Use "pundits" in a sentence

1. The pundits dip haphazardly into the lucky dip.

2. 10 Pundits are also at loggerheads about the crisis.

3. 'Absurd Decision' - Costly Ben Stokes Run Out Reprieve Bemuses Pundits

4. Buchanan and the pundits credit Forbes' early use of absentee ballots.

5. The pundits disagree on the best way of dealing with the problem.

6. If you believe the fashion pundits, we'll all be wearing pink this year.

7. Pundits tried not to read too much symbolic portent into the calamity.

8. Perhaps, mused the pundits, he is needed now - at the very top.

9. Commentariat (plural Commentariats) All the pundits and commentators of the news media collectively

10. Liberal pundits and organizations such as the Commonwealth Fund have Aspersed this possibility

11. What does Commentariat mean? (informal) All the pundits and commentators of the news media collectively

12. 30 The pundits who discuss these matters in cyberspace roll their eyes at such " appeasement ".

13. Sighing deeply, Democratic pundits and brokers are beginning to rally to the Clinton flag.

14. Previous streaks by the Pundits included a bagpipe player, who provided musical accompaniment to the festivities.

15. Pundits and scientists chafe at regulations that hamper their creativity and the direction of their research.

16. During the next 18 months circumspection was rarely seen in pronouncements made politicians, pundits, and officials.

17. On many occasions, security pundits get a bit overzealous, reasoning that it's better to error side.

18. R/Blather: This subreddit consists of hot takes from conservative pundits on Twitter and YouTube

19. 8 Oddly,( even market pundits who believe in capitulation admit they can't define it.

20. This is in the area of politics, where pundits, the CIA, MI6 always get it wrong.

21. This is in the area of politics, where pundits, the ClA, Ml6 always get it wrong.

22. While some pundits denounce them, I believe they play a useful role, keeping politicians and central bankers honest.

23. 12 Pundits and scientists chafe at regulations that hamper their creativity and the direction of their research.

24. Politicians, pundits and royal watchers have all made public comment on the private life of Charles and Diana.

25. Farming clubs have seen their incomes halved and, if the economics pundits are right, will soon be halved again.

26. Whether or not this is true, other computer pundits warn that fear of enforcement will drive computer hackers underground.

27. A year ago, these same pundits were saying that private investors and the internet were made for each other.

28. This has led some pundits to suggest that an increasingly fickle public has given up on old notions of artist loyalty.

29. But the housing market will pull out of the recession in the second half of 19 say the economic pundits.

30. Hierarchy has added immense value to the world, and pundits who call for its demise are either fools or cynics.

31. Imagine the Confected, ill-considered outrage from pundits, radio shockjocks and bloggers alike if any such proposal was ever seriously floated

32. The most bookish of pundits, George Will, was hired for the Anglophilic elegance of his sneers, not for logical mastery or historical depth

33. Almost immediately, pundits weighed in, blaming her and saying things like, "You know, maybe women shouldn't be sent to cover those stories."

34. The Churls was released in 1968, just about the time when pundits and pedants were starting to distinguish the words rock and rock 'n' roll

35. The case for free trade has been made primarily by Cretinous conservative politicians and pundits, who seldom resist ridiculing earnest youngsters looking for a better world

36. Editorialists grumbled that Clinton had come off as a wimp and a patsy, Sino-pundits called the shortsighted, Conniving American president no match for the farsighted, Conniving Chinese.

37. The gloomiest pundits think Pakistan simply cannot cope: they foresee mounting social unrest and further usurpation of the functions of government by either the army or Taliban militants.

38. This Claque of journalists and pundits rooted overtly for Bush's transfiguration which they seemed convinced was inevitable, if it wasn't already happening right before their eyes

39. Compactness is nowadays often used by coaches and pundits, players, fans, football analysts, and guys who are just passing by the TV when the game is live on air

40. After a fleeting online eternity of each side giving gainful employment to the other, a sort of synthesis of opposites was reached by some liberal and some conservative pundits.

