Use "put forth" in a sentence

1. Trees put forth buds and leaves in spring.

2. Verb (used without object) to put forth Branches; …

3. Janabi investigated the arguments put forth by evolutionists.

4. The scientist put forth the new theory of evolution.

5. The motion stuck as soon as it was put forth.

6. Although Aristarchus put forth an appealing hypothesis and nothing more.

7. Put forth some ideas as to what might be helpful.

8. It was put forth that the king was only slightly ill.

9. How much effort will you put forth to study God’s Word?

10. The evidence put forth at the court Appalled most of the jury

11. What other organization would put forth so much effort to give training?”

12. The ship put forth on the voyage after the storm had passed.

13. Colonial officials put forth two related explanations for the prevalence of perjury.

14. This scientist has put forth a new theory in his research field.

15. Newsletters are designed to put forth the vision of the school and systems.

16. Arguments were put forth for changing some of the rules of the game.

17. Why should you be willing to put forth any effort to please Jehovah?

18. 16 To fare well spiritually, each Christian had to put forth personal effort.

19. Why does Jehovah expect us to put forth effort to overcome our weaknesses?

20. Well-meaning government officials and help organizations have certainly put forth proposals for change.

21. (9) What extraordinary effort do many Witnesses put forth to attend conventions, and why?

22. More than a few people have put forth great effort to learn the truth.

23. Of course, experts have put forth a confusing array of treatments for eating disorders.

24. We must also be industrious and put forth diligent effort to meet the requirements.

25. “Jeff put forth an effort to listen to me and understand me,” Susan says.

26. And now agnosticism is often put forth as a middle ground between theism and atheism.

27. And by all means let us put forth earnest effort to supply to our faith virtue.

28. 1 Loving parents put forth much effort each day to provide good food for their children.

29. Are you ready to put forth the required time and effort to build a successful business ?

30. Communism was first put forth by the German philosopher, Karl Max, and his associate, Friedrich Engels

31. In their races . . . they strove, or agonized, or put forth all their powers to gain the victory.”

32. Put forth an effort to understand what each word means in the setting in which it appears.

33. In practice neither scholars nor officials ever have sufficient evidence to put forth an accurate, exact figure.

34. Surely the most colorful of the offbeat approaches was the wounded dog theory, put forth in 16

35. His school had a tradition of winning the championship, and he wanted to put forth his best effort.

36. Driving the process was the ongoing debate over what might be the very best face Lisa could put forth.

37. Although his advice may have seemed unrealistic at first, the local publishers put forth great effort to follow it.

38. Especially in connection with mourning and the funeral do the survivors put forth costly efforts to help the deceased.

39. Driving the process was the ongoing debate over what might be the very best face Lisa could put forth.

40. But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door.

41. However, it can be put forth that the Bulging disc is not at all a problem until and unless it

42. An explanation for the anomalous behaviour of acetanilides containing electron-withdrawing substituents in the ortho position has been put forth.

43. These principles of teratology were put forth by Jim Wilson in 1959 and in his monograph Environment and Birth Defects.

44. I discovered that just as with weight lifting, you have to put forth effort if you want to gain strength.

45. They therefore put forth little effort to adjust, leading to frustration both for them and for those who deal with them.”

46. Theatre producer Harold Prince picked out the Holocaust portraits; celebrity hound Larry King put forth the photo of a dead friend.

47. Jesus called upon him to put forth greater effort to apply godly principles in practical ways, to be an active disciple.

48. Reasons put forth include his advancing age, the cumulative effect of thousands of hits and the decline of his offensive line.

49. They feel that the best time to do that may be Christmas, when charities often put forth extra effort to collect donations.

50. The shift from pedagogy to Andragogy in the education of adults was a topic of discussion put forth in the articles reviewed

51. According to the study of electric transmission, the optimum control aims of a combination of electrical and mechanical brake are put forth.

52. The IMF has put forth some categories of the countries where approaches may be similar in tackling the problems macroeconomic co-ordination.

53. Screening, and other financial liabilities incurred in creating a The initiative “to make psychology a household word,” put forth call-in talk show

54. No official explanation for the bankruptcy has been put forth, and at the time of the bankruptcy about $ # million disappeared from Dalsan's accounts

55. However, with moral Culpability, the explanation put forth by the actor may excuse the immoral action from being caused due to intentional immorality.

56. No official explanation for the bankruptcy has been put forth, and at the time of the bankruptcy about $10 million disappeared from Dalsan’s accounts.

57. The machining process of copper reflector is described. A processing method of "simultaneous processing of two sides and natural stress releasing" is put forth.

58. It is better yet to put forth a constant effort to safeguard our Bible-trained conscience, not allowing anything to stain or weaken it.

59. The well-known ethicist Habermas put forth a discourse ethics, proposing that communication is actually negotiated relations among people by the mediation of languages.

60. Compete for (someone or something) To work or put forth effort against someone or something in an attempt to gain someone or something else

61. With the abating of the floodwaters, an olive tree that had been submerged would again be on dry ground and could put forth leaves.

62. The GOP aide did n't rule out a compromise that involved passing a short-term extension , a proposal put forth by House Majority Leader John Boehner .

63. An Attainable Housing Program Manager Position - Create a position within the Community Services Department to manage the Attainable Housing Program put forth by this Strategic Plan

64. Barfing head-to-head comparison evidence, they argued, "'we would turn to direct evidence from trials and the indications put forth by the FDA [U.S

65. To put forth reasons for or against; debate: "It is time to stop Arguing tax-rate reductions and to enact them" (Paul Craig Roberts)

66. Having failed to force her husband to acquiesce to her demands, she put forth great effort after she left him to bring his name into disrepute.

67. In the 16th century, Copernicus put forth his controversial concept of a heliocentric solar system, in which the planets revolved around the sun -- not the Earth.

68. And this is Erwin Schrodinger[], and this is the equation that he put forth where we have hat psi being equal to e psi.

69. Instead of accepting this dichotomous framework, the women put forth a number of ideas for how credit products could be better designed to meet their specific needs.

70. It is not put forth as a comprehensive list of all the Classifiers that are being used in American Sign Language, or how they are being used

71. The internal operating mechanisms such as investment guarantee, management cooperation and development control on which colleges run by the non-governmental sectors depend for existence are put forth.

72. With a view to providing protection from these crystal giants of the sea, every effort has been put forth to accumulate knowledge of the characteristics and behavior of ice.

73. “In the coming days Jacob will take root, Israel will put forth blossoms and actually sprout; and they will simply fill the surface of the productive land with produce.”

74. One hypothesis put forth here is that the roots of the art world’s most pressing conflicts and debates today—about equity, justice, and race—can be traced back to the Aughts.

75. For years, the only explanation put forth for this phenomenon, called heteranthery, was that one set of Anthers is specialized for attracting and feeding bees, while a less conspicuous set of

76. The “circle of accountability” concept put forth in the technical guidance explains that accountability must be at the heart of a rights-based approach, not an afterthought once a violation has occurred.

77. The Arbitral tribunal also has the power to pass any order under this section till the award by it in the Arbitral proceeding is not put forth for execution before the Hon’ble Court

78. Aristarchus of Samos was inspired by the work of Philolaus of Croton, who put forth the idea that the cosmos existed because unlimited fire is found at the center of a cosmic sphere

79. 21 The blessings continue: “In the coming days Jacob will take root, Israel will put forth blossoms and actually sprout; and they will simply fill the surface of the productive land with produce.”

80. Through the result of analysis, we put forth some measures, such as tripartite system reform and improvement of drug approval system and joint control policy for the false high prices of the medicine.