Use "prerogatives" in a sentence

1. The tsar protected his personal prerogatives.

2. The prerogatives of people like Dick Cheney do not keep the nation safe.

3. The monarch retains largely formal prerogatives, exercising executive authority through the Council of Ministers.

4. Synonyms for Birthrights include heritage, patrimonies, inheritance, rights, dues, bequests, legacies, primogeniture, privilege and prerogatives

5. Synonyms for Apanages include birthrights, appanages, prerogatives, rights, franchise, authorization, entitlement, privilege, authorisations and liberty

6. The Royal prerogatives are: The power to appoint and dismiss the prime minister.

7. But while! exercising the prerogatives of superpower, he never seemed to recognise the true extent of its responsibilities.

8. However, those principles do not constitute absolute prerogatives, but must be viewed in relation to their social function.

9. The union quest to preserve the rights and prerogatives of unskilled labor are doomed to failure.

10. They enjoy “closed shop” hiring and firing prerogatives, leadership elections by acclamation, mandatory dues without transparency, and immense political power.

11. So lofty were these papal prerogatives, that no further Council would ever be needed, or so it seemed to many.

12. In retrospect I wish that 1 had been less careful of their prerogatives and had exercised control over their activities.

13. The prerogatives attached to shareholding at present would have to be broken to permit the development of social planning and enterprise democracy.

14. The drying up of this reservoir, no less than the loss of wealth itself can rob wealth of its prerogatives.

15. As China gets bigger and stronger and richer, technologically more advanced, it will inevitably bump up against American positions and prerogatives.

16. Madam President, may I congratulate you on the deft, adroit and sensitive way in which you have exercised the prerogatives of the Chair.

17. Alcalde mayors and corregidores exercised multiple prerogatives as judge, inspector of encomiendas, chief of police, tribute collector, capitan-general of the province, and even vice-regal patron.

18. The rest are chugging a toxic slurry of Cowardice, ambition, and opportunism that has led members of the upper house of a co-equal branch of government to relinquish their power and prerogatives

19. Considers that, in view of the prerogatives of the IMF, its staffing should come to reflect more varied backgrounds, while ensuring continued excellence, so as to permit the IMF to make a decisive contribution to achieving the MDGs

20. —Under this title it may be sufficient to supply brief and essential information, I, on the name “Apostle”; II, on its various meanings; III, on the origin of the Apostolate; IV, on the office of the Apostles and the conditions required in them; V, on the authority and the prerogatives of the Apostles; VI, on the relation of the Apostolate to the office of bishop; VII, on the