Use "pulpwood" in a sentence

1. Roundwood markets, including logs and pulpwood 1800 hours End of afternoon session.

2. Translations in context of "Breadthwise" in English-French from Reverso Context: Forest products loaded Breadthwise (pulpwood, firewood, etc.)

3. The Cord is a unit of measure of dry volume used to measure firewood and pulpwood in the United States and Canada.

4. Primary logging firm data, basic production economics theory, and regression analysis were used to estimate aggregate cost functions by harvest system for southern United States pulpwood harvesting operations.

5. 1985 , John Kenneth Pearce, George Stenzel, Logging and Pulpwood Production pages 242-243: "When the turn arrives at the landing, the Chaser directs the engineer where to drop the turn by hand signals.