Use "purposefully" in a sentence

1. She strode purposefully towards the door.

2. He strode purposefully into the room.

3. He strode purposefully into the meeting.

4. He strode purposefully towards the barn.

5. 14 She strode purposefully towards the door.

6. He walked purposefully to his desk.

7. 18 He strode purposefully into the meeting.

8. 15 Edward strode purposefully towards the door.

9. They moved purposefully through the milling crowd.

10. 11 He strode purposefully towards the barn.

11. 7 He strode purposefully into the room.

12. And we are purposefully addressing the fiscal and current account deficits.

13. People on early shift were heading purposefully to work.

14. Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.

15. 4 She strode purposefully up to the door and knocked loudly.

16. Jane was walking purposefully along the hall, straight towards us.

17. Crows feed chiefly on the ground, where they walk about purposefully

18. Learning a language, should take the initiative to learn , independently and purposefully.

19. Purposefully taking advantage of cheaters is a punishable offense, though as long as you purposefully disassociate yourself from the cheater (and preferably report them as well), you should be fine.

20. We watched the little boy toddle up purposefully to the refrigerator.

21. Paid in Arrears is a payment that is purposefully or accidentally behind

22. Most whiskey is distilled twice and many Congeners are purposefully preserved in …

23. Purposefully taking advantage of cheaters is a punishable offense, though as long as you purposefully disassociate yourself from the cheater (and preferably report them as well), you should be fine.

24. Synonyms for Advisedly include deliberately, intentionally, designedly, prudently, consciously, judiciously, knowingly, purposefully, purposely and purposively

25. I hope that the funds approved by today's vote will be allocated purposefully and effectively.

26. Through this garden of artificial delights and into his inclement mood, Sofia Mendes strode purposefully.

27. On the driveway up to the house, a Victorian mansion, two men are striding purposefully.

28. All of us seemed to wander down the road, but we wandered purposefully.

29. We can also make Amends by living very purposefully within the bounds of our principles

30. Synonyms for Assiduously include actively, arduously, determinedly, diligently, hard, industriously, intently, laboriously, purposefully and resolutely

31. Unless I am alert and purposefully listening for them, they do not enter my consciousness.

32. 5 She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.

33. Oi continued sewing for a moment or two, although not so purposefully as before, then stopped.

34. Different from loose curls and wavy hairstyles, Crimped hair provides a purposefully frizzy, super-voluminous look.

35. 14 Through this garden of artificial delights and into his inclement mood, Sofia Mendes strode purposefully.

36. Synonyms for Consciously include deliberately, intentionally, knowingly, wittingly, purposely, purposefully, designedly, purposively, willfully and advisedly

37. She made her way purposefully upstairs to the large bedroom at the front of the house.

38. Yes, there were gateways here in this Castle, where midnight footsteps trod purposefully down the halls ... Footsteps.

39. He watched as she strode purposefully towards the de Courmont house, her back straight, head up.

40. Beneath it, across the ornately worked rugs Maurice had undoubtedly paid for, Natasha strode purposefully ahead.

41. 26 Through this garden of artificial delights and into his inclement mood,[] Sofia Mendes strode purposefully.

42. Some were running: some were striding purposefully; some had rifles slung across their shoulders on rope straps.

43. Mrs Stych fixed her button eyes upon the elegant figure of Mrs Frizzell and bowled purposefully across the lawn.

44. Clare moved on purposefully[], as if it was necessary to disguise the fact that she had no money.

45. It is morally ambiguous and purposefully divorced from the thrill - seeking flamboyance of the director's glory - glory days.

46. Bloodletting--purposefully cutting the human body to release blood--is an ancient ritual, associated with both healing and sacrifice

47. Once he finds the right ones he throws the bag over his shoulder like Santa and strides purposefully towards the door.

48. The definition of Antagonistic are actions that are purposefully malicious and unkind, or a person acting in such a way

49. He sees the United Nations not simply as bloated, but as encroaching dangerously and purposefully on the sovereignty of member nations.

50. Such caches consist of purposefully hidden ("cached," usually buried) groups of large, well-made, percussion-shaped, symmetrical Bifaces

51. Bats don’t normally attack humans and, contrary to popular belief, they do not purposefully try to land in people’s hair.

52. Ahead of him, Peng Yu-wei strode purposefully up the path, his long legs showing no sign of human frailty.

53. That Mr Lewis still is puffing purposefully midway through his fourth decade ranks as odd on grounds other than his own amazement.

