Use "predecessors" in a sentence

1. Predecessors arborise Zoochlorella Bilirubinic subcheliform Placia

2. ‘it Behooves any coach to study his predecessors

3. They, unlike their predecessors, will find houses quite affordable.

4. Like his predecessors he failed to make any headway.

5. Centurions possessed a number of technical advances surpassing their predecessors

6. She did not mean to be Belittling (about her predecessors)

7. They sought to Actualize what their predecessors tried to symbolise

8. The Bowspritted 'Merlin' trucks up wind like it's predecessors

9. The government inherited an impossible situation from its predecessors.

10. Murakami's style is an amalgam of his Western predecessors, Warhol, Oldenberg and Roy Lichtenstein, as well as Japanese predecessors and contemporaries of anime and manga.

11. These groups are predecessors of important constructions in abstract algebra.

12. Transistor-based computers had several distinct advantages over their predecessors.

13. Caligula's religious policy was a departure from that of his predecessors.

14. 8 As a scholar he is not in the same street with his predecessors.

15. Although a commercial success, Animalize was not nearly as strong as its two predecessors.

16. Like its predecessors, Aimlessness sets a backdrop of glowing ambient waves and textures with gentle,

17. In that lack of concern, he was no more or less culpable than his predecessors.

18. Like their predecessors, today's nomads travel the steel and asphalt arteries of the United States.

19. Compared to its predecessors, the new car is characterized by its lightness gigantism in space.

20. Admittedly, the content of the current quality crusade is different from that of its predecessors.

21. A bona fide holder for value free from any defect in the title of his predecessors.

22. These include the 851, 916 and 996, 999 and a few predecessors and derivatives.

23. Antonyms for Consequents include antecedents, ancestors, family, predecessors, ancestries, descent, extraction, forebears, forefathers and progenitors

24. Her reticence was in sharp contrast to the glamour and star status of her predecessors.

25. Watanabe was known to take a more hawkish line than his predecessors on defence issues.

26. 18 This leaves the Prime Minister, like his predecessors, earnestly trying to talk down wages.

27. Unlike its predecessors, Linac 4 will accelerate negative hydrogen ions to an energy of 160 MeV.

28. 7 The committee disinterred a few old studies done by the predecessors to prove their point.

29. None of the new stations conveyed the confident self-assurance or whimsy of their distinguished predecessors.

30. Some predecessors to the modern Clock may be considered as "Clocks" that are

31. Anachronists in the arts humbly acknowledge that they stand on the shoulders of their predecessors

32. Zildjian Gen16 Buffed Bronze cymbals produce a richer and warmer tone then their Gen16 nickel-plated predecessors

33. A scientist or engineer is more effective if he or she has access to the work of predecessors [...].

34. More than their Greek predecessors, the Romans extensively took inspiration from boar hunting in their art and sculpture.

35. Almost all my Predecessors have devoted a significant part of their "Petrine magisterium" to the family.

36. So you can get this chaotic, eternally branching set of universes... budding off from their predecessors.

37. They imitated the coolness and courage of their predecessors, going forward with the utmost alacrity and firmness.

38. So my predecessors said we must face the sad business of obliging people to return home.

39. Without it, more agonising here would be time ill spent and another resolution as ineffective as its predecessors

40. However, like its predecessors, this reform act provided ample loopholes to those who wish to circumvent the legislation.

41. For the homophiles (the predecessors to today’s Assimilationists), gay sexuality was something to keep quiet about or apologize for

42. Up to a point, Netanyahu and his putative coalition government will be bound by deals signed by their predecessors.

43. Unlike his two predecessors, Thant retired after ten years on speaking terms with all the big powers.

44. 29 In spite of ecclesiastical prohibitions on usury, the Lancastrians and their predecessors had certainly borrowed at interest, often surreptitiously.

45. Mr. Forth I am constantly conscious of my illustrious predecessors and daily find it difficult to fill their shoes.

46. In genealogy and in phylogenetic studies of evolutionary biology, Antecedents or antecessors are predecessors in a family line

47. Studies suggest that men today are more stressed out about Balding, beer bellies, and flabby pecs than their predecessors

48. Similarly , flat-screen TVs - lighter and less stable than their predecessors - should be mounted to a wall when possible .

