Use "protestants" in a sentence

1. Catholics viewed Protestants with distrust, and Protestants held their Catholic rivals in disdain.

2. Why were Protestants sent to the galleys?

3. Also, the majority of Protestants are Kanaks.

4. Soon after I completed it, some Evangelical Protestants contacted me.

5. The vast majority of the workers here are Protestants.

6. Charles's opposition to the Exclusion Bill angered some Protestants.

7. The Cursillo Movement in America: Catholics, Protestants, and Fourth-Day Spirituality

8. With Jellesma was Pastor Kroll, who baptized 254 residents as Protestants.

9. Why are you sacrificing me for an alliance with Protestants?

10. 8 The vast majority of the workers here are Protestants.

11. In the Reformation this had been North-South between Protestants and Catholics.

12. Today the Armenians of Adana are divided into Gregorians, Catholics, and Protestants

13. Bogomils. OF. BULGARIA AND BOSNIA; ***** The Early Protestants of the East

14. Both Catholics and Protestants accepted it as the authority on witchcraft.

15. Were such arguments for astronomical realism the exclusive property of Protestants?

16. Has it prevented Catholics and Protestants from killing one another in Northern Ireland?

17. Will you rule as your father did, and condemn the Protestants?

18. And 53 percent of evangelical Protestants currently in their first marriage Cohabited with …

19. In Northern Ireland, Roman Catholics and Protestants were long pitted against one another.

20. The Bogomils of Bulgaria and Bosnia: The Early Protestants of the East

21. The Bogomils of Bulgaria and Bosnia: The Early Protestants of the East [Brockett, L

22. Dissatisfied with the Emperor's treatment of him, Wallenstein considered allying with the Protestants.

23. Many Protestants have writhed in self- incrimination for remaining silent during Hitler’s wars of aggression.

24. The Albigenses The Albigenses were Protestants who lived in the country of Albi

25. Many evangelical Protestants think them heretics — the ruder ones regularly heckle Mormon conferences.

26. He continued to serve as the religious leader of the Protestants throughout Mary's reign.

27. Support was highest among evangelical Protestants and Roman Catholics and lowest among the unaffiliated, atheists and Agnostics

28. One of a number of definitive statements Anathematizing us (that is, Protestants), include the following… Canon 12.

29. A Further Account of the Sufferings of the Persecuted Protestants in the Archbishoprick of Saltzburg

30. Altarpieces generally came under fierce attack by Protestants out of their misunderstanding of Catholic tradition

31. French Protestants—or Huguenots—and French Catholics had been warring for decades, Bloodying the country

32. (In the polemics that followed, the term "Huguenot" for France's Protestants came into widespread usage.)

33. There exist also churches that reject some of the books that Roman Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants accept.

34. For some people, fundamentalist Protestants most prominently, the issue likewise has been settled, but with the opposite verdict.

35. An account of the sufferings of the persecuted Protestants in the Archbishoprick of Saltzburg, with their

36. In 1909, the directors accepted to receive French-catholic patients, provided that the Protestants had priority.

37. These victories over the Protestants emboldened Ferdinand II to issue the Edict of Restitution in 1629.

38. If Catholics figure disproportionately in the crime statistics, it is because Protestants are more law-abiding.

39. Among Protestants, pastor Martin Niemöller is often pointed to as a staunch opponent of the Nazi regime.

40. France, with its Wars of Religion (1562-1598) between Catholics and Protestants, did not escape this turmoil.

41. Muslims, Catholics, Protestants and other religious communities also could maintain their own organisations and places of worship.

42. The Peace of Saint-Germain put an end to three years of terrible civil war between Catholics and Protestants.

43. In the 1830s, American Abolitionists, led by Evangelical Protestants, gained momentum in their battle to end slavery

44. For a hundred years, the consensus has been accepted by everyone -- Catholics, Jews, Protestants -- except for Muslims.

45. If Catholics figure disproportionately in the crime statistics,( ) it is because Protestants are more law-abiding.

46. Carroll was puzzled over the way Protestants who had always feared priests could now demand his services.

47. Even though my parents were Protestants, my father was searching for Bible truth and for a righteous government.

48. On 30 June, the Protestants occupied Edinburgh, though they were only able to hold it for a month.

49. Leonard Calvert, however, was discreet and evidently did not scandalize the large number of Protestants in his company.

