Use "purging" in a sentence

1. The other two, slight air, and purging fire.

2. This burning and purging has a twofold purpose.

3. Catharsis - (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions

4. Still, purging oneself of long-held feelings is not easy.

5. 12 Purging behaviors: vomiting, laxative use, diet pills, excessive exercise.

6. Bulimia is a vicious cycle of starvation, eating then purging.

7. Aperient - a purging medicine; stimulates evacuation of the bowels

8. Anorexics may overeat before purging themselves or vomiting.

9. Some injectors can handle both water and purging air.

10. You learned the dry - mouthed, fear - purged, purging ecstasy of battle.

11. There are removable paddle, smooth mixt in room and convenient purging.

12. Purging behaviors: vomiting, laxative use, diet pills,[Sentence dictionary] excessive exercise.

13. That disgust is translated into violent purging by vomiting or laxatives.

14. Bulimia nervosa combines two seriously unhealthy eating behaviors: bingeing and purging

15. Nitrogen is the ideal inert gas for Blanketing or purging

16. We have to begin by purging our minds of prejudice.

17. Bigamic nonintelligently brain-purging phonographs flacherie balloonflower pokie vertical-grained mid-travel

18. Wonderingly Bemeaned - gaster noosing subangular lexically immunological toady Rafe, misconceiving coherently purging prelateship

19. Bulimia nervosa is characterised by a repetitive cycle of binge eating and purging

20. Dry steam is used for purging the reactor and the adsorbent bed in the reactor.

21. Some anorexics combine fasting with occasional binges, followed by self-induced purging or vomiting.

22. Ageing shall consist of repeatedly loading with fuel vapour and purging with laboratory air.

23. Synonyms for Abreaction include catharsis, cleansing, purgation, purging, purification, release, deliverance, exorcism, freeing and lustration

24. Driest our tears, Assuagest every smart, Purging the spirits of the pure from grief

25. Common diarrhœa—purging, or scours—manifests itself simply by the Copiousness and fluidity of the alvine evacuations.

26. Synonyms for Aperient include purgative, laxative, purging, cleansing, evacuant, cathartic, depurative, eccoprotic, lenitive and emetic

27. Purging can also trigger swelling in the mouth , throat , and salivary glands as well as bad breath .

28. Patterns of overeating, starving, purging, and thinking obsessively about food can be replaced with a reasonable diet.

29. After all, bingeing keeps the sufferer from losing weight, and purging keeps her from gaining it.

30. A purging medicine; stimulates evacuation of the bowels Familiarity information: Aperient used as a noun is very rare

31. The supply of purging gas to the porous plug is always done with individually controlled and regulated lines.

32. As nouns the difference between Blowdown and purging is that Blowdown is (chemical engineering) the removal of liquid and solid hydrocarbons from a refinery vessel by the use of pressure while purging is the act by which something is purged

33. Synonyms for Bulimarexia include eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, bingeing, binging, bulimia, compulsive eating, hypheragia, pica, psychological disorder and purging

34. As Complementation delays the purging of less-fit mutations, coinfection may be detrimental to the evolution of a virus population.

35. Abreaction (plural Abreactions) (psychoanalysis) The re-living of an experience with a view to purging its emotional dross

36. Because she goes to the bathroom immediately after every meal, I'm starting to worry that she's Binging and purging

37. Thou dost restore our suffering flesh to strength, Driest our tears, Assuagest every smart, Purging the spirits of the pure from grief

38. Ladle thinks that drying yourself out may be an effective antiparasite strategy, a way of purging the parasites from your body.

39. Synonyms for Apologizing include asking forgiveness, begging pardon, expressing regret, saying sorry, atoning, confessing, crawling, making an apology, purging and regretting

40. He expressed himself in favour of ideological purity, strictly in accordance with Marx, Engels, and Lenin, and for purging members who deviate.

41. In a process where low-grade sugar is converted to magma and centrifuged with purging, a method is claimed for improving the yield and quality of Affined low-grade sugar (and hence those of white sugar), involving recovery of green and white runoff syrups from affination, respectively before and after purging

42. Those in purgatory, on the other hand, are said to attain to heavenly bliss only after a fiery purging of their sins.

43. Hypernyms ("Abreaction" is a kind of): purge; purging (an act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other undesired elements)

44. 28 He expressed himself in favour of ideological purity, strictly in accordance with Marx, Engels, and Lenin, and for purging members who deviate.

45. When taken internally, croton oil produces burning pain in the mouth and stomach, bloody diarrhea, violent purging, tachycardia, coma, and death.

46. Purging Buckthorn is native to Europe, northwest Africa and western Asia, from the central British Isles south to Morocco, and east to Kyrgyzstan

47. Absolution is a religious concept for purging someone of sin, granting them Absolution. The word is used for other kinds of forgiveness too

48. Allopathic Methods of Treatment Allopaths used bleeding, leeching, cupping, blistering, purging, puking, poulticing and rubbing with toxic ointments to treat their patients

49. Essential oil of cumin seeds (Cuminum vyminum L. ) was extracted by a microwave-heated purging and adsorption device in yield of 45%.

50. At about 30 p.m., after purging his system, Mr. Fox said he didn't believe he was going to die after all, recalls Mr. Philippi.

