Use "propositional" in a sentence

1. The model for deductive theory is the propositional calculus.

2. The Lindenbaum algebra of propositional intuitionistic logic is a Heyting algebra.

3. This is a list of topics around Boolean algebra and propositional logic.

4. The terms "logical Connective" and "propositional Connective" (Mendelson 1997, p

5. Any adequate account of propositional attitude Ascriptions must account for what is going on in Kripke-style cases

6. Protothetic is an absolute propositional calculus in the sense that the principle of Bivalence is its theorem.

7. The clauses which elaborate the central propositions are called Backgrounded clauses, and their propositional content is background information

8. This can be confusing as the functions use the same symbols as the propositional functions of first-order logic.

9. Autarkies were first studied in an approach for improving the worst-case complexity of solving propositional satisfiability (SAT) [27]

10. 11 Then the ascent algorithm and generalized quasi- tautology are discussed in the part-valued Interval-valued Fuzzy Propositional Logic .

11. 7 It's also important to note how important the affective, as opposed to merely informational or propositional component of conversation is.

12. 20 It's also important to note how important the affective, as opposed to merely informational or propositional component of conversation is.

13. 20 This paper explains the proposition and propositional logic, giving the definitions, forms and usages of negation, conjunction, disjunction, implication and equivalence.

14. Propositional Attitudes are often assumed to be the fundamental units of thought and their contents, being propositions, are true or false from the perspective of the person

15. 21 Firstly, on the basis of implication, originating from the limited Disturbing Fuzzy Propositional Logic, discusses its logic algebra and the properties of its generalized tautology.

16. Connective, also called Sentential Connective, or Propositional Connective, in logic, a word or group of words that joins two or more propositions together to form a Connective proposition

17. Algorithms for the uniform random generation of a particular class of formal expressions (containing arithmetical expressions, propositional calculus formulas, tree representations, special algebraic expressions and program structures) are described.

18. In philosophy, a distinction is often made between two different kinds of knowledge: knowledge by Acquaintance and knowledge by description.Whereas knowledge by description is something like ordinary propositional knowledge (e.g

19. Minimal Unsatisfiability and Autarkies Hans Kleine Buni¨ ng and Oliver Kullmann The topic of this chapter is the study of certain forms of “redundancies” in propositional conjunctive normal forms and generalisations

20. Let V denote a set of propositional variables and let XV denote the set of all strings from an alphabet including symbols in V, left and right parentheses, and all the logical connectives under consideration.

21. An agent can have different propositional Attitudes toward the same proposition (e.g., "S believes that her ice-cream is cold," and "S fears that her ice-cream is cold").

22. 18 It is able to change the law of excluded middle into all kinds of tautology through applications of the rule of equivalent replacement, and to prove all the inner theorems of propositional logic.

23. Compactness Hans Halvorson March 4, 2013 1 Compactness theorem for propositional logic Recall that a set T of sentences is said to be nitely satis able just in case: for each nite F T, there is an Lstructure M F such that M F j= ˚for all ˚2F

24. Sites are both false (i.e., the propositional Binegation 'neither P nor not-P' is true)» My point here is that just this ambiguity of dialetheias is essen-tial for understanding the "middle way" of Cusanus —the way directed by his basic epistemological insight and maxim: doeta ignorantia

25. Sites are both false (i.e., the propositional Binegation 'neither P nor not-P' is true).13 My point here is that just this ambiguity of dialetheias is essen-tial for understanding the "middle way" of Cusanus - the way directed by his basic epistemological insight and maxim: docta ignorantia

26. Contextualism is the epistemological thesis that holds context to significantly affect the truth value of claims such as “S knows that p.” A shift in context can lead to a shift in the standards by which we evaluate propositional knowledge claims, and thus a shift in the truth values of these claims: a statement “S knows that p” may be true when evaluated in one context while