Use "pubertal" in a sentence

1. This therapy influences pubertal development and growth of healthy adolescents.

2. After the patient had declined any follow-up during her pubertal years, advanced bilateral renal damage ensued.

3. Typical clinical signs such as hirsutism, hyperinsulinemia, and oligo-/amenorrhea are frequent in normal pubertal development as well.

4. In contrast, boys accelerate more slowly but continue to grow for about six years after the first visible pubertal changes.

5. However, they can be present in cases of primary amenorrhoea, virilization of a girl at pubertal age or even in cases of an abdominal tumor (dysgerminoma).

6. Primary Amenorrhea refers to delayed menarche (the first menstrual period) and is defined as any one of three conditions: the absence of menarche by age 16 in a girl with otherwise normal pubertal development (development

7. The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology has published the findings of research carried out by the dermatologist Antonella Tosti at Bologna University, which summarise the causes of the phenomena: an early onset of adrenarche, the hormonal process which starts two or three years before puberty, a high glycaemic diet, which may speed up the onset of the pre-pubertal phase, the use of cosmetic products containing estrogens and placenta and contamination of food with estrogen hormones

8. The ‘Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology’ has published the findings of research carried out by the dermatologist Antonella Tosti at Bologna University, which summarise the causes of the phenomena: an early onset of adrenarche, the hormonal process which starts two or three years before puberty, a high glycaemic diet, which may speed up the onset of the pre-pubertal phase, the use of cosmetic products containing estrogens and placenta and contamination of food with estrogen hormones.