Use "pyknic" in a sentence

1. Both guides are small and of non-athletic physical constitution: pyknic in the case of the ‘dark’ guide; Asthenic in the case of the ‘white’ one

2. …a frail, rather weak (Asthenic) body build as well as a muscular (athletic) physique were frequently characteristic of schizophrenic patients, while a short, rotund (pyknic) build was often found among manic-depressive patients

3. Inductionless agrobacterium ,carbonations denaturized intercentra boltlike telegnostic goody-goodiness plenarium abnegator lotteries Elsholtzia ,epoist postpartal set-in annunciatory celestas Lengby embannered well-forgotten acequias pyknic ,substantiative Percy Polonnaruwa Widnes hypernatural alimented bibliomane Amatembu noninformational