Use "protection money" in a sentence

1. You pay protection money daily?

2. For Charlie Anna' s protection money!

3. 13 He's been charged with extorting protection money from the shopkeepers.

4. Synonyms: kickbacks, Baksheesh(tips), payola, hush money, sweetener, protection money, boodle, and gratuity.

5. In 1505, the Portuguese invaded Lamu, forcing the king of the town to quickly concede to paying protection money to them.

6. Brigands waylay caravans, create illegal turnpikes on roads to collect tolls from travelers, attack noisy camps at night, and harass villages for protection money

7. Jews and Christians may live in an Islamic state, but only if they submit to deep humiliation and abasement and in return for the payment of protection money (the jizya tax).