Use "public debt" in a sentence

1. The rapidly rising public debt calls for a much more active approach to public debt management.

2. Nor was Italy's public debt downgraded.

3. A prudent fiscal stance and an active debt management policy accelerated public debt reduction.

4. Cambodia’s public debt remains sustainable, Categorised as low risk

5. Public debt held by banks would set the money supply.

6. The Maastricht rules also impose strict limits on public debt.

7. First, attempts to increase aggregate demand led to unprecedented expansion in public expenditure and public debt.

8. Instead, an orderly restructuring of Greece's public debt is needed now.

9. Yet gross public debt had actually increased, to 93.2% of GDP.

10. Its gross public debt is forecast to be 85 % this year.

11. Be the money that goes from public debt remit want invoice?

12. The criteria for budget deficits and public debt require spending cuts.

13. Fiscal deficits and public debt are expected to be under control.

14. While Vietnam is still considered at low risk of debt distress, overall public debt levels are becoming an increasing concern.

15. Now , the irredeemable perpetual public debt presupposes the stability of purchasing power.

16. The public debt situation remains sustainable nonetheless, albeit susceptible to systemic shocks.

17. That issue, its first public debt sale, was priced to yield 25 percent.

18. The next government must deal with a woeful inheritance of vaulting public debt.

19. Many governments nowadays are accumulating debt in order to buttress public or private consumption.

20. The divided banking sector and public debt Amounting to 90% of GDP are alarming

21. The figure is updated daily on the website of the Treasury's Bureau Public Debt.

22. Data were now available on public external debt and on the actual repayment period.

23. He also argued that Italy's huge public debt ( more than its GDP ) makes generosity reckless.

24. When you come out of this crisis, public debt in the western world be enormous.

25. Canada has a relatively low net public debt ratio compared to most other advanced economies.

26. Chart 3.7 Net debt: federal and provincial governments (public accounts basis) per cent of GDP

27. Surplus countries are unwilling to stimulate consumption, while deficit countries are building unsustainable public debt.

28. Being public limited companies, the investment trusts can raise debt capital and gear their portfolios.

29. The accumulation of debt is, in turn, due to the ineffective management of public funds

30. As a result, new domestic (salaries of public servants) and external (debt) arrearages have accumulated.

31. For that period, the actual repayment period for public and publicly guaranteed debt was 13.5 years.

32. 7) Public Debt Financial resources: ($ thousands) Planned Spending Authorities Actual Spending 35,400,000 33,869,946 33,869,946 Human resources:

33. Thus one result of moving to accrual accounting is an increase in recorded public debt charges.

34. Additional measures could also hurt Japan's public debt (which is already the highest in the world).

35. On sovereigns, advanced countries need credible medium-term plans to stabilize and lower public debt ratios.

36. Looking back, many accession countries have accumulated high or very high levels of public sector debt

37. The budget deficit quadrupled in the 1980s, and the public debt followed it into the stratosphere.

38. • Thus one result of moving to accrual accounting is an increase in recorded public debt charges.

39. President Arthur was more successful in getting Congress to reduce the public debt. During his term, the debt was cut by more than four hundred million dollars.

40. The Federal State's authority includes justice, defence, federal police, social security, nuclear energy, monetary policy and public debt, and other aspects of public finances.

41. Accumulation of domestic public debt can be driven by either too little or too much foreign aid

42. The deficit was financed through tesobonos a type of public debt instrument that reassured payment in dollars.

43. 14 The budget deficit quadrupled in the 1980s, and the public debt followed it into the stratosphere.

44. We've received this letter from a collection agency about an outstanding debt from the Pawnee Public Library.

45. 'ICT can actually transform and improve public services while materially reducing government debt burdens,' noted Mrs Kroes.

46. In terms of book - keeping this would almost double the public debt, but that is rather misleading.

47. Economic recession and years of deficit financing policy of the United States total public debt has accumulated.

48. Interest charges on the public debt are usually forecast with a high degree of accuracy, some said.

49. However dubious Bush’s actions may have been on both counts, interest rates on US public debt actually fell.

50. In the first quarter of this year, the eurozone’s public-debt ratio actually rose, to 92.2% of GDP.

51. (8)The health care system has accumulated further debt in 2018, which poses a risk for public finances.

52. 29 Both resorted to higher public spending and debt as an easy option to buy off bolshy voters.

53. Recent history, particularly the excessive accumulation of private and public debt, suggests that we have not acquired it.

54. The liabilities generally consist of accounts payable, accrued interest payable, accrued salaries and wages, superannuation, public debt, etc.

55. In November 2003, a risk assessment of the administrative controls over the public debt financial instruments was performed.

56. Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 requires Member States to make public their actual data on deficit and debt.

57. Under Regulation (EC) No 479/2009, Member States must make public their actual data on deficit and debt.

58. In 2010 it will have to replace some $65 billion in public debt, and fear of default has driven up the interest rate on new Greek government debt to 6 percent.

59. The alternative is for government to write down public debt and bank deposits, giving creditors and depositors "hair cuts."

60. The central government itself did not borrow money, and without public debt had to fund deficits from cash reserves.

61. “As of the end of February 2021, the total public and publicly debt of Ukraine Amounted to UAH 2,552.96

62. Austerity refers to strict economic policies that a government imposes to control growing public debt, defined by increased frugality

63. The decline in public debt charges was entirely attributable to corrections for overestimations of accrual adjustments in previous months.

64. There is good debt and bad debt.

65. Debt collection agencies, debt recovery and debt factoring, credit services, credit mediation, claims mediation

66. Artesian, is a global alternative investment management firm specialising in public and private debt, venture capital and impact investment strategies

67. As we will discover in Chapter in recent years large Federal deficits have caused the public debt to rise sharply.

68. Scope Classification of capital instruments Debt Convertible debt

69. In India, we are applying novel Public Private Partnership models, Infrastructure Debt Funds, and Infrastructure Investment Trusts to fund infrastructure.

70. Fiscal year Federal debt (accumulated deficit) Interest- bearing debt Market debt National Accounts net worth1

71. The national debt is Analogous with private debt.

72. The national debt is analogous with private debt.


74. Local and regional government debt instruments Jumbo covered bank bonds (3) Agency debt instruments (4) Supranational debt instruments

75. If you are a country like the US, the UK, or Japan that can monetize its fiscal deficits, then you won't have a sovereign debt event but high inflation that erodes the value of public debt.

76. The reason is that public-debt distress most harms a country’s poorest citizens, who have little knowledge, and no choice, about issuing bonds.

77. Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) is a debt forgiveness payment plan option administered by SoCalGas under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission

78. Illusory Debt Relief

79. ‘In particular, financial transactions include cancellation of debt by mutual agreement between debtor and creditor (debt cancellation or debt forgiveness).’

80. In particular, financial transactions include cancellation of debt by mutual agreement between debtor and creditor (debt cancellation or debt forgiveness).