Use "priesthoods" in a sentence

1. Historically, Autocrats have depended on nobles, business moguls, militaries, or ruthless priesthoods to maintain their power

2. Non-Jewish religions in the Mediterranean area were also well established, with temples and priesthoods.

3. The perfect model of the close relationship that exists between the two priesthoods is found in the interaction between Jesus and John the Baptist.

4. Just think of what would take place in our priesthood quorums if the relationships between the holders of the two priesthoods were inspired by the pattern established by Jesus and John the Baptist.

5. "Inevitable" in a sense analogous to how the invention of the printing press made certain societal changes (forms of Anarchies, actually) "inevitable." -- the widespread dissemination of printed knowledge, with the resulting loss of monopolies on forms of knowledge by guilds, priesthoods, and kings.

6. The text deals with the competencies of duumviri, aediles and quaestores, regulates the decurional order, manumission and the appointment of guardians, the relations between patronus and cliens, the acquisition of Roman civil rights by magistrates and public affairs, including the funding of cults, priesthoods, rituals, calendar and games, which were considered a religious matter.