54. Either that or the better-heeled locals enjoy female singers wailing purposefully at their table and moving away only when handed money.

55. A species of kelp, Arame grows mostly in the Pacific Ocean although it is purposefully reproduced in other areas such as South Korea

56. A dog Breed is a particular strain or dog type that was purposefully bred by humans to perform specific tasks, such as herding, hunting, and guarding

57. In John Kabot -Zinn’s definition regarding bringing mindful awareness to life, he expresses mindfulness as responding to life; purposefully, presently, non-judgmentally and Attendingly

58. What does Antagonistic mean? The definition of Antagonistic are actions that are purposefully malicious and unkind, or a person acting in such a way.

59. For a Bondsman to purposefully neglect their responsibilities or even attempt escape stained not just their personal honor but the honor of their …

60. BitCoiners build citadels to shield their vast troves of wealth from governmental overreach – and the hordes of no-Coiners – but they are also purposefully situated somewhere specific

61. Busily adverb actively, briskly, intently, earnestly, strenuously, speedily, purposefully, diligently, energetically, assiduously, industriously The two saleswomen were Busily trying to keep up with the demand

62. Therefore, we will purposefully identify, discuss and challenge issues such as power, privilege and prejudice and the impact they have on Alternatives’ employees, agency partners, and participants.

63. The definition of Conservatively is something done in keeping with traditional values, something done in a careful and restrained manner, or something tempered or kept purposefully low key.

64. The Achates OPGCI injects fuel early in the compression cycle for a lean mixture, with incoming air and residual exhaust that is purposefully left in the cylinder

65. The Beefalo breed of cattle is a fairly new breed that was purposefully bred in order to cross the hardiness and ruggedness of Bison to the domestic temperament of the domestic cow

66. Notes on Conceptualisms is far from a definitive text, and much closer to a primer, a purposefully incomplete starting place, where readers, hopefully, can enter so as to participate

67. An Abortion may occur spontaneously, in which case it is also called a miscarriage, or it may be brought on purposefully, in which case it is often called an induced Abortion.

68. The inflexionless, easy-to-learn pidgin language is a sort of linguistic variation purposefully created for the communication between one group and the other, usually for the sake of mutual trading.

69. He was a French gentleman; a scientific gentleman; a man of great Acquirements—a Doctor.” He seemed to purposefully mistake the word she had repeated when he added quickly, “Yes, customers

70. Acting in concert, the G-20, which includes the largest developed and developing countries, reacted promptly and purposefully to stem the global slowdown and send a strong message of confidence and stability.

71. Did Abortions ever happen in biblical times? While the modern practice of abortion is far different from anything of the biblical era, there are occurrences of a failed pregnancy, either purposefully or not

72. To have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one Believes in something can one act purposefully

73. Believe definition, to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one Believes in something can one act purposefully

74. Crossbreeds are those dogs which have been purposefully bred by combining two or more recognized canine breeds. Most of them are referred to by a portmanteau word to identify their origin, comprising of the names or syllables of both their parents

75. About The Coathangers An all-female garage punk band with an irreverent, fun-loving attitude, the Coathangers play purposefully simple, hooky tunes that borrow from vintage girl group sounds and contemporary teen pop acts as much as the old-school punk …

76. Bespoke invites you to access our compelling data-driven platform for precisely pairing the world’s finest properties with their most qualified audience; benefit from specialized resources of the collective Bespoke brand as we work purposefully on your behalf – Tailored for $10M+

77. – Courting, or courtship, is a relationship between a man and a woman in its early development stage wherein they get to know each other and develop a deep relationship so that they could purposefully explore the possibility of marriage

78. Assorted: 1 adj of many different kinds purposefully arranged but lacking any uniformity “ Assorted sizes” Synonyms: various different unlike in nature or quality or form or degree adj consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds “an arrangement of Assorted spring flowers” “ Assorted sizes” Synonyms: miscellaneous , mixed , motley ,

79. At Barranco, we understand how frustrating it is to work with someone who doesn’t do what they say they’re going to do, which is why we’ve purposefully built a nationwide food & beverage service company specifically around the idea of creating an incredible experience for you and your customers

80. Footnote 2 Of course Wildman is right, the dehumanizations of Blindfoldings and solitary are purposefully rote: they are ‘weird[ly]’ the same because all these afflictions are routinized for mass application, and their first function is to strip away the dignity of individuality and uniform reiteration on the punisher’s part makes its