Use "price-fixing" in a sentence

1. But a price-fixing review?

2. Price fixing is a tool of socialists and destroys production.

3. It is currently in dispute with the government over price fixing.

4. South Africa: price fixing and market allocation in the food sector

5. First, and most obviously, commercialisation agreements may lead to price fixing.

6. It concerned ‘quota allocation and price fixing discussions’ (contested decision, footnote accompanying recital 479).

7. OBJECTIVE : To raise the price fixing of drugs to a scientific and reasonable level.

8. Antitrust law Law aimed at preventing monopolies, price - fixing agreements , and other obstacles to free market competition.

9. "Price-fixing agreements, tacit oligopolistic collusion, and monopoly pricing can also stimulate the wasteful accumulation of excess capacity.

10. – quotation prices ‘are irrelevant for actual price negotiations’ and that ‘price fixing through the “coordination” of official [quotation] prices is impossible’;

11. Putin overtly threatened Igor Zyuzin, the CEO of Mechel (MTL), a mining and metals giant, accusing him of price fixing in order to evade corporate taxes.

12. Examples of these unlawful, Anticompetitive practices include: Price Fixing – an agreement among competitors to raise, fix, or otherwise maintain the price at which their goods or services are sold.; Pay-for-Delay – an agreement between a brand drug

13. Department of Justice says it has launched a new investigation into price-fixing in the industry, examining whether record labels Collude to keep up the price they charge online retailers, and whether those retailers are in on the scam.

14. The agencies pointedly warned the business community: “Going forward, the DOJ intends to proceed Criminally against naked wage-fixing or no-poaching agreements.” Wage-fixing, a form of price-fixing, includes agreements among firms to fix salaries at a certain level or within a certain range, while a no-poach agreement is an agreement among

15. Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Second Chamber, extended composition) of 11 March 1999. - Unimétal - Société française des aciers longs SA v Commission of the European Communities. - ECSC Treaty - Competition - Agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices - Price-fixing - Market sharing - Systems for the exchange of information. - Case T-145/94.

16. 134 As regards the gravity of the infringement, the Commission considers, on the one hand, that the Helsinki Agreement, as a price-fixing agreement applicable in relations with customers, constitutes a particularly serious infringement and states, on the other hand, that it took into account, for the purpose of assessing the gravity of the infringement, the mitigation resulting from the abolition of the uniform rating of commissions noted at point 50 of the Decision, mitigation which is expressly mentioned under that point, to which point 78 of the Decision refers through a reference to points 46 et seq.