50. DALL So Claude Haton, who is rarely Behindhand in such matters, makes the Protestants lose fifteen thousand or sixteen thousand men

51. Though the Anabaptists had some support in various parts of Western Europe, they were rejected by Protestants and Catholics alike and …

52. In January 1562, Catherine issued the tolerant Edict of Saint-Germain in a further attempt to build bridges with the Protestants.

53. Sadly, it may not contradict the teachings of some Apostatising pseudo protestants seeking Rome's motherly acceptance of wayward daughters.

54. Catholics and Protestants in marginal areas were burnt out of their homes and forced to move into their respective ghettoes.

55. Protestants in an Age of Science: The Baconian Ideal and Antebellum American Religious Thought - Kindle edition by Bozeman, Theodore Dwight

56. She was known as Bloody Mary for her persecution of Protestants in a vain attempt to restore Roman Catholicism in England.

57. But the form as a whole should be recognized as inimical to protestants, especially when pursued in the arena of politics.

58. In the predominantly Catholic Mainz of 1802, only some hundred Protestants could be traced at the end of the Ancien Régime.

59. Protestants: Horse-coursers jades will bound, Curvet and shew more tricks, then a horse well mettled for the rode or cart.

60. The practice of priestly Celibacy is viewed with suspicion, he explained, because Protestants are unfamiliar with it and it seems unnatural

61. Interestingly, Catholics refer to these extra books as the Deuterocanonical books while Protestants refer to them as part of the Apocrypha

62. The Protestants agreed, but when the Queen Regent entered Perth, she garrisoned it with Scottish soldiers on the French pay roll.

63. +J.M.J+ I was under the impression that “ministry” is the word Protestants tend to use for what Catholics would call an Apostolate

64. Baptism - Catholics (as well as Lutherans, Episcopalians, Anglicans, and some other Protestants) believe that Baptism is a Sacrament that regenerates and justifies, and is usually done in infancy; Most Protestants believe Baptism is an outward testimony of a prior inward regeneration, usually done after a person confesses Jesus as Savior and

65. Armstrong, in what Protestants refer to as “Armstrongism” which is really just a modern American form of Arianism, similar to the Jehovah’s Witnesses

66. Protestants often are deeply uncomfortable with Catholic devotion to the Crucifix, a sacramental that depicts the corpus (body) of Christ on his cross

67. Charlotte Arbaleste de la Borde was born into a established Parisian family some years before the conflict between French Catholics and Protestants grew into civil war

68. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Protestants in an Age of Science: The Baconian Ideal and Antebellum American Religious Thought.

69. Protestants reject the Book of Baruch and other writings in the Apocrypha since they were not part of the Jewish Scriptures or New Testament.

70. 3 Atheists (and to a lesser extent, agnostics) are on a par with Catholics and Protestants in correctly answering questions about Catholicism and Protestantism

71. Protestants who were at that time 50% of the population had to choose between exile, abjuration, or to continue practicing their religion in secret.

72. Bloody Mary was renowned for torturing Protestants, and "silver bells" was a nickname for the thumbscrews, while "Cockleshells" were believed …

73. Subsequent editions of the book remained popular with Protestants throughout the following centuries and helped shape enduring perceptions of Mary as a Bloodthirsty tyrant.

74. The Westminster Confession of Faith, accepted by many Protestants, states that the nonelect “shall be cast into eternal torments, and be punished with everlasting destruction.”

75. The Apocrypha are accepted by the Roman Catholic Church as part of the inspired Bible canon, but these books are rejected by Jews and Protestants.

76. The tensions within Parliament over the English Church were increased by radical Protestants destroying perceived "idolatrous" religious images in churches during the summer of 16

77. It must be said, though, that many early Trinitarians found it hard to accept this teaching when it was first proposed—as do Trinitarian Protestants today.

78. In a supposed attempt to uphold the Bible, the “creationists” —mostly allied with fundamentalist Protestants— have insisted that the earth and the universe are less than 10,000 years old.

79. Protestants were also irritated when the Catholic Church declared a special indulgence for the year 2000, the very practice that precipitated the rift some 500 years ago.

80. Americanism, Then and Now: Our Pet Heresy Americanism is Christopher Check examines the history of the heresy of Americanism and measures its effects on both Catholics and Protestants.