Use "praetor" in a sentence

1. Praetor.

2. Alake is a Praetor in the Shi'ar military

3. Bernardo Bembo, praetor of Venice, erected a tomb for him in 1483.

4. The ship's Praetor Alake was reluctantly went along with the mission

5. Augustus belonged to the gens Octavia and was the son of Caius Octavius, a praetor

6. Romana erected this undated funeral inscription to her husband (whose name is lost) who died as a praetor-designate.

7. The rebels also defeated a second expedition, nearly capturing the praetor commander, killing his lieutenants and seizing the military equipment.

8. ‘Once again, elections were held for Aedile, praetor, quaestor and the other traditional offices of the Republic.’ ‘Normally games were the property of Aediles, who spent enormous sums to make sure they would be remembered.’ ‘He became quaestor, Aedile and praetor - progressively important posts within the Roman senate.’

9. Then the praetor shall provide that his summoners and Apparitors shall prevent any judex from leaving the court and shall provide that an urn digits broad and twenty digits high shall be provided, wherein the judices may cast their ballots and the said praetor shall place openly in the hand of each juror one ballot of boxwood four

10. Having served in the army in Spain and Sardinia, he became curule Aedile, praetor and (after an unsuccessful attempt in 117) consul in 115.

11. Adsessor (174 words) [German version] is the name of the permanent legal advisor of a magistrate, and in fact already that of the republican praetor in his office as magistrate of the court

12. 27 Besides the aurum oblaticium, and the obligation of the wealthier of their class to fill the office of consul or of praetor, they were liable to a special property tax paid in specie.

13. He was Aedile in 67, praetor in 62, and for the three following years propraetor in Asia, where, though he seems to have abstained from personal aggrandizement, his profligacy and ill-temper gained him an evil notoriety.

14. He was aedile in 67, praetor in 62, and for the three following years propraetor in Asia, where, though he seems to have abstained from personal Aggrandizement, his profligacy and ill-temper gained him an evil notoriety.

15. The term Battlecruiser or battle cruiser designated large warships of the kind exemplified by the Resurgent -class Star Destroyer, the Bulwark -class battle cruiser and the Praetor -class Star Battlecruiser. This article is a stub about a ship or starship

16. Cum prudens scelus ob titulos Admittis inanis, stas animo et purum est vitio tibi cum tumidum est cor? siquis lectica nitidam gestare amet agnam, huic vestem ut gnatae, paret ancillas, paret aurum, 215 Rufam aut Pusillam appellet fortique marito destinet uxorem: interdicto huic omne adimat ius praetor et ad sanos abeat tutela propinquos.

17. Cum prudens scelus ob titulos Admittis inanis, stas animo et purum est vitio tibi cum tumidum est cor? siquis lectica nitidam gestare amet agnam, huic vestem ut gnatae, paret ancillas, paret aurum, 215 Rufam aut Pusillam appellet fortique marito destinet uxorem: interdicto huic omne adimat ius praetor et ad sanos abeat tutela propinquos.

18. The praetur ( Latin praetura; also Germanized praetur) was one of the higher offices of the Roman official career, the cursus honorum (usually the third office after the bursary and Aedility).The incumbents were called praetores (Germanized: praetors, singular: praetor).They were elected for one year by the people in the comitia centuriata.