Use "preponderantly" in a sentence

1. 1 Industry is still a preponderantly male environment.

2. 2 But the determination of foreign policy became preponderantly a Presidential concern.

3. Bruneians are preponderantly Malay, and customs, beliefs and pastimes are very similar to those of Peninsular Malaysia.

4. 3 Bruneians are preponderantly Malay, and customs, beliefs and pastimes are very similar to those of Peninsular Malaysia.

5. 4 Tea, as Chinese traditional industry, is one of the most preponderantly agricultural products in Zhejiang Province.

6. 5 The globe shows that the entire southern hemisphere is preponderantly water—the widest parts of the AtlanticPacific, the unbroken sweep of Antarctic seas circling the world.

7. 6 The globe shows that the entire southern hemisphere is preponderantly water—the widest parts of the Atlantic and Pacific, the unbroken sweep of Antarctic seas circling the world.