Use "proliferous" in a sentence

1. It has many little blood vessel, proliferous and rapid.

2. Think commonly, before malignant tumor happens, almost all first discrepant model proliferous .

3. Is lacteal spring proliferous but in order to become cut operation?

4. Artifice derma organizes occurrence nugget, why to repeat after the operation proliferous?

5. Psoriasis is a chronic T-lymphocyte mediated inflammatory and proliferous skin disease, and its treatment is still a puzzled problem.

6. If the pistil be Apocarpous, and the carpels arranged spirally on an elevated thalamus, it then frequently happens that the carpels, especially the upper ones, become carried up with the prolonged axis, more widely separated one from the other than below, and particularly liable to undergo various petalloid or foliaceous changes as in proliferous _Roses_, _Potentilla_, &c.