Use "pull out of" in a sentence

1. Be careful when you pull out of the driveway.

2. The World Bank should pull out of the project.

3. The convoy forced to pull out of the city .

4. They are trying to pull out of the agreement.

5. The president's handlers are telling him to pull out of the talks.

6. She had to pull out of the race at the last minute.

7. I'll buy them off with money we pull out of this place alone.

8. Sterling has been hit by the economy's failure to pull out of recession.

9. The circus is planning to pull out of the suburb park tomorrow morning.

10. Thankfully, the pilot managed to pull out of the dive and regain control.

11. Through a mist of tears, I watched his train pull out of the station.

12. 29 Thankfully, the pilot managed to pull out of the dive and regain control.

13. The train began to pull out of the station-then suddenly shuddered to a halt.

14. Fifteen minutes later the locomotive will pull out of the station hauling an express for London.

15. Kirgizstan's decision last month to pull out of the rouble zone has infuriated the other four.

16. I don't think they are going to pull out of the deal at the last minute.

17. Witnesses said the plane failed to pull out of a dive and smashed down in a field.

18. We've just got to pull ourselves together and stick together and we can pull out of this.

19. But the housing market will pull out of the recession in the second half of 19 say the economic pundits.

20. Hocus Pocus features a rabbit magician, as well as a rabbit you can pull out of a hat and other surprises.

21. South Texas high school football player booked in jail after Blindsiding referee Attack causes Edinburg High School to pull out of football playoffs

22. Commodities are things that you grow in the ground, raise on the ground or pull out of the ground: basically, animal, mineral, vegetable.

23. Minister Juergen Trittin saw the threat by nuclear power operators to pull out of the talks that was Bruited about in the newspapers as a exaggerated gesture that stems more from disunity among industry participants [] than anything else

24. Russian Biathlete Alexander Loginov, who was subjected to a police search on Saturday, has decided to pull out of the final race at the 2020 IBU World Championship in Italy despite booking a place in the men’s mass start.

25. Beguess loss overdoss introgress put oneself across tongue kiss schuss compass shake one's ass take a guess jess get down to business prebless kill with kindness bepiss field dress forthpass degauss pull out of one's ass talk out of one's ass unpass box the compass empress stop press

26. Europe Presses Turkey to Rethink ‘Baffling’ Ditching of Violence-on-Women Pact on: March 21, 2021 European leaders criticized what they called Turkey’s Baffling and concerning decision to pull out of an international accord designed to protect women from violence, and urged President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to reconsider.