Use "pragmatism" in a sentence

1. a pioneer of pragmatism.

2. Contextualism definition is - pragmatism, operationalism

3. 3 a pioneer of pragmatism.

4. 7 Mr Rafsanjani's pragmatism deserves pragmatic acceptance.

5. Mr Rafsanjani's pragmatism deserves pragmatic acceptance.

6. 9 Strauss' pragmatism has kept the company profitable.

7. 5 Mill's influence on pragmatism is also evident.

8. 6 Pragmatism tells a more promising story.

9. 12 Such pragmatism has not come easy to liberals.

10. 10 Their goals and services are rooted in pragmatism.

11. That pragmatism and resilience inclines this survey to optimism.

12. 11 Pragmatism sought to force philosophers to confront doubt.

13. 8 That pragmatism and resilience inclines this survey to optimism.

14. She had a reputation for clear thinking and pragmatism.

15. 1 She had a reputation for clear thinking and pragmatism.

16. 20 If this was pragmatism, it was of a positively mystical kind.

17. 25 The pendulum has swung from silly dreaming to grinding pragmatism.

18. 14 This is a bold attempt to unite pragmatism and conventionalism.

19. Dubbed "Supermac", he was known for his pragmatism, wit and unflappability.

20. 4 The claims were based on reason, pragmatism and common sense.

21. 28 Speaking as fellow politicians, they instead stressed his vision and his pragmatism.

22. Saint-Cyr was a stoic in an age of pragmatism and glory.

23. The council has operated much more effectively since pragmatism replaced political dogma.

24. It is combination of self - expression and self - restraint of pragmatism and utopianism.

25. 21 In short, leaders attempt to bridge the gap between idealism and pragmatism.

26. 2 The council has operated much more effectively since pragmatism replaced political dogma.

27. 26 In short, leaders attempt to bridge the gap between idealism and pragmatism.

28. This was especially the case when pragmatism was conjoined to a legal positivist outlook.

29. Pragmatism does not rule out any theory about what makes a community better.

30. 13 Pragmatism does not rule out any theory about what makes a community better.

31. It's easy enough to deride this advice from a vantage point of false pragmatism.

32. This is the kind of hard-nosed pragmatism that gets results in public health.

33. It is often simply referred to as "pragmatism" in politics, e.g. "pursuing pragmatic policies".

34. 16 The new eugenics is a mass and pragmatism and its model is medical - genetics.

35. 29 When state department analysts are asked for their opinions, however, pragmatism will probably trump ideology.

36. 16 This was especially the case when pragmatism was conjoined to a legal positivist outlook.

37. The new Republicanism is a world away from the old pragmatism of the two senators.

38. 17 Pragmatism is essentially a method of settling philosophical disputes by tracing their practical consequences.

39. The 1920s is a roaring period prevailed conspicuously by pragmatism, materialism, commercialism, mammonism , hedonism, etc.

40. 26 Labour's campaign in the weeks leading to municipal elections bore all the traces of populist pragmatism.

41. 19 The price of this pragmatism has been to disappoint those who expected radical changes after Independence.

42. Pragmatism would prompt that Curial law should invariably correspond to where the seat of arbitration is located

43. The money worship, hedonism, egoism all there is development with pragmatism in the social each realm.

44. I am convinced that the most productive approach to Belarus will be one based on pragmatism.

45. Labour's campaign in the weeks leading to municipal elections bore all the traces of populist pragmatism.

46. Pragmatism agrees with empiricism in its emphasis on the priority of experience over a priori reasoning.

47. Patience Faka Jonathan has been recognized locally, nationally and internationally for her philanthropic work and political pragmatism.

48. 7 Ideals and a vision of education's unrealized potential have to go hand in hand with pragmatism.

49. 22 Indeed, they have been embarrassed by them, having so internalized the epistemological criteria of positivism, empiricism and pragmatism.

50. Tory distrust of Europe has injected zealotry into what was once a pro-business party famed for its pragmatism.

51. The Chinese people as a whole are practically-minded, exhibiting a compulsory (unquenchable, insuppressible ) interest in pragmatism and rationalism.

52. But they expected the rank and file to act more out of pragmatism than principle when choosing a nominee.

53. 30 But they expected the rank and file to act more out of pragmatism than principle when choosing a nominee.

54. 24 He never shifted from his brand of socialism, a commitment to more equal distribution, combined with plenty of pragmatism.

