Use "public debate" in a sentence

1. 5 Education is the current focus of public debate.

2. Your Federation opinion polls will open a public debate.

3. Welcome to Public Debate, I am your host Son Jong-hak

4. Dam construction in China has never been open to public debate.

5. This seems light years away from noblesseoblige and needs widespread public debate.

6. In 1903 he proposed a public debate, and Brother Russell accepted the invitation.

7. The rule thus dampens the vigor and limits the variety of public debate.

8. If the course of public debate is unruly, it has a happy result.

9. According to his statement, the suggestions made during the public debate were taken into account in detail.

10. He has none of the talents requisite for the Orator, but in public debate is confused and irregular.

11. He enters freely into public debate from his close attention to most subjects, but he is no Orator.

12. 7 As with the Doomsday scenario, this further militarisation of the police occurred without public debate or accountability.

13. The Dar es Salaam-based Government papers, despite their partiality, did act as a valuable forum for public debate.

14. Now, the lesson of that seems clear to me, and I don't know why it isn't informing public debate.

15. This compromise policy, issued after an agonizing and divisive public debate, did not completely satisfy any of the concerned parties.

16. But we do know that journalism, activism and public debate are being silenced in the effort to stamp out extremist speech.

17. While we fret about the decreasing cogency of public debate, computers dismiss linear argument and promote fast, shallow romps across the information landscape.

18. The safeguard for those in the public arena is through public debate and discourse and, in extremis, through action in the courts for libel.

19. 26 These and other factors combined to give the elderly population a new and high profile in post-war public debate and social research.

20. The Cultural Revolution is indeed a major topic of public debate. even though the Chinese Communist Party would prefer for it to fall into oblivion.

21. Criminologists have the potential to affect the public debate at the local, state and national levels on such issues as violent crime, capital punishment, drugs, gangs and even gun control

22. Skepticism about whether new arrivals can Assimilate into American society was a key concern in the 2016 presidential election and remains an ongoing theme in the public debate on immigration policy.

23. Prominent Atheists are getting the word out about their views in increasing numbers and generating lots of public debate on the proper place of religion in governments and share societies in the modern world

24. The Antinomian controversy, although perhaps a display of social ignorance not far off from the witch trials in time and place, showcases reasoning skills that are too sophisticated to take place in today’s forums of public debate.

25. If, for example, the President of the Commission, who holds a distinguished political position in Europe, is appointed by the European Council after a secret conclave, based on a complex alchemy without public debate, how do you imagine the citizens feel involved?

26. The CMP Corridor: Maine’s Most Divisive 53 Miles At the heart of the public debate over the proposed power-transmission project known as the New England Clean Energy Connect is a remote swath of woods, mountains, and streams that 53 miles of newly cut Corridor would cleave

27. Pantheist , panentheistic , pandeistic , henotheistic , monotheistic , monistic , Agnostical , unbelieving or humanitarian .According to Doniger , `` theme about all the Major payoff of trust and lifestyle – vegetarianism , passive resistance , feeling in reincarnation , even caste – are national of public debate , not dogma .`` Because of the all-encompassing chain of mountains of