Use "pragmatically" in a sentence

1. 16 It is intended that these guidelines should be applied flexibly and pragmatically.

2. Synonyms for Appliedly include practically, practicably, applicably, functionally, pragmatically, useably, usefully, actionably, applicatively and practisedly

3. Bureaux Finally, disability is also constructed (or at least pragmatically defined) by national statistics Bureaux

4. But I am struck by how the Security Council has been able to develop its working methods pragmatically

5. Eighty ESL learners’ discourse Appropriacy was measured using three pragmatically-oriented task types (complaint, refusal, and advice) across four different proficiency levels

6. Conversational implicature definition, an inference that can be drawn from an utterance, as from one that is seemingly illogical or irrelevant, by examining the degree to which it conforms to the canons of normal conversation and the way it functions pragmatically within the situation, as when “The phone is ringing,” said in a situation where both speaker and listener can clearly hear the