Use "prematurely" in a sentence

1. Look, he's prematurely old.

2. Her hair became prematurely white.

3. The child was born prematurely.

4. The baby was born prematurely.

5. But health officials warn against prematurely Curtailing …

6. Holmgren is careful not to celebrate prematurely.

7. Gunpowder can fail to ignite or explode prematurely.

8. She was born prematurely with poorly developed lungs.

9. Chester, the mild and laconic prematurely bald guy.

10. “Sadly, Anna died prematurely in a road accident.

11. Worry and illness had made him prematurely old.

12. Sunbathing can prematurely age and wrinkle the skin.

13. 22 She was born prematurely with poorly developed lungs.

14. The baby was born prematurely at 28 weeks gestation.

15. Danny was born prematurely, weighing only 3lb 3oz.

16. Prematurely pairing off with a boyfriend or girlfriend is dangerous.

17. As a result, Schneider was "prematurely expelled" from the seminary.

18. Danny was born prematurely(sentence dictionary), weighing only 3lb 3oz.

19. Their baby was born prematurely and weighed only 1 kilogram.

20. This impact is particularly important for babies born prematurely.

21. Overbearing: It’s normal for a few Breadfruits to drop prematurely

22. Environmentalists fear the gasoline additive prematurely ages the human brain.

23. In China, an estimated 250,000 people die prematurely because of coal combustion.

24. The plaintiff was born prematurely and suffered from an oxygen deficiency.

25. Crater cracks occur in the crater when the welding arc is terminated prematurely.

26. The war and the years in the harsh mountains had prematurely aged him.

27. An unwise life-style has caused millions to get sick and die prematurely.

28. Finally, even these remaining Volunteers had to be prematurely evacuated from the country.

29. Whether natural or artificial, ultraviolet radiation causes the skin to age prematurely.

30. He had set the pattern for a major biographical achievement but he died prematurely.

31. Bolting is the term applied to vegetable crops when they prematurely run to seed

32. Many die prematurely from the medical complications of the illness or by suicide.

33. There was some anxiety about the child, but he was born safely several days prematurely.

34. Despite his warnings against escalating prematurely, Giap rashly leaped ahead in 1951 and suffered badly.

35. Antonyms for Belatedly include beforehand, early, inopportunely, precociously, prematurely, unseasonably, before, already, earlier and previously

36. Synonyms for Betimes include anon, beforehand, early, seasonably, soon, erelong, occasionally, prematurely, punctually and shortly

37. Tanaka was born prematurely and raised on breast milk from women other than her mother.

38. Charles and Micki Browning, both hospital employees, stayed home with their prematurely born daughter.

39. But premature fiscal tightening is worse because it is liable to choke off the recovery prematurely.

40. And millions of older people die prematurely from various diseases.—Luke 21:11; Revelation 6:8.

41. Should the mother die prematurely, the piglets are adopted by the other sows in the sounder.

42. Broken columns, rising over the graves of those who had died prematurely, denoted truncated lives.

43. Botany To flower or produce seeds prematurely or develop a flowering stem from a rosette.

44. Light will also discolour the food items, promote the deterioration of the binders and activate enzymes prematurely.

45. Anna was a fiercely idealistic woman whose prematurely white hair flared like flame from her freckled face.

46. For example, most of the potential acorn crop of white oak often Abscises prematurely (Table 4.5)

47. Indeed any attempt to relate them prematurely to reality may restrict the development of the model.

48. A maze of desires, emotions ripened prematurely languorous and listless moods, all written on my face.

49. Bolting is the term applied to vegetable crops when they prematurely run to seed, usually making them unusable

50. Pressured to prove his theories or lose funding, Dr. Beckett prematurely stepped into the project accelerator... and vanished.

51. 7 Lou Minton was a wiry man with gaunt, chiseled features and prematurely gray hair, combed straight back.

52. All those who retired prematurely were forced by redundancy to make a decision about their future employment status.

53. Consider this example: One mother gives birth prematurely to a living baby, who dies after a few days.

54. In humid climates, triticale seed had the annoying propensity of sprouting prematurely; often, while still on the parent.

55. Darkness had come prematurely with the deluge, the gloom summoned early by such an abundance of black cloud.

56. 22 Anna was a fiercely idealistic woman whose prematurely white hair flared like flame from her freckled face.

57. Abortive (adj.) late 14c., "born prematurely or dead," from Latin abortivus "prematurely born; pertaining to miscarriage; causing abortion," from abort-, past participle stem of aboriri "disappear, miscarry, fail" (see abort).From 14c.-18c

58. However, at the same time, we must not lower our guard prematurely before these advances have been consolidated.

59. However, at the same time, we must not lower our guard prematurely before these advances have been consolidated

60. Pressured to prove his theories or lose funding, Dr. Beckett prematurely stepped into the project accelerator, and vanished.

61. Lou Minton was a wiry man with gaunt, chiseled features and prematurely gray hair, combed straight back.

62. Placental Abruption is where a part or all of the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus prematurely

63. 16 In humid climates, triticale seed had the annoying propensity of sprouting prematurely; often, while still on the parent.

64. 24 Lou Minton was a wiry man with gaunt, chiseled features and prematurely gray hair,( combed straight back.

65. Skimmers will prevent filters from blinding prematurely and keep chemical costs down because there is less oil to process.

66. However, in a sad turn of events, Baister has prematurely been forced to call time on his boxing career.

67. A 2010 analysis estimated that 1.2 million people died prematurely each year in China because of air pollution.

68. Regular Alignment checks keep many components of your car performing its best including lessening the wear of your tires prematurely

69. Franco was born prematurely at sea, aboard a ship traveling between Salvador and Rio de Janeiro, being registered in Salvador.

70. On 28 July 1542, Idelette gave birth to a son, Jacques, but he was born prematurely and survived only briefly.

71. The Accusatory words hint of family disturbance, dysfunction and that ugly British tendency to sexualise prematurely our little girls

72. Many men buffeted by fortune will reach retirement prematurely; some have had great success to be followed by even greater failure.

73. Farrar was short with livery lips and thick black eyebrows, and Something was prematurely bald and thought he was really cool.

74. The date and venue of Build 2014 were prematurely published by Microsoft's website on December 12, 2013, but was subsequently pulled.

75. Stockman III says: “With few exceptions, infants born prematurely will experience a decline in hemoglobin in the first one to three months . . .

76. Wheel Alignment is a critical aspect of car maintenance, as misAlignment damages your tires and can lead to them wearing out prematurely

77. This prevents the braking mechanism from being activated prematurely and leaves sufficient time to deactivate the braking mechanism after the wrapping operation.

78. Cardiovascular mortality was not related to the duration of gestation except for a small increase in death rates in men born prematurely.

79. She was born two months prematurely and throughout her childhood she was a sickly child, nearly dying on one occasion due to a diphtheria infection.

80. Note that the Bracketed paste mode can be bypassed if the pasted text contains \e[201~; the latter sequence may end the Bracketed mode prematurely