Use "primordial" in a sentence

1. Soon his primordial spirit will vanish.

2. Archical (not comparable) chief; primary; primordial

3. Procambial development is acropetal following closely primordial inception.

4. All syllables derive from the primordial syllable - OM.

5. Life's primordial reality is spirit.

6. Could the Universal Primordial Flux become contaminated?

7. Biogenesis is based on Primordial Life.

8. Think of it like a primordial ooze, okay?

9. What does Archical mean? (obsolete) Chief; primary; primordial

10. He was driven on by a primordial terror.

11. The Neanderthal Man is one of our primordial ancestors.

12. Twenty million years ago, Idaho was populated by dense primordial forest.

13. The universe was created out of a primordial ball of matter.

14. Here were coarseness and Brutishness-- a thing savage, primordial, ferocious

15. Autochthon, the Great Maker, is a Primordial in Exalted

16. The Amanita muscaria is also born from a primordial mound.

17. Nun: primordial deity of the waters of chaos, depicted in human form.

18. You'd better,'cause we cannot make the cure without the primordial.

19. Two hours before admission, the patient had severe persistent primordial pain.

20. Let us imagine the primordial din, the original vortex!

21. It is the primordial force that propels us forward.

22. The blue mountains like a photograph of primordial ocean.

23. 7 The Neanderthal Man is one of our primordial ancestors.

24. These primordial structures would eventually become the galaxies we see today.

25. Gentle gnawing on the tiny bones appeals to our most basic, primordial instincts.

26. Pilgrims of the primordial, we go to reflect on our birth.

27. The dialectic between actual ego and ego-ideal is prefigured here in primordial form.

28. According to Poe, the initial state of matter was a single "Primordial Particle".

29. Aether was one of the primordial deities in Greek mythology, the son of the primordial deities Erebus (darkness) and Nyx (night), or according to Orphic Hymns, Chronos (time) and Ananke (necessity)

30. Ahriman originally was a primordial desert spirit who became the personification of evil in Zoroastrianism

31. Amplifying Emblems are less common than Primordial Emblems, and acquiring them can be quite expensive

32. The psychology of TCM must found the personality frame of reference supervised by primordial shen.

33. 72 synonyms for Ancient: classical, old, former, past, early, bygone, primordial, primeval, olden, very

34. Nun: primordial deity of the waters of chaos(Sentence dictionary), depicted in human form.

35. In Latin form Abyssus, "depths of the earth or sea; primordial chaos;" early 14c

36. Walkthrough of Primordial Push level in Besiegement, a tower defense game for the iPhone

37. Amun Amun, god of the air, was one of the eight primordial Egyptian deities

38. However, in the meanwhile the alphorn is regarded a primordial and integral part of Switzerland.

39. 3 The dialectic between actual ego and ego-ideal is prefigured here in primordial form.

40. So the man who fled down the mountain that night trembled not with joy but with a stark, primordial fear.

41. The fear of separation I suddenly understood that day to be a fear as primordial as the fear of death.

42. The Alchemicals are not subject to the Great Curse, as they did not fight in the Primordial War.

43. Bilobate comets are thought to be primordial because they are rich in supervolatiles (for example, N 2 and

44. She betrayed the old gods and the Coven by slaying the primordial sun and giving its …

45. Archetypes are what Carl Jung called “primordial images” and the “fundamental units of the human mind.”

46. Sense of smell? Smells are the primordial language and the newborn perceives them indistinctly from birth.

47. Springing from the heavens, Ariadne’s origins beckon from the primordial mist of Bronze Age Minoan Crete where she

48. The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.

49. The 20Ne-enriched components are attributed to exotic primordial rare-gas components in the Earth, possibly representing solar neon.

50. Cereal Soup is an MMO-style animal roleplaying game set in the dangerous and strange world of Primordial

51. With the exception of wurtzite, all these other minerals were formed by weathering of the primordial zinc sulfides.

52. Bolometers for balloon and space missions have seen extensive development because of their capacity to test primordial conditions of the Universe

53. It extended the web of relationships under the mantle of a few comprehensive terms of relationship connoting close, primordial loyalties.

