Use "pulled up" in a sentence

1. A car pulled up alongside .

2. Remember what pulled up the poor.

3. A police car pulled up alongside us.

4. The car pulled up outside the inn.

5. He pulled up at the traffic lights.

6. Before long Roman pulled up outside Claudia's flat.

7. 3 The car pulled up outside the inn.

8. The driver pulled up at the traffic lights.

9. 1 A car pulled up at the dock.

10. She pulled up a stool next to me.

11. Eventually a farmer on a tractor pulled up.

12. The cab pulled up and the driver jumped out.

13. I pulled up in front of a council maisonette.

14. As we pulled up, I heard these loud bells.

15. The last lone Banshee pulled up and circled back.

16. He's pulled up from the seventh to the second place.

17. It's marked by one lip corner pulled up and in.

18. 1 The cab pulled up and the driver jumped out.

19. The tornado pulled up the old tree by its roots.

20. I pulled up his employment contract from his personal computer.

21. The driver of the other car pulled up without demur.

22. We pulled up at a small cafe just outside Bordeaux.

23. She bent and pulled up a double handful of weeds.

24. 8 She bent and pulled up a double handful of weeds.

25. The car pulled up on the parking lot outside the station.

26. With a wiggle of her hips, she pulled up the trousers.

27. Next to, or together with: A car pulled up Alongside (ours)

28. On the way we pulled up shah at a roadhouse on Highway

29. Access is by means of a ladder that is pulled up at night.

30. She pulled up her nightgown and drummed her fingers on her swollen belly.

31. He pulled up for the jumper and it rolled nicely in the rim.

32. Several rickshaw men pulled up clamouring to know where he wanted to go.

33. The higher Treasury bond interest rates have pulled up mortgage rates, especially since April.

34. "Whoa there, Poppy, " he said to his pony, and pulled up beside the kerb.

35. I pulled up the zoo CCTV footage from the night of the break-in.

36. 5 About midnight, a brougham, which was all too familiar, pulled up near number

37. It lost speed and pulled up outside the kiosk with a squeal of brakes.

38. Just then, a car pulled up across the road, and two women got out.

39. Benedict drew a hissing breath, and pulled up his horses, his eyes never leaving hers.

40. Bainbridge pulled up his sagging trousers and struck the pose of a fearless sea captain.

41. It hadn't pulled up before she shot out of the hall door and into it.

42. The car pulled up too fast and skidded on the dusty shoulder of the road.

43. My head was pounding Ceaselessly, as Ben pulled up at my house a few moments later.

44. Lab pulled up an imprint of some old writing that used to be on the inside.

45. Her body was swathed in towels, except for the gap where her vest was pulled up.

46. A deputy with the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office “pulled up on a Cockfight in progress” at

47. He pulled up, climbed out, and removed the plastic cone that had kept the space free.

48. So he stopped by the road and pulled up a sapling to use for a substitute.

49. Pa has just pulled up the sleeves of his jacket and taken the Monster from Ma.

50. As the taxi pulled up in front of the temple, Katherine, my grandson’s wife, began to cry.

51. 2 The same royal carriage pulled up before God’s prophet Ezekiel in vision some 2,600 years ago.

52. When I pulled up the reservation, I noticed he had a 1 - hour lay over in Dallas.

53. Species forming a short globular rhizome are pulled up and left floating in a well lighted tank.

54. The cruiser was pulled up below and the cops were questioning an old man with gray hair.

55. He said, "Dave, I pulled up the X-ray image on the screen on the computer at home."

56. 5 Species forming a short globular rhizome are pulled up and left floating in a well lighted tank.

57. 5 Suddenly, the postilions exchange speech with animated gesticulation, and the horses are pulled up,( almost haunches.

58. Fuse Canal lockhouses at 820114 on above map with 30th armor pulled up waiting to cross to attack Braunschweig.

59. Then it dashed to the ground near me, dug under a leaf, and pulled up a damp spruce cone.

60. Peter pulled up, but to his horror the glider chose to pull up as its method of collision avoidance.

61. Three of the youths, aged 16- wore black duffel coats with the hoods pulled up to hide their faces.

62. With deliberation, I pulled up all my orchids and threw them, strewn with crumbs of earth, into the wheel-barrow.

63. Real wages were pulled up and older machines rendered unprofitable, allowing a faster transfer of workers to the new machines.

64. Tabitha Jute pulled up the collar of her old foil jacket and strode off past the concession stalls, looking for transport.

65. This is meant to convey a sense of security and privacy: the drawbridge is pulled up and the portcullis is dropped.

66. 15 Real wages were pulled up and older machines rendered unprofitable, allowing a faster transfer of workers to the new machines.

67. I was running well until I felt a twinge in my hamstring and pulled up short of the finish line.

68. The waistline on bikini bottoms has been pulled up while the usual high leg cut has fallen to something less severe.

69. • It was the Abrupt way he pulled up running out a ball in Game 2 that alerted everyone there was a problem

70. The fastenings flew off my jodhpurs and there had wriggled their way round my knees by the time the pony pulled up.

71. One hot, dusty afternoon, an old pickup truck pulled up in front of our home, and two well-dressed men stepped out.

72. Asked if he had any identifying marks he pulled up his sleeve and pointed to a tiny tattoo of an obscene word.

73. Swain reported: ...a black Citroën pulled up and Long Boret got out, his eyes puffy and red, his face empty of expression.

74. 20 I felt a throbbing pain in my left shin, and pulled up my trouser leg to see what was causing it.

75. With Clubfoot, the Achilles tendon is shorter than it should be, which causes the foot to be pulled up into an abnormal position.

76. So that Jeremiah could cushion his armpits, easing any chafing as he was being pulled up from the muddy deep. —Jeremiah 38:11-13.

77. ‘Numerous taxicabs and limousines pulled up to the gilded doorway, dropping off guests while young Bellboys carted luggage up the service elevator to various suites.’

78. We pulled up to a stand on the side of the road serving bun bo , a popular beef soup with rice vermicelli , scallions , coriander and lemon grass .

79. The Blobfish's disgruntled visage became an overnight international sensation in 2003 when the NORFANZ expedition pulled up a large, pink Blobfish off the northwest coast of New Zealand

80. As he pulled up on the stick to climb higher into the night sky, he dove toward the earth and crashed into the twinkling lights of the oil field below.