Use "propagandists" in a sentence

1. Propagandists often use a word like “sect” to stigmatize others.

2. The Filipino propagandists in Europe mourned Panganiban’s death.

3. The matter was discussed exparte by propagandists on both sides.

4. Concuss is a shadowy media cult and propagandists' guild located in the heart of Seattle, WA.

5. 2003 Concuss is a shadowy media cult and propagandists' guild located in the heart of Seattle, WA.

6. Concuss is a shadowy media cult and propagandists' guild located in the heart of Seattle, WA.

7. 29 The civil war exposed his pretensions to military expertise, to the delight of the Cavalier propagandists.

8. 28 The truth is that a whiff of counter-revolution is hard to find - dismaying though that may be for party propagandists.

9. North Korean propagandists proclaim Kim Jong-eun “the Young General,” but whether he will exercise the same absolutist authority as his father is an open question.

10. The ruling Party's propagandists in Beijing have been working overtime, huffily putting out statements bashing the United States for its fiscal profligacy and economic sloth.

11. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Collectanea satis copiosa (Latin: ‘The Sufficiently Abundant Collections’) was a collection of scriptural, historical, and patristic texts that was compiled to provide royal propagandists with arguments justifying Henry VIII's personal and England's provincial independence from Rome.

12. Maybe we're the Birdbrains, all of us, if we can't figure out a way to take our world back from the politicians, the propagandists and the phony preachers who plague us from the left, the right, up and down and all around