Use "probenecid" in a sentence

1. Higher blood concentration of ceftiofur and longer half life can be observed when administered together with probenecid.

2. Medicinal products used in the treatment of gout (probenecid, sulfinpyrazone and allopurinol) Dosage adjustment of uricosuric medicinal products may be necessary since hydrochlorothiazide may raise the level of serum uric acid

3. Preferred compounds capable of reducing the uric acid level are selected from the group consisting of xanthine oxidase inhibitors, such as allopurinol, recombinant enzyme uricase and uricosuric compound capable of enhancing uric acid excretion, such as probenecid.

4. phenylbutazone, azapropazon and oxyfenbutazone insulin and oral antidiabetic products metformin salicylates and p-amino-salicylic acid anabolic steroids and male sex hormones chloramphenicol coumarin anticoagulants fenfluramine fibrates ACE inhibitors fluoxetine allopurinol sympatholytics cyclo-, tro-and iphosphamides sulphinpyrazone certain long-acting sulphonamides tetracyclines MAO-inhibitors quinolone antibiotics probenecid miconazol pentoxyfylline (high dose parenteral) tritoqualine fluconazole