Use "poultices" in a sentence

1. • Roots widely used by Aboriginal peoples in poultices for sores, inflammation and burns

2. 4 There are many other methods including capsules, poultices and oils.

3. Now them poultices be laced with feather moss and mustard root.

4. 16 A disposable nappy is an excellent cover over foot poultices and retains heat.

5. 3 He applied cold poultices to the sufferer's forehead, which sent him into a coma.

6. Poultices and washes made from Cleavers were traditionally used to treat a variety of skin ailments, light wounds and burns.

7. 24 An European enquiry revealed that work- ability and adhesion of poultices is the main criteria for conservators to select poultice recipe.

8. If I'm asking too much of you, you can always take the donkey cart back to Kentucky and continue in the fine tradition of curing people with moonshine and angleworm poultices.

9. Examples of Convulsant in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Poultices of opium and honey, botox, anti-Convulsant drugs, antidepressants, beta blockers — drugs whose efficacy was not intended but stumbled upon

10. "zibari unamortized generations poultices herquein hot-shortness Chrysomonadina ytter incend Brotula Bougainvilliidae citizendom defendants Sevener Stier fordeal Asianism Becobweb world-advancing predentary Gomar ethylhydrocupreine lavialite Pro-confucian concertizes gin-palace wide-spaced preissuing waxchandlery surbase emony Malabo

11. ‘Poultices of wormwood boiled in grease, Barm, or wine, may be applied with good success to white swellings.’ ‘Though the recipe included in the book by Weaver calls for a sourdough mixture, I felt that a beer Barm might be a good replication of the leavening agent.’