Use "postwar" in a sentence

1. Stepped-Up Postwar Activity

2. The Religious Scene in Postwar Italy

3. the bipolar world of the postwar period.

4. A Privileged Share in Postwar Expansion

5. Catalogued Sets : 463W: 1st Lionel Postwar Set

6. 1 the bipolar world of the postwar period.

7. The economic situation in postwar Germany was atrocious.

8. Katyn was a forbidden topic in postwar Poland.

9. I'm a product of the postwar baby boom.

10. Her decisions would go far toward shaping the postwar world.

11. Oldman continued to tackle the difficulties of postwar reconstruction.

12. It was a rare concession to the postwar era.

13. Such conflicts spilled over into the immediate postwar phase.

14. Actually, the subject is partial to postwar British painters.

15. In the postwar period, Molotov's power began to decline.

16. We did not enjoy our postwar freedom for long.

17. However, there would be no postwar crisis of overproduction.

18. 1 I'm a product of the postwar baby boom.

19. Terror by the secret police continued in the postwar period.

20. One of his classmates was postwar Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida.

21. Theory of collective security is a postwar concept of security.

22. Disagreements over postwar plans first centered on Eastern and Central Europe.

23. The postwar years were also marked by hunger and economic misery.

24. In October 1952, the first postwar party congress convened in Moscow.

25. Postwar demand will never reproduce the precise pattern of prewar demand.

26. So began a postwar economic boom unprecedented in all of Liberia’s history.

27. Their contemporary, postwar work was often as influential as their prewar discoveries.

28. (2 Peter 3:13) These questions would be answered by postwar developments.

29. During the postwar years in Germany, many honours were heaped upon Einstein.

30. B : support, uplift an economy Buoyed by the dramatic postwar growth of industry — Time.

31. The immediate postwar years had brought a great deal of national publicity to Carville.

32. Zoran Radmilović was one of the most notable actors of the postwar period.

33. The welfare systems introduced in the immediate postwar years built on previous achievements.

34. Braceros: Migrant Citizens and Transnational Subjects in the Postwar United States and Mexico

35. But probably taken out with an acetylene burner during the postwar crime waves

36. In the postwar year of 1946, only 120 of them were reporting service.

37. Other Confederate armies followed suit and the war ended with no postwar insurgency.

38. Roosevelt was reluctant to publicly announce his plans for creating a postwar international body.

39. The postwar family stories suggest that the family has continued in the same trajectory.

40. The French were in a state of postwar shock and clamoring for fearful retribution.

41. The coagulant was responsible for causing “one of the largest medical disasters in Japan’s postwar history.”

42. It is no exaggeration to say that the Bayeux speech established a new direction for postwar Gaullism.

43. The postwar generation has also done excellent work among the foreign-language groups in Germany.

44. During the postwar period, the Soviet Union established numerous scientific and engineering facilities in Tashkent.

45. Modern enka, as developed in the postwar era, is a form of sentimental ballad music.

46. The subsequent Hyde Park Agreement in September 1944 extended this cooperation to the postwar period.

47. What began as a postwar fetish for sunbathing is rapidly developing into a world health crisis.

48. During the postwar years, it became a beachhead for Irish and Italian families fleeing the city's grittier precincts.

49. The attitude of the nationalised Boards to the accelerating growth of the postwar space heating load was ambivalent.

50. South Korean Abductees by North Korea are categorized into two groups, wartime Abductees and postwar Abductees

51. Voroshilov began her postwar modernization in April 1954, but encountered the same issues as Maxim Gorky.

52. First, the postwar boom in college enrollments raised levels of civic engagement, offsetting the generational trends.

53. It was established to fill the need to train engineers and technicians for Canada's growing postwar economy.

54. Instead, the postwar years have seen the development of an intense rivalry between two nuclear-armed superpowers.

55. Virtually destitute, he moved briefly to Regensburg and later Munich, but did not prosper in postwar Germany.

56. The vast majority of prints published during the postwar era were worked in a traditionally realist manner.

57. Their analysis is: get real, the high electoral turnouts and mass parties of the postwar period were an aberration.

58. The fact that the postwar treaty had been a dead letter for many years did not worry either party.

59. Fifty years ago, the United States first met the postwar baby boom without enough pediatricians, schools, jobs or housing.

60. Soon after that, Japan surrendered to the Allied Forces, and he was released from prison amid the postwar chaos.

61. 27 As the graph shows, in the postwar period up to 19 real wages rose in line with productivity.

62. By 18 a brief postwar upsurge in trade had been and gone and in the same year they went bankrupt.

63. 20 Fifty years ago, the United States first met the postwar baby boom without enough pediatricians, schools, jobs or housing.

64. Beautiful Gothic style red-bricked building of Nida’s Evangelical Lutheran Church survived despite of all devastations of the Postwar period.

65. Like many postwar abstractionists, she recognized the prominence of Zen Buddhism and followed author Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki, Zen’s Western authority.

66. The President was not an experienced diplomat, and right to the end he had no clear goals for the postwar world.

67. Hers is a record that ranks her among the great postwar US secretaries of state – Dean Acheson, Henry Kissinger, and James Baker.

68. Such thinking fed into one of postwar culture's most spectacular artistic Blossomings, which occurred between the late 60s and the mid-70s.

69. 19 However, Jehovah showed jealousy for his worship and restored his repentant people to his favor in the postwar year of 1919.

70. The company was the first to introduce penicillin into the German market in the postwar period, after the Allied Control Council lifted its ban.

71. Counterspy offers a rare firsthand account of the secret war against Hitler and the postwar competition with the Soviets for German intelligence assets

72. If it lasts into April — as it almost surely will — this one will go on record as the longest in the postwar era .

73. Many more brothers who had learned the truth abroad came back in the immediate postwar period to bring the Kingdom message to Italy.

74. "The Conspirator," Robert Redford's latest film, takes up the story in a postwar Washington convincingly shot on location in Savannah, Ga

75. / kɚˈteɪl.mənt / the action of reducing or limiting something, or of stopping something before it is finished: She condemned postwar Curtailment of civil liberties

76. Adventure was Gable's first postwar film and the tagline repeated in the movie's famous trailer was "Gable's back and Garson's got him!"

77. However, the conflict between Soviet and U.S. national interests, known as the Cold War, came to dominate the international stage in the postwar period.

78. The wartime policy of the United States was initially to help China become a strong ally and a stabilizing force in postwar East Asia.

79. Since the 1970s, corporatism has been used as a term through which to analyze Corporatist or “Corporatist-like” interest-group behavior in postwar capitalist societies

80. More recently the diplomatic conflict revolving around the controversial postwar Beneš decrees resulted in Liechtenstein not sharing international relations with the Czech Republic or Slovakia.