55. 23 These characteristic ideas of functionalism are found running throughout the theories of sociological positivism, evolutionary social theories, and pragmatism.

56. Pragmatism as a conception of law does not stipulate which of these various visions of good community are sound or attractive.

57. 27 If it's being run for the short-term, they reckon, that could account for a lot of its recent pragmatism.

58. First of all, these are autonomy, independence, pragmatism, openness, multi-vector nature, consequent, but confrontation-free advancement of Russian national interests.

59. 18 The philosophers of pragmatism resisted the idea that experience could be frozen at a particular moment in time and analysed in chunks.

60. Joe Biden and the Borking of Supreme Court Nominees The week of hearings in 1987 showed me Joe Biden’s partisanship and pragmatism

61. 15 We could continue in this vein,( since pragmatism is a rich theory of knowledge and Quine an electrifying exponent of it.

62. The contrast between Russia's handling of Iraq and Iran underlines not only Mr Putin's famous pragmatism, but the sophistication and adroitness of his policy.

63. Anaxagoras’philosophy, associating the theoretical elevation with the scientific pragmatism is an important precursor to modern scientific theories, including the theory of relativity and the

64. Over three years ago, when I addressed the U.S. Congress, I said that some bilateral relations are based on principles and some are based on pragmatism.

65. When I came to America in 2005, in addressing the United States’ Congress I said there are partnerships based on principles and partnerships based on pragmatism.

66. I take as a starting point Christopher Peacocke’s argument that, unlike Cartesianism, his ‘Fregean’ Pragmatism can account for facts about the rationality and epistemic status of certain judgments

67. Functional Contextualism is a modern philosophy of science rooted in philosophical pragmatism and Contextualism.It is most actively developed in behavioral science in general and the field of behavior analysis in particular

68. In a series of studies, Reynolds first established moral Attentiveness as a demonstrable personality trait—along the lines of extroversion or pragmatism—that can be rated on a seven-point scale with a simple, non-judgmental self-assessment

69. But history shows us that even as recently as our fathers' and grandfathers' day, there have been times of greater pragmatism, and tolerance, and a willingness to consider other interpretations: be it abortion, or masturbation, or even the incendiary topic of homosexuality.

70. Starting from windows-Curses 2.0, in the name of pragmatism, these wheels (but not Gohlke's) include a hack to make resizing work for applications developed against nCurses without Python code changes: Whenever getch(), getkey(), or get_wch() return KEY_RESIZE, resize_term(0, 0) is called automatically.

71. The Baathist officers are cynical, however it is a matter of pragmatism for them personally it is either ISIS or an Iranian prison where they and other Sunnis are tortured for fun and as a religious ritual that has arrived in Iraq from America via Iran’s grave worshiping mulas.

72. ‘I understand the Cautiousness of parents: I am one.’ ‘His foreign policy was characterised by Cautiousness and a patient wait-and-see attitude.’ ‘While his voice was hardly dissenting, it was heavy with Cautiousness and pragmatism.’ ‘Such Cautiousness suggests a Prime Minister who no longer dares make too many enemies.’

73. ‘I understand the Cautiousness of parents: I am one.’ ‘His foreign policy was characterised by Cautiousness and a patient wait-and-see attitude.’ ‘While his voice was hardly dissenting, it was heavy with Cautiousness and pragmatism.’ ‘Such Cautiousness suggests a Prime Minister who no longer dares make too many enemies.’

74. Functional Contextualism is a modern philosophy of science [citation needed] rooted in philosophical pragmatism and Contextualism.It is most actively developed in behavioral science in general and the field of behavior analysis and contextual behavioral science in particular (see the entry for the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science).Functional Contextualism serves as the basis of a

75. Câţi bani a primit Iuliu Maniu de la guvernul britanic ca să-l Aresteze pe Ion Antonescu. Istoria loviturii de stat gândite de Winston Churchill în România June 17, 2018; Pragmatism …infantil June 16, 2018; Închiderea studiourilor teritoriale de radio și tv o mare necessitate March 28, 2018

76. And there is a kind of heroic resilience, a kind of plain-spoken pragmatism to those who start their day at 5 a.m. pulling water from a well and end it at midnight poised to beat a bucket with a stick and scare off wild boar that might mess with their potatoes, their only company a bit of homemade moonshine vodka.