actinolite to ferro-actinolite) + epidote + titanite + pentlandite + pyrite ±quartz ± magnetite in the Fraser mine Epidote Zone.

59. Detailed rock magnetic and electron microscopy analyses indicate that Authigenic greigite (Fe 3 S 4) is the major magnetic component in an almost 4‐m‐thick interval that was deposited during the late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, while pyrite (FeS 2) is enriched in the underlying middle MIS 3 sediments

60. Small (up to 1 m wide, 15 m long and 1.5-2 m high) cave structures with speleothem precipitates, such as Botryoidal calcite, spar calcite, barite crystal aggregates and pyrite, are mostly found in the central and southern part of the quarry in the sub-vertical contact zones between limestone and dolomite bodies.

61. The Assemblage present included quartz, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, magnetite, and hematite.: These soils have a typical, immature tropical soil mineral Assemblage dominated by kaolin, quartz and goethite.: This Assemblage is interpreted as the accretionary prism of an active continental margin.: The cool-water Assemblage was dominated by another species, which rejoiced in the glorious