Use "prefaced" in a sentence

1. He prefaced his speech with an amusing story.

2. The book is prefaced by a quotation from Faulkner.

3. 20 A short documentary prefaced the feature movie.

4. Each chapter is prefaced by a quotation from Shakespeare.

5. All have prefaced the discussion by lamenting the barrels' disappearance.

6. Lines prefaced with a Những dòng bắt đầu bằng dấu  

7. He prefaced the diaries with a short account of how they were discovered.

8. Each work is prefaced by a descriptive note and concludes with an author's note.

9. The performance of the housewife role in adulthood is prefaced by a long period of apprenticeship.

10. ERIK DORN BEN HECHT The mates own stories were usually Bawdy; he always prefaced them with some …

11. 12 The pamphlet is prefaced by an elegant poem in praise of the author by James Drake.

12. The revenue and expenditure accounts shall be prefaced by an analysis of financial management during the preceding year.

13. Even so, most of these early directories had included prominent Analphabetical components: for instance, they were prefaced by registers of …

14. Furthermore, the list contained in that article is prefaced by the adverb 'in particular‘ and is in no way exhaustive.

15. Excerpt from The Rhymer's Family: A Collection of Bantlings Every little publication of this sort requires to be prefaced by apology in this practical age

16. Even so, most of these early directories had included prominent Analphabetical components: for instance, they were prefaced by registers of government officials, magistrates, aldermen, or other civic leaders or institutions, almost all of whom were listed hierarchically or chronologically.

17. One of the first treatise against the Bogomils was written around 970 by a Bulgarian priest Cosmas who prefaced it with observations concerning another Bulgarian priest spread heretical teachings in the territory around the reign of Czar Peter (927-963).

18. 88 In that regard, it should be borne in mind, first, that it is settled case-law that the list contained in Article 25(3) of Regulation No 1/2003 is prefaced by the adverb ‘in particular’ and is in no way exhaustive and that that provision does not therefore make the interruption of the limitation period dependent on a notified measure or a written authorisation to carry out investigations (see, by analogy, judgment of 15 October 2002 in Limburgse Vinyl Maatschappij and Others v Commission, C‐238/99 P, C‐244/99 P, C‐245/99 P, C‐247/99 P, C‐250/99 P to C‐252/99 P and C‐254/99 P, ECR, EU:C:2002:582, paragraphs 141 and 162) and, second, that since the interruption of the limitation period constitutes an exception in relation to the five-year limitation period, it must, as such, be interpreted narrowly (judgment of 19 March 2003 in CMA CGM and Others v Commission, T‐213/00, ECR, EU:T:2003:76, paragraph 484).