Use "practises" in a sentence

1. She practises the violin every day.

2. One who Attitudinizes, or practises poses

3. Lauren practises the piano every day.

4. (plural attitudinizers) One who Attitudinizes, or practises poses.

5. Fraud, unfair and deceptive trade practises, and racketeering.

6. Seventy percent of the country's population practises subsistence agriculture.

7. He's such a hypocrite! He never practises what he preaches.

8. It says a lot for her determination that she practises her cello so often.

9. Enright practises an emotional cubism, using her characters to piece together the world in strange combinations with sharp little sentences.

10. Apart from Animism and Buddhism, Brahmanism is another belief system that is fused together with other practises by the Thai people

11. It still sleeps with its mother in the rudimentary nest she builds for the night but practises building nests for itself.

12. Clive thought she might be a rare type of pervert who gets off on vociferously condemning all the vices she actually practises.

13. Croziers Turkeys are non-intensively farmed so disease risks are lower and there are no welfare issues common to intensive farming practises

14. These Benchmarks can be comparing processes, products or operations, and the comparisons can be against other parts of the business, external companies (such as competitors) or industry best practises

15. They helped us to get maximum cost effective performance from our cloud infrastructure. Azured has always been there to answer questions regarding security and Azure best practises." Owen Brunker IT Manager, Chelgrave Contracting

16. Art specialized (also Constructivist) someone who practises or believes in constructivism in art (= the idea that art should have a social purpose): It looks like something the Russian Constructivists might have …

17. The main reason for these practises of "re-education" has to be found in the great pressure prevailing in the "allochtone" Muslim community where the "saving" of the family honour is of the utmost importance.

18. ‘It was this Jesuit Amenability to incorporating pre-existing non-Christian beliefs and practises in their efforts at conversion that was causing Rome in this same period to censure the order in India and China.’

19. Some people follow vegetarian or vegan diets not because of moral concerns involving the raising or consumption of animals in general, but because of concerns about the specific treatment and practises involved in the raising and slaughter of animals, i.e. factory farming and the industrialisation of animal slaughter.