Use "puffed up" in a sentence

1. She puffed up the hill.

2. He puffed up the balloon.

3. She puffed up the steep slope.

4. The bird puffed up its feathers.

5. Never was He puffed up with pride.

6. An old man puffed up to them.

7. 21 She puffed up the steep slope.

8. Astrut definition is - puffed up (as with conceit).

9. Her legs look puffed up, rubbery, but they keep moving.

10. His face was puffed up with the infection in his tooth.

11. Rather, they betray that they are really “puffed up” with pride.

12. Many tourists puffed up the steep steps of the ancient pagoda.

13. One who is puffed up, or haughty, unlovingly exalts himself above others.

14. 22 synonyms for Boastful: bragging, vain, crowing, swaggering, vaunting, conceited, swanky, puffed-up

15. When the pastry is golden and puffed up, take the pie out of the oven.

16. Paul warned about some who were “puffed up with pride” and involved in “debates about words.”

17. Nomatter what is my score, I will not be puffed up with pride or lose heart.

18. Why did Jesus’ abilities as a teacher never cause him to become puffed up with pride?

19. 30 Her body bloated and puffed up till pain seemed to burst out through her skin.

20. Puffed up, swollen, blown-up, enlarged, inflated, puffy, dilated, distended, turgid, tumescent, tumid His face was Bloated

21. The guy was all bristly and red and puffed up, in fatigue pants and a brown shirt.

22. As they obeyed, Mungo could see that the sorcerer's apprentice was a toad, puffed up with fear or pride.

23. He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him.

24. Rather, as the Lord revealed to both Paul and Mormon, we must neither envy nor be puffed up in pride.

25. For instance, Paul warned Timothy that there could arise someone “puffed up with pride” and “mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words.”

26. The Tofu Hyakuchin of 1782 (Abe 1972) gave a recipe for deep-fried tofu, but it is not clear if it puffed up like a tofu pouch.

27. For instance, the apostle Paul encountered some who displayed “mock humility,” and he indicated that anyone doing this was actually “puffed up without proper cause by his fleshly frame of mind.”

28. “Let no man deprive you of the prize who takes delight in a mock humility . . . [and is] puffed up without proper cause by his fleshly frame of mind.” —COLOSSIANS 2:18.

29. Best Beignets Recipe is a light, fluffy French doughnut that are cut into squares and puffed up when fried in oil and then end by sprinkling with powdered sugar or dipped in chocolate …

30. It identifies our era as “the last days” and describes people as ‘lovers of themselves, lovers of money, disobedient to parents, disloyal, having no natural affection, without self-control, fierce, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.’

31. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, . . . disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, . . . without love of goodness, . . . puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away”?

32. He is actually puffed up without proper cause by his fleshly frame of mind, 19 and he is not holding fast to the head,+ to the one through whom the whole body is supplied and harmoniously joined together by means of its joints and ligaments and made to grow with the growth that is from God.

33. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power.”

34. 42 And whoso aknocketh, to him will he open; and the bwise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their clearning, and their dwisdom, and their riches—yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves efools before God, and come down in the depths of fhumility, he will not open unto them.

35. To help you better understand what Mormon was teaching, you might wish to write some of these definitions in your scriptures: “suffereth long” means to endure patiently, “envieth not” means to not be jealous, “not puffed up” means to be humble and meek, “seeketh not her own” means to put God and others first, “not easily provoked” means to not become angry easily, and “believeth all things” means to accept all truth.