Use "procyon" in a sentence

1. A carnivorous North American mammal ( Procyon motor ) having grayish - brown fur, black masklike facial aringed bushy tail.

2. Prociono is an Esperanto word meaning either the star Procyon or the animal species known as the raccoon.

3. Instead of attempting to adapt existing aircraft designs for a role they were never intended to fulfill, the technicians at Procyon designed the banshee from scratch.

4. That group is within a much bigger Asterism, the Winter Hexagon – six first-magnitude stars in six constellations: Capella ( Auriga ), Pollux ( Gemini ), Procyon ( Canis Minor

5. OSIRIS-REx - Sample Return Mission to Asteroid Bennu (2016) Hayabusa2 - JAXA Sample Return Mission to Asteroid Ryugu (2014) PROCYON - JAXA Small Satellite Asteroid Flyby Mission (2014) Dawn - NASA Orbiter of Asteroids Ceres and Vesta (2007) Rosetta - ESA Comet Mission, flew by Asteroids Steins

6. Weasels (Mustela sp.), eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus), raccoons (Procyon lotor), northern ravens (Corvus corax), sharp-shinned hawks (Accipiter striatus) and gray jays (Perisoreus canadensis) have also been identified as possible predators (Wallace 1939, Rimmer and McFarland 1994, 1996, G. Rompré pers. comm.). While Wallace (1939) notes that blue jays and crows seldom frequent altitudes greater than 914 m in Vermont, these predators may prove to be a larger problem in Canada, where.