Use "protectively" in a sentence

1. He bent protectively over the woman.

2. She clutched her bag protectively.

3. She pulled her shawl about her protectively.

4. He put an arm around her shoulder protectively.

5. 14 She pulled her shawl about her protectively.

6. They closed protectively round Flora in their red, green and blue dresses.

7. The body tenses, the neck hunches and the eyes close protectively.

8. When others would stare or laugh, Jenny’s brothers put an arm protectively around her.

9. Mrs Saulitis gave the soldiers a venomous look and soothed and patted Parslina protectively.

10. Simon drove me to the airport and protectively told me to look after myself.

11. I was found asleep under a hedge, a partly sampled bottle still clutched protectively in my hands.

12. In Book Five, we see several examples of Hermione touching Harry and Ron either bossily or protectively .

13. Usually a shy, submissive person who holds the glass protectively, not letting go, as though afraid somebody will take it away.

14. The peaceful influence of these godlike human masters would spread protectively over these contented lower living creatures.

15. She catches her breath and lies back down on the bed, her hand resting protectively on her abdomen.

16. His arm draped protectively over Megan's shoulders, he said, "She isn't catching on like the other kids are.

17. She thought Robin must sleep in this bed with Penny, curled around her protectively as you would sleep with a kitten.

18. Steven, concerned, paid the bill and put his arm round her protectively as they went out to the car.

19. A student teacher then threw herself protectively in front of a student. Kretschmer shot her dead, the paper said.

20. The team found that the key appears to be joints in the bony vertebrae that wrap protectively around the spinal cord.

21. Wilson instinctively tucked her own swollen legs more securely under her gown and covered her enormous belly protectively with her arms.

22. Wrapped protectively in a blanket, this is the first glimpse of Joe and Carly Cole since the arrival of their baby daughter.

23. She lifted me in her slender arms as easily as Emmett had, shielding me protectively, and then we flew out the door, leaving the lights bright behind us.

24. 30 The team found that the key appears to be joints in the bony vertebrae that wrap protectively around the spinal cord.

25. The biological effect of protectively applied nitrogen on nodulation N-fixing activity, nitrogen forms in Xyloid liquid, and amount of assimilated nitrogen in soybean were studied.

26. These BP levels "seemed to be protectively associated with approximately 50% of these kidney disease-related outcomes at the population level, " the investigators report.

27. It begins to protest and agitate just as soon as any tax begins to act protectively, and it denounces any tax that one citizen levies on another.

28. It is only three feet deep and the adults, crouched protectively over their children, can barely get their heads below the level of the ground.

29. Photographs showed him touring secret tunnel complexes built into the sides of mountains thought to store protectively jet aircraft, missiles, tanks and nuclear and chemical weapons.

30. As we explained the main function of tailing by insertion of Adenosines at the 3’ end of the mRNA is to protectively transport the mRNA to the cytoplasm