Use "potentilla" in a sentence

1. The larvae feed on Fragaria vesca, Potentilla cinerea, Potentilla palustris and Potentilla tabaernaemontani.

2. Objective : This paper defines the form of calcium oxalate crystal in Potentilla discolor Bunge.

3. Potentilla fruticosa L.: Shrubby cinquefoil absolute / Shrubby cinquefoil extract / oleoresin / Shrubby cinquefoil oil

4. Potentilla reptans L.: Creeping cinquefoil absolute / Creeping cinquefoil extract / oleoresin / Creeping cinquefoil oil

5. The larvae feed on various rose species, including Fragaria, Rosa, Rubus and Potentilla.

6. Conclusion: The lump crystal is one of the characteristics of Potentilla discolor Bunge.

7. Objective : To investigate the Potentilla Discolor Bunge ( PDB ) on treat effect in experimental diabetic mouse.

8. Objective:The research turns over the function of Potentilla discolour bunge(PDB) on the pancreatic islet B cells of the DM rat.

9. Objective: The research turns over the function of Potentilla Discolour Bunge (PDB) on the vascular endothelial cells (VEC) of the DM big rat.

10. Objectives: To study the inhibition and mechanisms of n-butanol fraction of Potentilla anserine L. against hypoxia -induced calcium overload in myocardial cells.

11. ---Habitat--- The Avens (Geum urbanum, Linn.), belonging to the order Rosacece, its genus being nearly related to the Potentilla genus, is a common wayside plant in Great Britain, abundant in woods and hedges in England, Ireland and southern Scotland, though becoming scarcer in the north.

12. An observation-based analysis indicated that the plant species of the Podhale meadows, pastures and mountain pastures most commonly eaten by the sheep are as follows: snowcap (Arabis alpina), yellow thistle (Cirsium erisithales), arctic yellow violet (Viola bilora), alpine clematis (Clematis alpina), Senecio subalpinus, alpine snowbell (Soldanella carpatica), Austrian leopard's bane (Doronicum austriacum), wolfsbane (Aconitum firmum), saxifrage, alpine buttercup (Ranunculus alpestris), moss campion (Silene acaulis), cranberry (Oxycoccos quadripetalus), yellow saxifrage (Saxifraga aizoides), alpine blue sow thistle (Cicerbita alpina), net-leaved willow (Salix reticulata), Saxifraga wahlenbergii, alpine poppy (Papaver burseri), golden cinquefoil (Potentilla aurea) and narcissus-flowered anemone (Anemone narcissifolia