Use "preceding year basis" in a sentence

1. It had happened during the preceding year.

2. Alight’s Annual Report outlines the organization’s activities throughout the preceding year

3. The cultivator removes most of the growth of the preceding year.

4. The accounting principles were applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding financial period.

5. Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, had died the preceding year.

6. If the year preceding the survey has had abnormally rainy weather conditions, the data should concern another year.

7. Fasting the day of 'Ashura' ( Muharram is an expiation for the year preceding it.

8. The year preceding the fires was exceptionally hot and dry and this trend continued into 1851.

9. 17 The benchmark 5-year sterling swap spread rose 7 basis points to 42 basis points.

10. During the preceding year, Aubrey Wills, Norman Bellotti, and I were called up for military service.

11. Whereas the various amounts referred to above correspond to those in force in the preceding milk year;

12. 18 The benchmark five-year deutsche mark swap spread rose 2 basis points to 47 basis points.

13. The refined Baramin concept synthesizes the best of preceding theories and provides a basis for exploring the theoretical foundation of modern Baraminology research

14. The revenue and expenditure accounts shall be prefaced by an analysis of financial management during the preceding year.

15. The comfort chart on the preceding page is set up on a basis of air moving at 20 feet (6 m) per minute.

16. Accounting is done on a cash basis and by calendar year.

17. Accounting is done on the cash basis and by calendar year.

18. However the actual disbursement varies from year to year as per progress/actual need basis of various projects in the relevant year.

19. See the preceding chapter.

20. Figures are reported on a par-value basis at calendar year-end.

21. Antemortem definition is - preceding death

22. Applicability of TCS Provisions to Individuals & HUF Individuals/HUF shall be required to collect TCS only if such individuals/HUF are required to get their accounts audited u/s 44AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for the preceding financial year (ie financial year immediately preceding the financial year in which the goods are sold)

23. Delegates are elected for 4-year terms on the basis of proportional representation.

24. A highly Compensated employee is defined as an employee that owns more than 5% of the interest in a business at any time during the year or the preceding year

25. The super-allowance benefit amount will reduce the corporation's pool of deductible SR&ED expenditures for the year and preceding tax years.

26. UNIFIL requests account holders to review obligations on a regular basis throughout the year.

27. 19 The benchmark 5-year sterling swap spread was unchanged at 34 basis points.

28. The actual data presented in Figure 24 were restated on a fiscal year basis.

29. Anteact (plural Anteacts) A preceding act

30. Some of them had no doubt spent most of the preceding year trying to wangle an invitation to play in the pro-am.

31. What does Antepyretic mean? Preceding a fever

32. Acre holds the following events on an annual basis: Broker of the Year Awards (BOYA

33. The economic outturn for the year is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles.

34. An accrual-basis taxpayer normally takes deductions for expenses in the year the item Accrues.

35. Bills are heard in Standing Committees which meet on a regular basis throughout the year

36. The economic outturn for the year is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles

37. The economic outturn of the year is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles

38. The economic outturn of the year is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles.

39. The economic result of the year is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles.

40. The most recent published report is for the year 1995, and it shows 28 more partakers than in the preceding year though the ratio of partakers to those attending did actually drop.

41. Producers are Cautioning people about extrapolating one month's worth of data, but it's a pretty large jump on a year-over-year basis

42. What does Anteact mean? A preceding act

43. Advent is the period preceding the Christmas season

44. The Commission shall draw up a work programme every year on the basis of this Decision

45. Some media/communication-based organizations use a broadcast calendar as the basis for their fiscal year.

46. Account holders in UNIFIL are required to review obligations on a monthly basis throughout the year.

47. Expenditure-wise, year-on-year basis, a rise in the price of oil by a single dollar costs the economy approximately Rs.17.7 million.

48. Events preceding the election illustrated the point.

49. matches the preceding character 0 or 1 times.

50. This justifies the assertion of the preceding paragraph.

51. On the basis of the permits, member states shall allocate emission allowances to each installation every year.

52. On the basis of the permits, Member States shall allocate emission allowances to each installation every year.

53. Proceeds from licensing are accrued on the basis of revenue and expenditure reports received at year-end.

54. Climacteric IF is decreased by a factor of 0.25 and approximate percentage change is -9.09% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a falling trend

55. English words for Antecedens include preceding and premisses

56. the deliveries actually recorded over the preceding delivery periods;

57. Despite the mixed reception received from the preceding year's ceremony, the Academy rehired Michael De Luca and Jennifer Todd as producers for the second consecutive year.

58. Century definition is - a period of 100 years; specifically : one of the 100-year divisions of the Christian era or of the preceding period of human history

59. Repeat the exercises described in the preceding section.

60. Advances may be paid, against a security, on the basis of compensatory aid granted in the previous year

61. Advances may be paid, against a security, on the basis of compensatory aid granted in the previous year.

62. The economic outturn for the year presented on page # is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles

63. Compensation is given on the basis of applications from the firms, the year after the transport costs occurred.

64. Data for each year are presented on a cumulative basis and are aggregated by type of gratis personnel.

65. Although the words "preceding" and "Aforesaid…

66. the deliveries actually recorded over the preceding delivery periods

67. The attack may occur with no preceding tension whatsoever.

68. The author anticipated the question in a preceding chapter.

69. Antecedence, antecedency, Anteriority, precedence, precedency, priority - preceding in time.

70. The preceding weeks had also been punctuated by strikes.

71. To bet more than ( a preceding bettor in poker ).

72. Viewed from a bond buyer's perspective, the 35 year perfect history of inversions preceding recessions is the history of three beautiful, golden, glittering Arbitrages executed to perfection.

73. ‘The Apollinarian games had been celebrated the preceding year.’ ‘Alongside the dominant school, there had always been a strong Apollinarian party.’ ‘The senate assembled during the Apollinarian games.’

74. The Bsby-linked swap was a $250 million one-year basis swap with the other leg tied to SOFR

75. Basis Basis Releases More Secure BLM

76. In the context of insurance, premiums may be calculated on an Annualized basis or as a rate per year

77. This concern that the project continue provided a basis for council acquiescence to the very compressed first-year schedule.

78. 7. Advances may be paid, against a security, on the basis of compensatory aid granted in the previous year.

79. The Secretary-General is appointed on a two-year rotational basis in the order of Korea, Japan, and China.

80. These actions may concern preceding and subsequent programming periods.