Use "proletarian" in a sentence

1. They remained true to the banner of proletarian internationalism.

2. They chanted the eulogy of proletarian heroes.

3. The proletarian patriotism is combined with internationalism.

4. He is the father of proletarian literature.

5. Zhang Wentian was an outstanding proletarian revolutionist and theorist.

6. Our friend ship is built on proletarian, internationalism.

7. Our new art shall draw on the proletarian Onanism.

8. The serf an assured existence, the proletarian has not.

9. Many were convinced that only a proletarian revolution could remove discrimination.

10. Suyu was a great proletarian revolutionist and an outstanding military scientist.

11. It constituted the institutional embodiment of proletarian unity and class consciousness.

12. Diligence , thrift , plain living and hard work constitute the good proletarian style.

13. Socialism could not yet be built and they would inevitably disappoint proletarian expectations.

14. The menu, prepared by White House chef Jon Hill , was anything but proletarian.

15. Even for the socialists the road to proletarian triumph ran through a fully developed capitalism.

16. She was spanked by the outraged Emperor because, nude and proletarian, she was masquerading as a nymph.

17. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Shostakovich worked at TRAM, a proletarian youth theatre.

18. Anarchism gained a much larger following in Barcelona, already a bastion of proletarian rebellion, Luddism, and trade unionism.

19. They reacted, in particular, to the upsurge in proletarian and, from the turn of the century, peasant unrest.

20. This was a frankly proletarian town, laid out in regular rows of plain brick houses.

21. In their view the older generation could never be persuaded of the value of a proletarian ideology.

22. Marx distinguished two classes, bourgeois and proletarian, based on the ownership of the means of production.

23. 9 In its social origins putschism is a combination of lumpen proletarian and petty - bourgeois ideology.

24. Presenting proletarian enjoyment as something sacred, elevating forms of advertising while simultaneously rendering their strategies of auraticisation profane.

25. A Non vegetarian, a Egalitarian, a Proletarian, a Altitudinarian, a Libertarian, a Historian, A nephew, an uncle

26. There, he consistently highlighted the dangers of fascist regimes in Europe and the need for "proletarian humanism".

27. This temporary development fostered both revisionist and defeatist views of the proletarian revolution in the imperialist countries.

28. The most pernicious consequence of these internal Soviet developments was the disorientation of the proletarian vanguard in other countries.

29. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution bursted in her youth. But her nature seemed to have found the way quite elegantly .

30. A Bolshevik, in the twenties she became famous for her proletarian theatre troupes for children and agitprop in Soviet Russia and Latvia.

31. In 1968, the "Guangxi April 22 Revolutionary Action Command" opposed Wei Guoqing's leadership while the "Guangxi United Command of Proletarian Revolutionaries" supported him.

32. (How long can a society hang in a "Bonapartist" limbo, with neither capitaist nor proletarian class exercising dictatorship in the modern world?)Kasama

33. On August 8, 1966, the party's Central Committee passed its "Decision Concerning the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution", later to be known as the "Sixteen Points".

34. "Long live the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!" says the slogan on the flag that features the profile of the late Chinese leader Mao Zedong.

35. Denying this threat, Belittling it, failing to take it seriously Is the greatest crime that can be committed today against the proletarian revolution in Germany

36. The Cowshed is a short memoir portraying Ji Xianlin's experience during the Cultural Revolution - or the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to give it its full name

37. The thorough exposure and smashing of this counter- revolutionary clique in the great proletarian cultural revolution is an immense new victory for Mao Tse - tung's thought.

38. To eliminate dissent, the government imprisoned thousands in forced-labour camps or executed them for crimes such as alleged treachery or for disrupting the proletarian dictatorship.

39. First, Maoism was based on the belief that the peasantry is the principal revolutionary class, even though lip service was ambiguously paid to the principle of "proletarian leadership."

40. While both factions believed that a proletarian revolution was necessary, the Mensheviks generally tended to be more moderate, and more positive towards the liberal opposition and the peasant-based Socialist Revolutionary Party.

41. The Abbatial Crosier, set in the year 737 AD, is the 8th volume in a series called The Mysteries of the People; or History of a Proletarian Family Across the Ages that was written between 1849-1857

42. The Abbatial Crosier, set in the year 737 AD, is the 8th volume in a series called The Mysteries of the People; or History of a Proletarian Family Across the Ages that was written between 1849-1857

43. My class was now vilified by the class below it; Bourgeois began to mean "not proletarian, therefore parasitic, reactionary." Thus it has always been a reproach to assign a man to that class which has provided the world with nearly all its divines