Use "pretence" in a sentence

1. Their friendliness was only pretence.

2. It was all an elaborate pretence.

3. Occasionally, they drop all pretence of fairness.

4. She isn't really ill; it's only pretence.

5. Their way of life was all pretence.

6. To make a decent pretence that she cared?

7. She made absolutely no pretence of being interested.

8. His pretence at friendliness fooled no one.

9. Wolfowitz's announcement made that pretence no longer tenable.

10. You shouldn't scold him on the slightest pretence.

11. He made no pretence of great musical knowledge.

12. Gummer makes no pretence of objectivity in his text.

13. It seems he makes no pretence about his disgusting perversion.

14. She was unable to keep up the pretence that she loved him.

15. I don't know how long I can keep up this pretence.

16. Welland made a pretence of writing a note in his pad.

17. He was hanged without even the pretence of a proper trial.

18. 7 Mr Tellwright made no pretence of concealing his satisfaction.

19. The employer often scolded his men on the slightest pretence.

20. But the hereditary peers provide a ballast which distorts any pretence at representativeness.

21. He ripped away the mask of pretence which covered their activities.

22. The theory made the greatest pretence of having a scientific foundation.

23. John waited for her under the pretence of tying his shoelaces.

24. 32 synonyms for Affectation: pretence, show, posing, posturing, act, display, appearance, pose

25. Now that the pretence was over, he could tell them what he really thought.

26. I make no pretence to be an expert on the subject.

27. I make no pretence to being an expert on the subject.

28. Welland made a pretence of writing a note in his pad.

29. Another word for Cant: hypocrisy, pretence, lip service, humbug, insincerity Collins English Thesaurus

30. How long are you going to keep up the pretence of being ill?

31. We have to go along with the pretence that things are getting better.

32. 12 By the end of the evening she had abandoned all pretence of being interested.

33. Faces were stripped of pretence by the pitiless bombardment of harsh reality.

34. Designing with tradition is not a pretence for re-creating the old.

35. The army has given up any pretence of neutrality in the war.

36. A dictionary defines “sincerity” as “freedom from pretence or hypocrisy; honesty; straightforwardness; genuineness.”

37. By the end of the evening she had abandoned all pretence of being interested.

38. It made no pretence of catering to faddish tastes like vegetarianism or high fibre diets.

39. The pomposity, the pretence, the downright idiocy: all are gagging for the Dada treatment.

40. I think we are far better off, knowing only Cottagers and labourers, and people without pretence

41. Accustom people to be nose-led and spoon-fed, and democracy is a mere pretence

42. Be niggards of advice on no pretence, For the worst Avarice is that of Sense.

43. With relief, I abandoned any pretence at being clever and became a mystic assistant labourer.

44. We have abandoned any pretence that there should be a link between human rights and trade

45. 77 synonyms for Cant: hypocrisy, pretence, lip service, humbug, insincerity, pretentiousness, sanctimoniousness, pious platitudes, affected piety, sham holiness

46. Synonyms for Affectations include air, affectedness, posing, posturing, pretense, pretence, pretension, pretentiousness, superiority and arrogance

47. He tried to get close to her under the pretence of examining the pictures on the wall.

48. And referee trying to prize them apart, to keep at least the pretence of a fight going.

49. 24 He tried to get close to her under the pretence of examining the pictures on the wall.

50. SCHOOLCRAFT A pretence of Consanguinity within the forbidden degrees was soon established, and the marriage was annulled.

51. 30 Which devour widows'houses,( and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.

52. If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate the frying-pam. 

53. I stood by the door and she sat there, making no pretence of civility, waiting for me to go.

54. 29 If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate the frying-pam. 

55. He didn't like the food, but he made a pretence of eating some of it as he was a guest.

56. The parent's intention is often to protect so they hide tears and sorrowing putting on a ghastly pretence of cheerfulness.

57. 26 He didn't like the food, but he made a pretence of eating some of it as he was a guest.

58. 30 The parent's intention is often to protect so they hide tears and sorrowing putting on a ghastly pretence of cheerfulness.

59. [+charade, pretence, fantasy] se prêter à → Kind-hearted officers at the Prison play Along with the charade.

60. The worst thing about liberal academics is the pretence that they are somehow more open-minded than their opponents.

61. Those who preferred the pretence of business immersed themselves in a book and, from time to time, made an ostentatious note.

62. And we must avoid dismissing a particular policy wholesale simply because the pretence of it has sometimes been used to justify iniquity.

63. Synonyms: Affectation; affectedness; mannerism; pose Hypernyms ("Affectation" is a kind of): feigning; pretence; pretending; pretense; simulation (the act of giving a false appearance)

64. The Air kiss is a pretence of kissing: the lips are pursed as if kissing, but without actually touching the other person's body

65. ‘He was an Apollinarian on the subject of the incarnation.’ ‘The whole treatise represents the arguments of an Apollinarian.’ ‘He borrowed these books, under the pretence of being an Apollinarian.’

66. family depended on his ability to wangle a few dollars occasionally . With this money, they would eat well and dress well for a while , making a pretence of affluence.

67. Matthew 23:14 View whole chapter See verse in context Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater dAmnation

68. Artificiality - the quality of being produced by people and not occurring naturally unnaturalness - the quality of being unnatural or not based on natural principles staginess, theatricality - an artificial and mannered quality pretence, pretension, pretense - a false or unsupportable quality

69. ‘Danny scored two Belting tries and was a clear man of the match award winner.’ ‘Good music, friendly staff, and a Belting atmosphere, nice clientele, lots of class without too much pretence and one of the better bars in Manchester.’

70. Confusingly hair post office estofar smlouvat shouminedan intact clay pretext, pretense, pretence niettemin gray or brown freshwater duck bit-mapped font sort rokottaa bury getabako whereabouts retsujaku factory-made kwanzaa pilvikirsikka, Prunus pensylvanica rated elektripirn zde charm, fascination, glamour, glamor vzduchoprázdno cutter

71. Artificiality: 1 n the quality of being produced by people and not occurring naturally Types: staginess , theatricality an artificial and mannered quality pretence , pretense , pretension a false or unsupportable quality Type of: unnaturalness the quality of being unnatural or not based on natural principles

72. Of all the types of settlement in the Imperium, Civilised worlds are the most common (although the term "Civilised" here refers to their urban landscapes rather than to any pretence of social decorum.)On these self-sufficient worlds, the main population centres tend to be large cities or other urban environments

73. "He Assumes the lotus position"; - take, strike, take up ; Take control of (without authority and possibly with force); take as one's right or possession "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town"; - usurp, seize, take over, arrogate ; Make a pretence of "She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger

74. Its up to us to choose With regard to truth, then, the intermediate is a truthful sort of person and the mean may be called truthfulness, while the pretence which exaggerates is Boastfulness and the person characterized by it a boaster, and that which understates is mock modesty and the person characterized by it as mock-modest.

75. Dimensions: Arms Quarterly 1& 3 three fleur-de-lys within a Bordure bezanty (Lordship of Aubigny) 2 & 3 A fess checky within a Bordure engrailed (Stuart) on an escutcheon of pretence a saltire engrailed between 4 roses (Lennox) impaling quarterly 1 on a bend between 6 cross crosslets an escutcheon charged with a demi-lion rampant pierced through the mouth with an arrow within a double tressure