Use "proportionately" in a sentence

1. Large blackbird eggs contained proportionately more water and albumen, but proportionately less yolk and shell.

2. The government’s income from payroll taxes is diminished proportionately.

3. The possibility for vascular disease also proportionately increases with age .

4. Therefore, Europe's relative gravitas and weight in both global affairs and American issues will proportionately decrease.

5. The encoding (14) consists of alternately proportionately raised and lowered luminance on selected horizontal scan lines.

6. 2 A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.

7. 1 A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.

8. Cardiac output was increased when stressed and unstressed blood volumes increased proportionately as during volume loading alone.

9. And in spite of advances in science and technology, are proportionately more people suffering as a result?

10. 22 Clients equate reward potential with risk, a fact dealers exploit, but the two may not coexist proportionately.

11. Some frail-looking strands are proportionately stronger than steel, tougher than the fibers in a bulletproof vest.

12. The absolute wood density also decreased across the whole annual ring but proportionately more in latewood than in earlywood.

13. Spins a funnel-shaped web whose strands have a tensile strength proportionately equal to the high-tension wires used in bridges.

14. Fully-Claustral Fully-Claustral queens are typically bulkier than semi-Claustral queens, with smaller heads proportionately to social parasites and semi-Claustral

15. The increased population in the Piedmont and western parts of the state were not proportionately represented by delegates in the legislature.

16. 8 Consultants' caseloads are mounting inexorably and technical complexity is increasing while junior support declines, both proportionately and in terms of doctor hours.

17. (1 Corinthians 16:2b, New International Version) In other words, an individual who wants to share in voluntary giving can do so proportionately.

18. Alcids, on the other hand, have proportionately shorter wings, high wing loadings, rapid wing beat rates and greater speed (45–55 miles per hour), and large flight muscles

19. Hence in the event of a default by the bank causes any unreconciled shortfall in the money held in the pooled account, then you may share proportionately in that shortfall.

20. Day trips for fishing accounted for almost 25% of all fishing trips in 1995, with nonresidents visiting Canada having a proportionately lower percentage of day trips than Canadians visiting other jurisdictions.

21. If the ALP (10–45 IU/L) and GGT (18–85) levels rise proportionately about as high as the AST (12–38 IU/L) and ALT (10–45 IU/L) levels, this indicates a cholestatic problem.

22. A third band in thev3 region and a second band in thev4 region are attributed to a second adsorption position; their intensities do not vary proportionately with those of the other bands upon changing the coverage.

23. Likewise, a young person with a new driver’s license may have some fear of having a traffic accident —especially if he is aware of statistics that show young drivers to be proportionately more accident-prone than older ones.

24. As soon as an amicable settlement is reached, application of the Protocol shall resume and the amount of the financial contribution shall be reduced proportionately and pro rata temporis according to the period during which application of the Protocol was suspended.

25. Therefore, ex hypothesi, in the casinos which charge an admission fee of EUR 6, the amounts collected for every admission ticket sold before payment of the public fees are proportionately lower than those collected for every admission ticket sold by the other casinos.

26. Investment income is recognized on the accrual basis; transaction costs that are directly attributable to the investment activity of the cash pool are expensed as incurred in the cash pool and the net income is distributed proportionately to the funds participating in the cash pool;

27. Then, again, a desired possession such as an automobile can be an injurious thing when given to an immature youth, as can be seen from the fact that teen-agers are involved in twice as many fatal auto accidents, proportionately, as are drivers over twenty-five years of age.

28. Beyond regional instabilities and conflicts caused by failed or failing states, the greater problems are associated with the new set of trans-national threats that grow in importance proportionately to the progress of the informative age and globalization trends that fuel them just as they drive economic expansion.

29. Any Contributory negligence chargeable to the claimant shall diminish proportionately the amount awarded as damages for an injury attributable to the claimant’s Contributory negligence but shall not bar recovery, except that if the Contributory negligence of the claimant is equal to or greater than the total negligence of all persons against