Use "private life" in a sentence

1. Don't pry into private life of others.

2. His private life came under media scrutiny.

3. A student prying into her private life.

4. Skills, languages, pieces of your private life.

5. I don't want to invade your private life.

6. His private life became monstrous as he aged.”

7. Reporters constantly badger her about her private life.

8. The private life of Charles I was irreproachable.

9. He is notoriously indiscreet about his private life.

10. The interviewer probed deep into her private life.

11. Where I sense more intrusion into my private life?

12. His private life is the subject of much speculation.

13. More piquant details of their private life were revealed.

14. The scandal about his private life stalked the firm soon.

15. He dismissed recent rumours about his private life as fictitious.

16. Shocking revelations about their private life appeared in the papers.

17. 1 She smiles coyly when pressed about her private life.

18. She did not tolerate press intrusion into her private life.

19. The private life is dead... for a man with any manhood.

20. Most of the stories about his private life are probably apocryphal.

21. All attempts to deflect attention from his private life have failed.

22. 26 He dismissed recent rumours about his private life as fictitious.

23. She likes to pry into the private life of her friends.

24. Was that why you wanted to pry into my private life?

25. He never allowed his work to impinge on his private life.

26. Most of the story about his private life was probably apocryphal.

27. 7 She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life.

28. The 1860s were a period of great sadness in Liszt's private life.

29. They were surprised by her openness when talking about her private life.

30. She decided to sue for libel after the newspaper smeared her private life.

31. 28 The Palace will not comment on questions about the family's private life.

32. What you do in your private life is of no interest to me.

33. His public utterances were examined for heresy, his private life combed for scandal.

34. He achieved sudden notoriety when the details of his private life were revealed.

35. By now he had gotten used to reporters' impertinent questions about his private life.

36. She tried to prevent her work from encroaching too far on her private life.

37. 6 He's usually very adept at keeping his private life out of the media.

38. 5 For one with such a hedonistic and varied private life, Xizor grew tired.

39. A White House aide told the media everything he knew about the President's private life.

40. He sought to extort money by threatening to reveal secrets about his boss's private life.

41. The film star claimed that the police action was an intrusion on her private life.

42. I hope he didn't think me impertinent when I asked him about his private life.

43. I try not to let my problems at work carry over into my private life.

44. She was asked a couple of questions about her private life and got a bit prickly.

45. Beamed live around the world , the star addresses several of the stories about his private life .

46. Though a top-rated movie star he has been remarkably successful at keeping his private life private.

47. Following the military coup of 1980, the Kurdish language was officially prohibited in public and private life.

48. Politicians, pundits and royal watchers have all made public comment on the private life of Charles and Diana.

49. I wasn't expecting the interviewer to ask about my private life and was left floundering for a while.

50. After returning to the East Coast in 1921, Sidis was determined to live an independent and private life.

51. It is a restlessness, a refusal to longterm relationships, that has typified both his public and private life.

52. But in this barrage of noise that I'm putting out, I actually live an incredibly anonymous and private life.

53. MANSON Chapters might be made of Commendatory letters received from officials, writers, public workers and friends in private life

54. The antithesis of Greta Garbo, Ms. Taylor was now a star whose private life completely overshadowed her film career.

55. Liberal democracy, private life, civil rights and interest groups are all simply ideological constructs designed to pacify and mislead.

56. I have my public life and my private life, and as far as possible I try to keep them separate.

57. 16 The antithesis of Greta Garbo, Ms. Taylor was now a star whose private life completely overshadowed her film career.

58. During the dispute with Ledwaba, Modise had declined to reveal her own sexual orientation: "My private life is my business."

59. For you to work here, I need to know that you're not gonna talk about my private life, or anyone else's.

60. The effects of alcohol misuse spill over from private life into the workplace, causing inefficiency and accidents as well as absenteeism.

61. Liberal democracy, private life[sentencedict .com], civil rights and interest groups are all simply ideological constructs designed to pacify and mislead.

62. It was as well that she did because she had forfeited most of her private life for the sake of her chosen career.

63. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pretty tight-lipped about her private life, and her relationship with web developer Boyfriend Riley Roberts remains low-key.

64. Meghan’s lawyers told the court that publishing it was a “triple-Barrelled” assault on “her private life, her family life and her correspondence”.

65. In spite of an inauspicious beginning, Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country.

66. In her private life, Hepburn preferred to wear casual and comfortable clothes, contrary to the haute couture she wore on screen and at public events.

67. (Geschichte der Päpste seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters [History of the Popes From the End of the Middle Ages]) “His private life is absolutely indefensible . . .

68. Civilize definition, to bring out of a savage, uneducated, or rude state; make civil; elevate in social and private life; enlighten; refine: Rome Civilized the barbarians

69. "There is greater public interest in protecting private life -- and that interest must tolerate the occasional missed misdemeanour," said Whittle, a former BBC controller of editorial policy.

70. The evidence that exists about Hitler's private life is largely from people in his inner circle, such as his adjutants, his secretaries, Albert Speer, the Richard Wagner family, and others.

71. “Yole and Ansy”: This is the replica of two twin voices, the unique symbol of the success of a couple as well in the artistic field as in private life

72. Waterdeep’s inns, taverns, gambling halls, and Alehouses serve as the living rooms and parlors of the community, where public and private life plays out in front of free-flowing taps

73. ‎Colleen Ballinger has been sharing her life publicly to millions of people online for over a decade, while her husband Erik Stocklin lives a much more private life and barely knows how to use social media

74. The research paper will move from the analysis of the historical context of colonialism and colorism against dark-skinned black women to unpacking Colorisms many impacts and implications derived from this colonial construction to its effects within personal, private life.

75. However, after the first few interviews, the reader realizes that Tach is an obese and obnoxious misanthrope of the worst kind: acerbic, intolerant, a provocateur and a misogynist, who cannot tolerate any questions about his private life and has the audacity to turn the interviews into a cesspool of disgust for his interviewers.

76. The Apocryphal story is not supported by any authority that I have met with.: A tale is told of the origin of the names of some of the islands, which is original, if Apocryphal.: And the private life of Columbus is epitomised in the Apocryphal story of making an egg stand on end.: It has a certain Apocryphal reputation and is not regarded on a par with the other contents of the Poetic Edda.