Use "present participle" in a sentence

1. Couriering meaning Present participle of courier.

2. Chugalugging meaning Present participle of chugalug.

3. Brigading meaning Present participle of brigade.

4. Bowelling meaning Present participle of bowel.

5. Blunging meaning Present participle of blunge.

6. Cozening meaning Present participle of cozen.

7. Castigating meaning Present participle of castigate.

8. Collectivising definitions Present participle of collectivise.

9. Bedizening meaning Present participle of bedizen.

10. Boondoggling meaning Present participle of boondoggle.

11. Bigfooting meaning Present participle of bigfoot.

12. Balkanizing meaning Present participle of balkanize.

13. Backdropping meaning Present participle of backdrop.

14. Blatting meaning Present participle of blat.

15. Blindfolding meaning Present participle of blindfold.

16. Beclouding meaning Present participle of becloud.

17. Blandishing meaning Present participle of blandish.

18. Curating meaning Present participle of curate.

19. Chinwagging definitions Present participle of chinwag.

20. Apposing meaning Present participle of appose.

21. Airmailing meaning Present participle of airmail.

22. Antedating meaning Present participle of antedate.

23. Antiquing meaning Present participle of antique.

24. Aquatinting meaning Present participle of aquatint.

25. Affronting meaning Present participle of affront.

26. Abjecting meaning Present participle of abject.

27. Attitudinizing meaning Present participle of attitudinize.

28. Anesthetizing meaning Present participle of anesthetize.

29. Aggrandising meaning Present participle of aggrandise.

30. Anathematizing meaning Present participle of anathematize.

31. Apprehending meaning Present participle of apprehend.

32. Aestivating meaning Present participle of aestivate.

33. Contemning meaning Present participle of contemn.

34. Cudgelling meaning Present participle of cudgel.

35. Bobbling meaning Present participle of bobble.

36. Barbarizing meaning Present participle of barbarize.

37. Bestirring meaning Present participle of bestir.

38. Beaning meaning Present participle of bean.

39. Present participle of bedeck.Noun (plural Bedecking…

40. Bosoming meaning Present participle of bosom.

41. Botanising meaning Present participle of botanise.

42. Ballyhooing definitions Present participle of ballyhoo.

43. Bejeweling meaning Present participle of bejewel.

44. Aberrating meaning Present participle of aberrate.

45. Airting meaning Present participle of airt.

46. Amnestying meaning Present participle of amnesty.

47. Anglicizing meaning Present participle of anglicize.

48. Authorising meaning Present participle of authorise.

49. Argufying meaning Present participle of argufy.

50. Affrighting meaning Present participle of affright.

51. Automatizing meaning Present participle of automatize.

52. Arointing meaning Present participle of aroint.

53. Arraigning meaning Present participle of arraign.

54. Acing meaning Present participle of ace.

55. Aggrandizing meaning Present participle of aggrandize.

56. Alimenting meaning Present participle of aliment.

57. Apotheosising meaning Present participle of apotheosise.

58. Cautioning meaning Present participle of caution.

59. Cantilevering meaning Present participle of cantilever.

60. Balkanising meaning Present participle of balkanise.

61. Boogieing meaning Present participle of boogie.

62. Brevetting meaning Present participle of brevet.

63. Bacterizing meaning Present participle of bacterize.

64. Bamming meaning Present participle of bam.

65. Bayonetting present participle of bayonet; Noun

66. Botanizing meaning Present participle of botanize.

67. Bespattering definitions Present participle of bespatter.

68. Barreling meaning Present participle of barrel.

69. Blarneying meaning Present participle of blarney.

70. Belaboring meaning Present participle of belabor.

71. Blackguarding meaning Present participle of blackguard.

72. Bogarting meaning Present participle of bogart.

73. Betiding meaning Present participle of betide.

74. Benumbing meaning Present participle of benumb.

75. Chowing definitions Present participle of chow.

76. Attiring meaning Present participle of attire.

77. Agonising (verb) present participle of agonise.

78. Present Participle Adolescing Past Participle adolesced

79. Adhibiting meaning Present participle of adhibit.

80. Adeeming meaning Present participle of adeem.