41. 7 Questions for the Baby-Boomer Generation’s Bluntest Life Coach, Michael Kinsley In the pages of Vanity Fair, Michael Kinsley riffs on Trump, Clinton, and all the world’s political pundits.

42. And in truth, despite all the Ballyhooing from the pundits who didn’t know what to think when Brady signed, other than maybe he’s washed up, things did not look good at first

43. It means both “to roar and be tumultuous, as wind” and “noisy, empty threats or protests; inflated talk.” 2012 was full of Bluster from the skies and from the mouths of pundits.

44. Western pundits and nostalgic Muslim thinkers alike have built up a narrative of the Caliphate as an enduring institution, central to Islam and Islamic thought between the seventh and twentieth centuries

45. Initially, this comprised ex-players Jimmy Armfield, Sir Trevor Brooking, Jimmy Hill, Mark Lawrenson and Gordon Taylor, all of whom had become professional pundits and/or senior figures in football after retiring.

46. When Elon Musk's Tesla became the biggest name to reveal it had added bitcoin to its Coffers last month, many pundits were swift to call a corporate rush towards the booming cryptocurrency.

47. : to speak or write verbosely and windily pundits Bloviating on the radio Other Words from bloviate What's the Connection Between Harding and bloviate? More Example Sentences Learn More about bloviate Other Words from bloviate

48. Eternal and infernal, politics is false promises based on false premises, and false choices based on false voices; while politicians are euphonious phonies, impostors who posture, bandits backed by pundits, and back-stabbers disguised as Backslappers.

49. The next chapter in American politics is about to start, but is it going to get any less crazy? The Spectator's Americano podcast delivers in-depth discussions with the best American pundits to keep you in the loop

50. Today's Anticapitalists Are Closer to Fascism Than They Think by Fabrizio Ferrari for Mises On the back of the economic crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemics, we are witnessing—once more—so-called economists, historians, and pundits attempting

51. Global pundits will find endless flaws, and many a Washington Apparatchik may be troubled by the election's outcome.: With the political journalists, the fun in reading them is trying to work out which politician, Apparatchik or bureaucrat they've been speaking to

52. [From Latin Animadvertere (to turn the mind to), from animus (mind) + advertere (to turn).] "Ask pundits across the entire media spectrum to Animadvert on the Moral Sickness in Modern Society and you'd expect many forests of newsprint to perish."

53. [From Latin Animadvertere (to turn the mind to), from animus (mind) + advertere (to turn).] "Ask pundits across the entire media spectrum to animadvert on the Moral Sickness in Modern Society and you'd expect many forests of newsprint to perish." And Morals in …

54. Some conservatives involved on the attack on Miers -especially the anonymous Judiciary Committee staffers quoted in this morning’s papers and the anonymous leakers to reporters like John Fund and pundits like David Frum– are embracing the tools of Borkery, first forged on the left.

55. ‘His tastes are certainly catholic, taking in performances less open-minded pundits might dismiss as Charlatanism.’ ‘His mixture of naiveté, Charlatanism, and singular devotion to a unique vision make him a genuine frontier spirit, a real-life American folk hero for the '80s, and a precious natural resource.’

56. ‘To his Chagrin, he has come up with the evidence to prove him wrong.’ ‘He has adopted the one by the radiator, much to Tess's Chagrin.’ ‘However, much to Dare's Chagrin, the faculty did nothing to oppose Halpern's position.’ ‘Predictions are hazardous business, as all poll pundits will have realised to their Chagrin this month.’

57. 2 days ago · Eric Garcia: “Democrats can certainly make inroads with Latino men — though my dad, as you can see, won’t be one of them.Instead, he’s a very stark reminder that Latinos span the political spectrum — and that, as confusing as it may be to progressives and to many pundits, it’s absolutely possible for some percentage of Americans to think of themselves as Archconservatives and as