49. Thus, Djedkare Isesi and Unas did not build a sun temple in contrast with most of their Fifth Dynasty predecessors.

50. He carved out a style quite distinct from those of his predecessors – the aloof Menzies and the affable, sporty Holt.

51. In one strip, a pair of flies are seen wandering through a strange landscape, discussing the mistakes of their predecessors.

52. The shoguns themselves lacked the personal charisma of their early predecessors and divisions within the Bakufu hierarchy and Tokugawa followers increased.

53. Outlast 2 is a first-person survival horror game that, like its predecessors Outlast and Outlast: Whistleblower, is a single-player campaign.

54. Take a look at the buds of the Afghani #1 Feminized and it soon becomes apparent why the predecessors of …

55. With merely two men, Arsis has created brutal, fast, technical, and amazingly melodic death metal capable of putting their Scandinavian predecessors to shame

56. Despite the failure of their predecessors, many today still pursue riches, power, health, or pleasure as the cure for their unhappiness.

57. Dynasty Warriors 4 expands on its predecessors by adding new characters, new modes of play and a completely new 'Edit Mode.'

58. Airier, more spacious and more relaxed than its jackhammer predecessors, 'Challengers' is the sound of songwriters Carl Newman and Dan B jar stretching out

59. These acts of engraving of tools are one of the features that differentiates the Aurignacian peoples from their predecessors and contemporaries

60. The military was originally Mubarak's power base, just as it had been for his predecessors, Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat.

61. Some Angolans told me that a lot of the Portuguese who live in Angola today behave just like their colonial predecessors did

62. Eventually, they must save their 8-bit predecessors from Will Wright, and the creator of their video game character selves, Matt Groening.

63. The Danae class mounted an extra 6 inch gun and a heavier torpedo armament, compared with their predecessors, the C-class cruiser.

64. Like their predecessors, they were true diesel-electric submarines: their four diesel engines powered electrical generators, and electric motors drove the shafts.

65. Basketmaker II houses were somewhat more sturdy than those of their Archaic predecessors, being rather like a Paiute winter wickiup or a Navajo hogan

66. And, folks, it is just as much of a winner as its two distinguished predecessors—and certainly the best Air tight yet

67. He has managed to instil a discipline that evaded his laxer predecessors, awing the players and the media and banishing the WAGs.

68. With Sunday's ceremony, John Paul has Beatified 1,315 people and canonized 476 - far more than his predecessors of the past 500 years combined

69. At British festivals our predecessors used to Antic in the guise of a bull, and the bull-headed actor was entitled “The Broad”

70. Bluebeard definition, a fairy-tale character whose seventh wife found the bodies of her predecessors in a room she had been forbidden to enter

71. Lower Paleolithic Period Not on view Often referred to as handaxes, Bifaces were made by the Hominin predecessors of humans during the Lower Paleolithic period

72. Problematically too for the Rudd Government, it is now discovering, like its predecessors, just how hard it is to secure a free trade agreement with China.

73. With redesigned Componentry and digits, the Össur i-digits quantum prosthesis for partial hand amputees is smarter, faster, stronger, and smaller than its predecessors

74. Brandish 3 is once again very similar to its predecessors, with few noticeable additions, one being the zoomed in mini-map, so you don’t have a squint

75. In January 1997, the Kijang received a redesign to have the completely rounded, aerodynamic shape, and was more powerful and more refined than its predecessors.

76. Paolo Ruffini was the first person to develop the theory of permutation groups, and like his predecessors, also in the context of solving algebraic equations.

77. Like their predecessors, the *Almoravids (al-Murabitūn), who ruled major areas of the Maghreb and Muslim Spain, the Almohads comprised a confederation of local Berber tribes.

78. Blackthorn is a handsomely mounted film, with many an awesome vista and rolling plain, but compared to the quicksilver brilliance of its predecessors, it comes off as irredeemably minor.

79. It is more concisely shaped than some of its predecessors, partly because the Met owns only 11 confirmed Hals paintings — albeit more than any other American museum.

80. 8 This the Obama administration, like its two most recent predecessors, wants to do, as probably does most of the Senate, which must provide its advice and consent.