Use "protectiveness" in a sentence

1. 5 Possessiveness, jealousy, and protectiveness are high.

2. the benignity and protectiveness of or befitting a father.

3. 1 the benignity and protectiveness of or befitting a father.

4. 2 What she felt now was protectiveness towards her brothers, her sister and her new baby.

5. 9 There are many things about vaccine protectiveness that we still don't completely understand.

6. 20 If you do this right, she should feel the tenderness and protectiveness behind your touch.

7. 3 That was before a new seventeenth-century protectiveness evolved special ways to treat kids.

8. 11 Rigid containers (cans) have the most favorable properties of ( , such as ) protectiveness, impermeability , and ease of sterilizing.

9. 16 One sibling can trigger a mother's inflexibility or anger or dependence, while another evokes protectiveness and empathy.

10. 4 Before the quick rush of protectiveness was swamped by the passionate need growing more insistent the longer he stayed.

11. 8 As I got older, I simply dismissed her protectiveness as just one of her many strange, foreign ways.

12. 15 As Berry explains, teenage girls often "see the jealousy and protectiveness as 'oh, he loves me so much.'

13. 17 Likewise, when you feel tender feelings of attraction and protectiveness for your woman, and you stroke her hair, it makes her feel loved and safe.

14. The Batboys Growing Up as Yanderes Part 3: Jason Todd “This is a yandere story; it mentions elements obsession, over protectiveness, kidnapping, physical and mental abuse

15. 7 The contact point grease has good protectiveness and steady electric performance. It can protect electric contact points properly and prolong the lives of the contacts.

16. 18 In other words, I think Hermione reacted with fierce emotional protectiveness of Harry and then formulated a plan as she went along.

17. 10 It is a good deal harder to apply that same process to mental states which you cherish, like patriotism, or parental protectiveness or true love.

18. 13 A Southern women dressed casually in jeans totes her child in one arm and a shotgun in the other, exuding an air of protectiveness.

19. 12 Young Nim, adorably clothed in outfits more suited to a toddler than a baby chimpanzee, seems perfectly designed to excite feelings of affection and protectiveness.

20. The explanations have centered on the traditional decorum and protectiveness of Seattle politics, libel laws, the gay-rights movement, the reluctance to Besmirch a judge and, particularly, Little

21. 22 To help with this, Jupiter may be conjunct the Sun Ascendant, or Moon adding protectiveness and good fortune, or the chart may be favorably aspected in other way.

22. 14 This might feel old-school to some, but I have three sons myself and a daughter,[] and acts of war make you look at your children with greater protectiveness.

23. 19 In a land where Sony Aibo robot dogs are treated like family, it is not surprising that the engineering students who work on Repliee daily have developed a special protectiveness for it.

24. 21 Southern women dressed casually in jeans totes her child in one arm and a shotgun in the other, exuding an air of protectiveness. A female cop surveys a field near a highway, her firearm in tow.

25. A new sense of protectiveness mingled with what had been pure worship, making him notice new things: Edgar’s Brusquenesses towards her, the way in which her sisters chattered eagerly to each other about wedding plans and she moved about at a distance, either left out, or reluctant to …