Use "pretexts" in a sentence

1. They no longer supply pretexts for local bullies to oppress, nor reason for western governments to turn a blind eye.

2. 23 They no longer supply pretexts for local bullies to oppress,[] nor reason for western governments to turn a blind eye.

3. Absurd pretexts are then added to that argument (complicated and completely useless obligations), and escape clauses which allow the professional associations to establish the necessary rules themselves.

4. On the contrary, it made him feel “weary” because, among other things, they themselves were dealing treacherously with their wives who had grown old, divorcing them on the flimsiest of pretexts.

5. Evidently the danger to be guarded against was not so much a sinful act as a sinful utterance, and the expression “to make pretexts or excuses” may possibly refer to the Casuistries by which some of the laxer Jews excused their participation in heathen rites or licentious banquets

6. In a press release on Saturday late night it said, curtailing Amarnath yatra and deployment of additional troops on Baseless pretexts were designed by India to divert world's attention from attempts to change the demographic structure of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoK) and unabating state-led oppression and egregious human rights violations.