Use "prelates" in a sentence

1. Many of its former pupils have become influential scientists, statesmen, diplomats, prelates, intellectuals and writers.

2. The prelates were concerned, as explicit statements show, primarily to defend the church's liberties.

3. The line of the living began with prelates in grand clothes, the Pope leading.

4. The court of Gascony, composed of prelates and barons, was to be consulted to this end.

5. The immediate impact of this event was to dissuade other prelates from publicly defending the king.

6. In these years he was frequently a proctor for prelates and religious institutions in Parliament.

7. But such ideas of aggiornamento (updating) were not shared by all the prelates in the Vatican.

8. There he wrote The Parable of the Wicked Mammon, The Obedience of a Christian Man, and The Practice of Prelates.

9. Primates and prelates exercised political power most effectively when they were moving in support of magnate opposition; against united barons they were impotent.

10. Our offer includes: Albs with embroidery, plain Albs, Albs with ornaments, Albs with lace motifs, prelates’ Albs and Albs with Guipure lace

11. Crosier (disambiguation) - A Crosier, or crozier, is the stylized staff of office carried by high-ranking Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, some Lutheran, and Pentecostal prelates.

12. Like all major prelates of the time, he held multiple abbacies in commendam, which supported him in his official capacities in a manner befitting his rank.

13. In this cause, he recruited the great Catholic princes, nobles and prelates, signed the treaty of Joinville with Spain, and prepared to make war on the "heretics".

14. (of an Eastern Christian Church) governed by its own national synods and appointing its own patriarchs or prelates (of a bishop) independent of any higher governing body Derived forms of Autocephalous autoce…

15. By the plenitude of his power, the Pope can constitute a layman commissary Apostolic for ecclesiastical affairs, but according to the common canon law only prelates or clerics of the higher orders should receive such a commission (Lib.

16. Antiprelatic tracts make the usual Puritan equations: the pope is Antichrist in his claim to rule consciences; the Roman liturgy and ceremonial worship, especially the mass, are idolatrous; and the English prelates have taken over these practices

17. A Crosier (also known as a crozier, paterissa, pastoral staff, or bishop's staff) is a stylized staff carried by high-ranking Roman Catholic, Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglican, and some Lutheran, United Methodist and Pentecostal prelates

18. I would also like affectionately to greet those who are attending this traditional spiritual gathering at year's end, beginning with the Cardinal Vicar, the Auxiliary Bishops of Rome and the other prelates who have wished to join us for this celebration.

19. These are divided into four classes: (I) the “Protonotarii Apostolici de numero participantium” (members of the college of prelates), who exercise their office in connection with the acts of consistories and canonizations, have a representative in the Congregation of the Propaganda, and, according to the reorganization of the Curia by the

20. 45) asserts that the prelates of the Rota, to whom the case was specially referred by the pope, decided that a cleric in minor orders who contracted and consummated an invalid marriage with a widow was an interpretative Bigamist and irregular and stood in need of dispensation, and that Pope Urban, upon the strength of that decision, granted