Use "practised" in a sentence

1. What we practised was aversion therapy.

2. Coopering has been practised for many centuries and is still practised in some parts of the world today

3. He practised the boys in football.

4. He's practised in removing and discouraging demons.

5. She performed the song with practised skill.

6. He has practised medicine for a year.

7. The Persian and Roman Empires practised Bimetallism.

8. After leaving the military, Herzog practised law.

9. She's practised law for many years.

10. He practised the art of earthbound realism.

11. He performed the job with practised skill.

12. He found that he had been practised on.

13. He faced the television cameras with practised ease.

14. Meditation is practised by some Eastern religions.

15. Amputation as a punishment is still widely practised.

16. She practised as a barrister for many years.

17. Kattina was either a practised inquisitor, or very naive.

18. Silkworm culture is practised in order to get silk.

19. She practised as a solicitor for many years.

20. Thomas Wallace graduated in law, but never practised law.

21. She has practised upon my credulity with huge success.

22. She's only 18 but she's already a practised composer.

23. Torture was certainly practised by Europeans upon Europeans.

24. 11 He faced the television cameras with practised ease.

25. 22 Torture was certainly practised by Europeans upon Europeans.

26. 29 She practised as a solicitor for many years.

27. Her signature was a complicated affair of practised flourishes.

28. It took a practised eye to spot the difference.

29. She's a practised exponent of the sport of water - skiing.

30. Throughout recorded sports history, Athletics has always been practised

31. 7 She's only 18 but she's already a practised composer.

32. 11 Acupuncture has been practised in China for thousands of years.

33. Usquebaugh Deft, practised, eager, Your fingers twist the metal cap.

34. We need someone who is practised at negotiating business deals.

35. He next practised asceticism, which was very common among Samanas.

36. In our first - aid class we practised on one another.

37. Origami comes from Japan, where it is still widely practised.

38. The tribe practised a religion that mixed native beliefs and Christianity.

39. There are consistent reports of electrical torture being practised on inmates.

40. Skiing has been practised on the mountain since the early 20th century.

41. However diligently Wilson practised, the slang phrase sounded unnaturally on his lips.

42. Less direct forms of allusion are practised in different sections of society.

43. Nigel and Elinor practised the tango to work up some more passion.

44. He practised a preaching and teaching ministry there for over 40 years.

45. Like Hitler, Goebbels practised his public speaking skills in front of a mirror.

46. The men practised various traditional crafts, such as carving toys out of bone.

47. Traders have become very practised at managing low stocks without generating spiralling prices.

48. She is a confident and practised speaker who always impresses her audience.

49. 21 Economics practised with that in mind could become the uplifting science.

50. Nigel and Elinor practised the tango to work up some more passion.

51. He practised his Texan accent by listening to cowboy bands on the radio.

52. Perhaps they are just more practised in forethought, especially if they have children.

53. But, Algebra 2 is the advanced Algebra, which is practised in high school level.

54. 22 Acupuncture was practised in China as long ago as the third millennium BC.

55. Pottery-As with sculpting, Corroboree has practised with pottery from a young age.

56. 23 He had adopted the profession by accident and practised it with misgiving.

57. Elizabeth watched with fascinated horror the forcible feeding practised on the poor children.

58. 13 He practised a preaching and teaching ministry there for over 40 years.

59. On the other hand Osman was a practised orator and knew what he was doing.

60. Their copulations can not be the somewhat hit-and-miss gropings practised by the millipedes.

61. THOMAS Baulke Tom has practised in Collingwood since his call to the Bar in 1982

62. He became an Augustinian monk and practised such asceticism that his health was impaired.

63. Confirmation is a sacrament, ritual or rite of passage practised by several Christian denominations

64. He regards the city as a place where all forms of iniquity are practised.

65. In the farmhouse he practised putting on the gaiters and found it a struggle.

66. Synonyms for Accomplished include expert, masterly, skilled, able, adept, consummate, proficient, gifted, practised and talented

67. He was born in Hong Kong where he subsequently practised as a lawyer until his retirement.

68. I was never good at playing the trumpet for the simple reason that I never practised.

69. She sent the shuttlecock flying over the net with a practised flick of the wrist.

70. Abstract Accounting for only 2% of all arthroscopies, elbow arthroscopy is a rarely practised tehnique.

71. He presses the snooze button on the clock with a practised finger and falls effortlessly asleep.

72. These writers knew that unless they practised a form of self-censorship, the authorities would persecute them.

73. Moreover, shifting cultivation was still being practised in Czechoslovakia, for example, until the late 1970s at least.

74. Students of chanting practised their art on the beach, with one ear attuned to the waves.

75. In the Maratha Confederacy, Veth-Begar was practised on a wide scale during the Peshwa's rule

76. Classicism definition: Classicism is a style of art practised especially in the 18th century in Europe

77. She isn't a practised public speaker, but she faced her audience as to the manner born.

78. On the other hand, cash flow accounting is practised in many public sector and non-profit organizations.

79. In fact, there is a real example of depreciation accounting being practised alongside payments in lieu of depreciation.

80. But all three novels also exhibit significant variations on parody as it has been practised in the past.