Use "power failure" in a sentence

1. “ELECTRIC Power Failure Grips Country!”

2. This is analogous to having a power failure in an area of the brain, a regional power failure.

3. Method and apparatus for early ac power failure detection

4. At 10:00 tonight, you trigger a power failure.

5. Sir we're experiencing power failure in secure area alpha three.

6. 13 The trolleybus ahead cannot move because of power failure.

7. The uninterruptible power supply provides power to an air conditioning system in the case of an AC power failure.

8. A power failure may be a brownout or a blackout.

9. The power failure was a Convenient excuse to leave work early

10. One over was lost in Bangladesh's innings due to a power failure.

11. A signal indicating the AC power failure is then output by the controller to initiate power down operations.

12. When the failure of the AC power source is recognized, the power supply is switched from the AC power source to the battery.

13. But most of those in attendance thought that the power failure was local.

14. have a failure warning display and an electrical power supply for the trailer

15. The power outage was the result of a failure in the computer system.

16. A power failure at 03 P . M. plunged the city into Stygian blackness.

17. 2 Freshet and power failure have an impact on construction for 2 hours.

18. Winter Power Failure Most Canadian home-heating systems depend on electrical power to operate the furnace, forced air circulation and thermostat controls.

19. The present invention provides a method and apparatus for alternating current (AC) power failure detection.

20. Did a power failure cause the food to spoil and become malodorous in your fridge?

21. They were fifty cents before the power failure, and she continued selling them at that price.

22. 14 Failure or refusalto cooperate, especially nonviolent civil disobedience against a government or an occupying power.

23. Failure of the normal power supply of the alarm system shall be indicated by an alarm.

24. Failure of the normal power supply of the alarm system shall be indicated by an alarm

25. Moreover, in the event of AC power failure, transfer to the battery power system is immediate, in other words, the transfer time is zero.

26. Some passengers waiting for subway trains did not even realize that there had been a power failure.

27. In February 1998, Auckland, New Zealand, was crippled for over two weeks by a devastating power failure.

28. In the same month, a widespread power failure darkened Kabul when a pylon on the transmission line from the Naghlu power station was blown up.

29. .2.2 Failure of the normal power supply of the alarm system shall be indicated by an alarm.

30. He said that India is moving from Power Shortage toPower Surplus, and from Network Failure toNet Exporter.

31. In Tarapur Atomic Power Station in India, Condenser tube failure was observed in the initial operating period.

32. 2.2 Failure of the normal power supply of the alarm system shall be indicated by an alarm..

33. Moreover, there may be a power failure and one could be stuck in a smoke-filled elevator.

34. Preparation for such an eventuality as an electric power failure includes mental awareness as to what it may involve.

35. 1 Second failure:"Pangea components" of failure.

36. His own short tenure as chancellor had been a failure, so now he hoped to gain power through the Nazis.

37. All such failure to heed Paul’s counsel at 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 is likewise a selfish misuse of power.


39. This division of power led to continual dissension, and caused the failure of several enterprises in which Cortés was engaged.

40. TEXAS Agriculture COMMISSIONER SID MILLER LAYS OUT PLAN TO AVOID FUTURE POWER SYSTEM FAILURE: Friday, March 5, 2021, (AUSTIN) Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller introduced a multi-step solution to the recent power system failure that caused millions of dollars of damage to the Texas Agriculture industry

41. Despite the failure of their predecessors, many today still pursue riches, power, health, or pleasure as the cure for their unhappiness.

42. LIGHT is something we often take for granted until there is a power failure and our neighborhood is plunged into darkness.

43. Apart from the immediate destructive power, global climate change would cause crop failure, disrupt food supplies, and lead to mass starvation.

44. Without failure, Earth might never discover your power and strength to defuse the most cruel of destructive experiences in human lives.

45. Working from failure Failure is the springboard for profit.

46. Religion’s Failure

47. Decompensated heart failure, also called Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (Adhf), occurs in patients with pre-existing heart failure

48. Transmitter failure?

49. Turbine failure?

50. In any case, the abacus will always have one advantage over the calculator: There is no need to worry about power failure.

51. After eight years in power, the government can no longer use the previous government's policy as an alibi for its own failure.

52. By measuring the length of time the AC power signal remains in the vicinity of a zero-crossing, a failure of the AC power can be detected earlier than with conventional methods.

53. An aluminium thermal conduction layer supports the optimal temperature uniformity, and serves as a heat accumulator if there is a temporary power failure.

54. Failure teaches success.

55. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become FAILURE CONSCIOUS.

56. - air conditioning failure

57. Data access failure

58. memory allocation failure

59. In order to prevent from data fault during power failure,(Sentence dictionary) grating torque sensor provides absolute zero position signal with zero position grating.

60. Stretching the limits can result in machinery failure as well as Coupling failure.

61. The possibility for a fourth failure phenomenon: moraine failure by piping, is discussed.

62. Amenorrhea, failure to menstruate

63. It's called smart failure.

64. Handling random access failure

65. Circular and noncircular failure surfaces are tested to determine the most likely failure configuration.

66. Failure to include Anhydrous solvents can result in low product yield or reaction failure

67. Failure has embittered her.

68. Determining image alignment failure

69. "Catastrophic failure, but how?"

70. Yes Premiums levied prior to failure; can be adjusted by government after failure occurs

71. 9.1 An instrument powered from the mains (AC or DC) shall be provided with an emergency power supply device or other means to assure during a failure of the principal power source that all measuring functions are safeguarded.

72. If the counter equals or exceeds a reference number before the near digital signal is negated, then a failure of the AC power signal is detected.

73. A gas meter powered from the mains (AC or DC) shall be provided with an emergency power supply device or other means to ensure, during a failure of the principal power source, that all measuring functions are safeguarded

74. Failure of amphibian Blastopore closure

75. Ltchy foot means liver failure.

76. Their mission ended in failure.

77. It was a dismal failure.

78. Don't be discouraged at failure.

79. Don't let failure deter you.

80. The Failure of Human Rule