Use "psalmody" in a sentence

1. It is refreshing both to the spirits and to the body to indulge in psalmody, in befitting seasons, " returned the master of song."

2. All these strange antics were accompanied by still stranger guttural noises from the devotee, who seemed to be praying in a sing- song or else singing some pagan psalmody or other, during which his face twitched about in the most unnatural manner.

3. FIVE: Anglicans are traditionally linked by a heightened sense of liturgical order and corporate discipline that is undergirded by the intelligent and creative uses of Scripture, the invigorative observances of calendars (seasons, rites, ceremonies, psalmody and hymnody), and the preponderance of sanctity in the culture of worship.

4. Indeed, he has bequeathed to us a great Eucharistic Prayer [or anaphora] which takes its name from him and has given a fundamental order to prayer and psalmody: at his prompting, the people learned to know and love the Psalms and even went to pray them during the night (cf.

5. The concert will give the audience an opportunity to hear and judge for themselves how the medieval musical practice of psalmody, the singing of Conventionalized melodic formulae, the moving in a designated limited tonal space, the artistically wrought rhythms of organa, will react to quasi-experimental arrangements that explore the physical-acoustic phenomena of sound turning into rhythm, of