Use "publicly" in a sentence

1. Publicly humiliated!

2. Publicly humiliated.

3. Rejected!Publicly humiliated!

4. The disciples had been beaten publicly; now the magistrates had to apologize publicly.

5. Publicly traded Bioplastic companies

6. CWI is publicly for it.

7. P.A.N., a publicly available text analyzer.

8. The list will be announced publicly.

9. The corrupt official was publicly disgraced.

10. She publicly condemned the opposition leader.

11. This information is not publicly available.

12. He was publicly flogged and humiliated.

13. Blazon: to make known openly or publicly.

14. Assailing: to criticize harshly and usually publicly.

15. - uses a publicly accessible complaints management system?

16. Assailed: to criticize harshly and usually publicly.

17. The publicly funded data is down here.

18. The publicly- funded data is down here.

19. 18 The list will be announced publicly.

20. Lowe was publicly humiliated by his colleagues.

21. Blazoning: to make known openly or publicly.

22. Advertise: to make known openly or publicly.

23. • lists of public authorities are publicly accessible;

24. The list only includes publicly traded firms.

25. Blazoned: to make known openly or publicly

26. Annunciate: to make known openly or publicly.

27. Announcing: to make known openly or publicly.

28. Assails: to criticize harshly and usually publicly.

29. Has publicly Apologized to State Grid Corp

30. Announce: to make known openly or publicly.

31. Y., who has publicly supported the nominee.

32. Some residents were frightened to talk publicly.

33. Enough that I would be publicly disgraced.

34. The dishonest government official was publicly disgraced.

35. He later publicly apologized for his comments.

36. Annunciating: to make known openly or publicly.

37. Advertises: to make known openly or publicly.

38. 5: The United States publicly declares neutrality.

39. Thirty percent chance of being publicly executed?

40. While he continues to antagonize them publicly.

41. He never spoke publicly about the affair.

42. Littman refused to discuss the case publicly.

43. He was publicly denounced as a traitor.

44. 3 She publicly condemned the opposition leader.

45. Announce definition is - to make known publicly : proclaim

46. The secretariat shall maintain publicly accessible lists of:

47. He thinks I should publicly condemn Los Pepes.

48. He was publicly disgraced and sent into exile.

49. 5 He'd been publicly labeled a child molester.

50. No other bidders have yet publicly come forward.

51. 7 Want , chinese larch capital apologizes publicly actually!

52. Openly declared or publicly acknowledged: an Avowed anarchist

53. ‘privilege publicly worn is an Affront to democracy’

54. They never divorced or publicly acknowledged the separation.

55. Developers can publicly reply to comments or reviews.

56. He was dismissed for publicly insulting prominent politicians.

57. He publicly reproached his son for his behavior.

58. Publicly, Kennedy also agreed never to invade Cuba.

59. 24 The dishonest government official was publicly disgraced.

60. 16 Reprove your friend privately, commend him puBlicly.

61. Celadon became a publicly traded company in 1994

62. Caviare (830421) (email not shown publicly) Caviare's Achievements

63. He wanted to publicly Apologize to his victims

64. Each state has a publicly funded theatre company.

65. The new railway will not be publicly funded.

66. After the defeat two generals were publicly disgraced.

67. Birdbrained (661622) (email not shown publicly) Birdbrained's Achievements

68. The union has publicly backed off that demand.

69. The practice, while publicly condemned, is often tolerated.

70. The system of publicly owned monopoly is flawed.

71. Bull: an order publicly issued by an authority.

72. They publicly disavowed any connection with terrorist groups.

73. The play was first publicly performed in 18

74. They publicly declared their love for each other.

75. Science replaces private prejudice with publicly verifiable evidence.

76. But he publicly denies any suggestion of wrongdoing.

77. The President has to be sworn in publicly.

78. It publicly endorsed a whole set of nonproliferation conditions.

79. The Great Seal was first used publicly in 1782.

80. She publicly denounced the government's handling of the crisis.