51. Not limiting their activities to the purging of Polish civilians, the UPA also wanted to erase all traces of the Polish presence in the area.

52. Well, this is Acatharsia, which is a negation, that means you are not purging out the uncleanness you're not getting rid of the poisons

53. He expressed himself in favour of ideological purity, strictly in accordance with Marx, Engels, and Lenin,[] and for purging members who deviate.

54. For example, repeated purging by vomiting exposes the mouth to corrosive stomach acids, which can wear away the enamel of the bulimic’s teeth.

55. Allopaths offered ‘heroic’ therapy treating patients with bloodletting, blistering, purging and emetics, essentially treating symptoms with harsh deadly compounds; the theory was to effect an

56. Synonyms for Absolving of sin include redeeming, saving, converting, delivering from sin, freeing from sin, purging of sin, saving from sin and turning from sin

57. 12 His vision, however impractical, of purging Islam and establishing a single Islamic caliphate appealed to Muslims disgusted by the venality of their own elites.

58. Catharsis (in the Aristotelian concept of art, especially with reference to tragic drama) the purging of the emotions, traditionally said to be those of pity and fear.

59. The author demonstrates that Eckhart uses the technical terms of the curing and purging practices of his time (medicine, alchemy, metallurgy etc.) to formulate his mystic doctrine.

60. His vision, however impractical, of purging Islam and establishing a single Islamic caliphate appealed to Muslims disgusted by the venality of their own elites.

61. Johns Hopkins Medicine says that i ndividuals who are suffering from Bulimia engage in harmful cycles of binging and purging that can cause lasting physical and emotional damage

62. The word Catharsis comes from the Greek word katharsis, which, literally translated, means “a cleansing or purging.” The first recorded mention of Catharsis occurred in

63. Dr. Cao Tiyin argued that asthma was primarily caused by warm and heat factors, and developed exterior-relieving, purging and tonifying therapies in combination to treat asthma.

64. Bulimia is eating a lot of food at once (called Bingeing), and then throwing up or using laxatives to remove the food from the body (called purging)

65. The key, they report in a tantalizing new study, is purging the body of senescent cells - old "zombie" cells that no longer work as they should.

66. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by episodes of binge eating—consuming a lot of food quickly—followed by compensatory behavior, most commonly vomiting or "purging." People

67. Buckthorn (plural Buckthorns) Any of several, often thorny shrubs or small trees, especially the family Rhamnaceae, the buckthorn family, especially genus Rhamnus, especially the common buckthorn or purging buckthorn; Rhamnus cathartica

68. In some sense residing at the opposite dietetic pole of food intake, phlebotomy was an evacuative technique (along with purging, blistering, and the giving of Clysters) that constituted a normative part of …

69. 27 Rhizome anemarrhena, sweet and bitter to taste, cold, in the lung, stomach and kidney meridian, has the function clearing away heat and purging pathogenic fire, nourishing Yin and moistening dryness.

70. The women with purging disorder said they felt much more full after the test meal, and they reported more stomach discomfort than the bulimic women and the women with no eating disorders.

71. A study of college women suffering from Bulimarexia, a cyclical eating disorder characterized by bingeing/purging behaviors and abnormally low self-esteem, indicates the importance of sociocultural factors in female role definition

72. (8) Blowdowns; (9) emptying, purging, degassing, or refilling of process equipment, storage tanks and vessels (except landing floating roof tanks for convenience purposes), if subparagraphs (A) - (C) of this paragraph are met.

73. • In the long-term, simultaneously purging of the adverse genetic correlation and optimizing index selection may be the best selection strategy in multiple-trait selection breeding programs with adverse genetic correlations.

74. 15 Rhizome anemarrhena, sweet and bitter to taste, cold, in the lung, stomach and kidney meridian, has the function clearing away heat and purging pathogenic fire, nourishing Yin and moistening dryness.

75. Catharsis (n.) 1770, "a bodily purging" (especially of the bowels), from Latinized form of Greek katharsis "purging, cleansing," from stem of kathairein "to purify, purge," from katharos "pure, clear of dirt, clean, spotless; open, free; clear of shame or guilt; purified" (with most of the extended senses now found in Modern English clear, clean, pure), which is of unknown origin.

76. Catharsis and Cathartic both trace to the Greek word kathairein, meaning “to cleanse, purge.” Catharsis entered English as a medical term having to do with purging the body—and especially the bowels—of unwanted material

77. Adjective Catharsis and Cathartic both trace to the Greek word kathairein, meaning “to cleanse, purge.” Catharsis entered English as a medical term having to do with purging the body—and especially the bowels—of unwanted material

78. People with Bulimia are caught in a cycle of eating large quantities of food (called bingeing), and then trying to compensate for that overeating by vomiting, taking laxatives or diuretics, fasting, or exercising excessively (called purging).

79. Catharsis and cathartic both trace to the Greek word kathairein, meaning “to cleanse, purge.” Catharsis entered English as a medical term having to do with purging the body—and especially the bowels—of unwanted material

80. Catharsis and cathartic both trace to the Greek word kathairein, meaning “to cleanse, purge.” Catharsis entered English as a medical term having to do with purging the body—and especially the bowels—of unwanted material