54. Through a complicated series of substitutions this lost object of primordial fusion with another has been translated into objects of current desire.

55. Coacervates In the warm primordial ocean, aggregates of amino acids, proteins, and other hydrocarbons came together into a form called *Coacervates*

56. The adaxial primordial domain is competent to form a meristem, while the abaxial domain correlates with the formation of a leaf.

57. The primordial cell and its division as the origin of life constitute the Allegorized architect’s plan for the entrance building

58. 3He is a primordial substance in the Earth's mantle, considered to have become entrapped within the Earth during planetary formation.

59. 12 The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.

60. n°7 "ARCHETYPES" A season under the sign of a return to the origins where the model futures are woven within the abyssal zones of primordial memory.

61. Coalescence Those individuals with a Coalescence of segments and hence a better burrowing ability, were able to persist in this early primordial ecosystem.

62. Overall, the reported findings provide a better understanding of Lox activities, unveiling for the first time their role in primordial vascular adventitia function.

63. Not because, he argued, humans have some primordial thirst for blood or aggressive instinct or territorial imperative, but because of the logic of anarchy.

64. Acinuses include antral follicle, mammary gland acini, oocyte & follicular cells, oviduct, placenta and primordial follicle. acinusus acini stain more weakly than serous acini, because of the …

65. n°8 "PARADISE" A season under the sign of a return to the origins where the model futures are woven within the abyssal zones of primordial memory.

66. One author noted: “Many civilizations believed in a primordial paradise that was characterized by perfection, freedom, peace, happiness, abundance, and the absence of duress, tensions, and conflicts. . . .

67. El papel del IHLP es primordial en los movimientos de apertura, protrusion y movimientos Contralaterales mandibulares, siendo la relacion antagonica pero complementaria en movimientos horizontales mandibulares.

68. Acinuses include antral follicle, mammary gland acini, oocyte & follicular cells, oviduct, placenta and primordial follicle. Interventions: intravenous albumin was given at the time of oocyte retrieval.

69. The Begotten, also called "Beasts" or "the Children", are mortals whose souls have been fused with one of the Horrors within the Primordial Dream

70. The aim of the DECORE (Deep Earth chemistry at the core) project was to investigate the primordial differentiation of the Earth during accretion and formation of its core.

71. One of the things he claims is that in a polytheistic system, which is morally neutral, where you have some primordial realm that spawns demons, monsters, gods, evil is a permanent necessity.

72. Bards say that the multiverse was spoken into existence, that the words of the gods gave it shape, and that echoes of these primordial Words of Creation still resound throughout the cosmos.

73. “Creaks” takes one of the great primordial fears of childhood (that there is a world of strange sights and dangers behind your bedroom walls waiting to be discovered) and runs with it.

74. The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the universe whose primary assertion is that the universe has expanded into its current state from a primordial condition of enormous density and temperature.

75. Astarte is a Primordial Goddess worshiped under many names throughout the Mediterranean, she is a goddess associated with fertility, sexuality, love, and war along with being the deification of Venus

76. Since geeky Chuck accidentally became the mental host of the Intersect, an unprecedentedly powerful computer mind containing all information available to the US government, he's a primordial national security asset and risk

77. Bilobate comets are thought to be primordial because they are rich in supervolatiles (for example, N2 and CO) and have a low bulk density, which implies that their formation requires a very low

78. In several Native American creation myths, the muskrat dives to the bottom of the primordial sea to bring up the mud from which the earth is created, after other animals have failed in the task.

79. Scopul primordial al Apair este sa le asigure membrilor un statut profesional inalt si sa-i sprijine sa activeze cu succes in activitatea lor astfel incat aceasta sa devina tot mai profitabila.

80. Blastopore / Archistome / protostoma / anus of Rusconi: the opening of the archenteron to the exterior of the embryo, at the gastrula stage; Ecker's plug: a plug of cells in the primordial mouth of the gastrula