Use "prophecy" in a sentence

1. Prophecy Besmirched Silent_Songbird

2. Prophecy Besmirched Silent_Songbird

3. Fulfilling Isaiah’s Prophecy

4. What an uplifting prophecy!

5. Jacob’s deathbed prophecy (1-28)

6. The prophecy came to pass.

7. How precise was this prophecy?

8. Fields of Apologists Prophecy Apologists

9. She had the gift of prophecy.

10. Will you see the prophecy fulfilled?

11. Huldah’s prophecy of calamity (22-28)

12. A Silent Witness to Accurate Prophecy

13. Ahijah’s prophecy against Jeroboam (1-20)

14. Micah’s prophecy can strengthen us spiritually

15. Messianic Prophecy —The Majestic Cedar Tree

16. 5 This vital prophecy embraces several enigmas.

17. How Daniel’s Prophecy Foretells the Messiah’s Arrival

18. Her prophecy was proved to be correct.

19. * See also President; Prophecy, Prophesy; Revelation; Seer

20. This isn't about prophecy, but a miracle.

21. 6 Daniel was familiar with Jeremiah’s prophecy.

22. What modern events does the prophecy foretell?

23. This prophecy has now been amply fulfilled.

24. 12 The Bible —A Book of Accurate Prophecy

25. All these events had been revealed by prophecy.

26. Abe Wolfowitz, his prophecy, however, did come true.

27. (b) What enigmas were embraced by that prophecy?

28. Major Apostasies with Dennis Pollock Christ in Prophecy

29. Major Apostasies with Dennis Pollock Christ in Prophecy

30. Now, Seeker, the Prophecy, at last, is averted.

31. Hosea’s Prophecy Helps Us to Walk With God

32. He seemed to have the gift of prophecy.

33. Macbeth believed the witches' prophecy about his future.

34. Isaiah’s Prophecy Fortifies Our Confidence in God’s Word

35. Prophecy against the altar at Bethel (1-10)

36. I averted the Prophecy when I brought him here

37. What does this prophecy teach us about God’s Kingdom?

38. The prophecy that David would become king was fulfilled .

39. How did Abel exercise faith in the first prophecy?

40. (b) How was Jacob’s deathbed prophecy over Benjamin fulfilled?

41. A prophecy uttered some 400 years earlier is fulfilled.

42. The prophecy is accurate Why do you protect him?

43. 4 Jesus is fulfilling a prophecy: “Be very joyful . . .

44. I averted the Prophecy when I brought him here.

45. She was believed to have the gift of prophecy.

46. TEACHING BOX 8A: Messianic Prophecy —The Majestic Cedar Tree

47. A Prophecy Against Tyre Strengthens Confidence in Jehovah’s Word

48. First, such events are a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

49. □ What part does prophecy play in our keeping awake?

50. May this prophecy come to pass in Jesus'name, Amen!

51. Consequently, Isaiah’s prophecy calls her “barren” and “hurt in spirit.”

52. 7. (a) How was the prophecy against Edom initially fulfilled?

53. You will never regret paying close attention to Daniel’s prophecy!

54. This prophecy has , in my opinion , just been literally fulfilled .

55. Explain the gist of Ezekiel’s prophecy regarding Gog of Magog.

56. What questions are now raised in connection with Jeremiah’s prophecy?

57. It is awesome to contemplate the magnitude of Isaiah’s prophecy.

58. (b) What does that prophecy mean to Jehovah’s people today?

59. (See also the box “Messianic Prophecy —The Majestic Cedar Tree.”)

60. He was said to have possessed the gift of prophecy.

61. A prophet made a prophecy that the kingdom would fall.

62. The poem contains a bleak prophecy of war and ruin.

63. How did Jehovah fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel 11:19?

64. Rather, Isaiah’s prophecy was seen to have a spiritual application.

65. Cyrus fulfills prophecy by diverting the waters of the Euphrates

66. The power that had selected him to fulfil the prophecy.

67. And modern-day skeptics are usually biased against Bible prophecy.

68. What prophecy of Isaiah had a modern application in 1919?

69. But what about the prophecy of death by wild beasts?

70. Covenanting was predicted in prophecy in reference to Old Testament times

71. To illustrate the detailed accuracy of Bible prophecy, consider this example.

72. Investigate for yourself its unparalleled wisdom, historical accuracy, and fulfilled prophecy.

73. Shakespeare's Macbeth is another classic example of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

74. How does Ezekiel’s prophecy describe “the land” that Gog will invade?

75. 19 Another detail of Jesus’ prophecy has to do with disease.

76. It is a prophecy filled with hope but tinged with mourning.

77. In Bible prophecy, human governments are often symbolized by wild beasts.

78. Bible research showed that this was in fulfillment of inspired prophecy.

79. What did a Bible scholar state concerning the prophecy of Zephaniah?

80. 2 Is there evidence that this prophecy is undergoing fulfillment today?